Admit it or chose to cover it up, but there is one truth that cannot be denied, Jamaica is on a collision course with anarchy.
Anarchy is a precursor to, and an advanced component of a failed state.

Now let me be real clear for the faux patri­ots who believe that point­ing out what ails our coun­try is tan­ta­mount to air­ing dirty linen in public.
I do not give a rats back­side about what you think.
If you believe sweep­ing the dirt under the rug means you have a clean house that’s on you .
It’s just not a the­o­ry to which I subscribe.
Let me dis­abuse oth­ers of your ilk who believe that because you did not get a visa to leave the coun­try , or that you chose to stay home gives you a monop­oly on patriotism .
To you I say, get over your stu­pid selves.
Those who make those argu­ments are com­pa­ra­ble to a man who stepped in s**t and got so accus­tomed to the stench he can no longer smell it.

In the course of just this week there have been report­ed high pro­file kid­nap­pings, Murder of police offi­cers and even the use of grenades in response to police attempts to arrest want­ed murderers.
This is not busi­ness as usu­al!
This means that the stakes have been raised and they haven’t been raised by the Government.
Not only are they killing our police offi­cers with high pow­ered weapons, we have a Government agency whose sole man­date is to seek to imprison offi­cers who fight back using their weapons. We now have the crim­i­nal under­world lob­bing grenades at our police offi­cers, and the Government is death­ly silent.

Prime Minister Andrew Holness promised peo­ple would be able to sleep with open doors.

This is an alarm­ing esca­la­tion in the war against the rule of law.
Yet nei­ther the Prime Minister the Minister of National Security nor the Opposition par­ty held a press con­fer­ence to address this esca­la­tion.

The JLP Government is death­ly silent . The Opposition PNP is sin­gu­lar­ly pre­oc­cu­pied devis­ing schemes to get back state pow­er so they may get their grub­by lit­tle klep­to­ma­ni­ac fin­gers on state money.
As our police offi­cers are wound­ed and mur­dered with high pow­ered weapons and oth­er weapons which belong only on bat­tle­fields, the inept Government con­tin­ue to pre­tend that the plat­i­tudes it has uttered thus far since tak­ing office are enough smoke screen up the nation’s ass ‚to divert from the stark real­i­ty that it came to office with no desire to do a damn thing about crime.

In the mean­time I am yet to hear of a cor­re­spond­ing press con­fer­ence from Terrence Williams the tool Bruce Golding and the PNP gave to the nation, which they unequiv­o­cal­ly knew would cause an esca­la­tion in crime.

Those of you who are clear eyed about con­tem­po­rary events will recall that it was just two weeks ago that the lying self-serv­ing snake Terrence Williams called a Press Conference at his Dumfies Road Office to lament the fact that police shoot­ings had gone up for January/​February over the cor­re­spond­ing peri­od of the past year.

What Lying Deceptive Terrence Williams Does Not Say Is Far More Substantive Than What He Actually Said…

What the decep­tive liar nev­er both­ered telling reporters at the time was that , not only had killings and oth­er crimes increased but that none of the killings by offi­cers were deemed to be bad shootings.
Remember it is Williams own Agency INDECOM which is tasked with inves­ti­gat­ing all police shootings.
Since his office found no wrong­do­ing in the shoot­ings what was the pur­pose of his press con­fer­ence except to smear the JCF and gin up ani­mos­i­ty against the police?’
Rather than lament the increase in vio­lent crimes against women, lit­tle girls, and gen­er­al­ly all law abid­ing Jamaicans, Terrence the snake oil sales­man was engaged in dem­a­goguery against the police.
On March 1st , I said that his Press con­fer­ence would cre­ate more ani­mus against the police fur­ther endan­ger­ing their lives.
I was right. 

Notice how silent he is with the death of these officers?
Notice how silent the gov­ern­ment and oppo­si­tion are as well?
Had ter­ror­ists used live grenades against police offi­cers in any oth­er coun­try it would have been huge news.
Things would come to a halt . There would have been a joint state­ment of sup­port for the secu­ri­ty forces .
Parliament would have been unit­ed against the forces of anarchy.

The British Parliament was unit­ed in sup­port for their coun­try and their police offi­cers against a sin­gle ter­ror­ist who used a knife and a vehi­cle to kill.
In Jamaica our offi­cers are injured and slaugh­tered using bat­tle­field weapons and it’s busi­ness as usual.
Smart peo­ple must now come to rec­og­nize that their Government does not care how many of them are killed.
Neither does their elect­ed offi­cials care about the dan­ger­ous esca­la­tion which has occurred.

The Jamaican peo­ple must decide whether they want INDECOM to remain while their sons daugh­ters moth­ers and wives are raped and mur­dered for Terrence Williams’ ego.
It’s up to the peo­ple to decide whether this Government is seri­ous about remov­ing this dan­ger­ous scourge of crime and ter­ror which is threat­en­ing to destroy them all.


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