What Lying Deceptive Terrence Williams Does Not Say Is Far More Substantive Than What He Actually Said…

Terrence Williams the Commissioner of INDECOM is doing a tremen­dous dis­ser­vice to our coun­try he knows it, and he does­n’t care . For Terrence Williams it’s about blind ambi­tion. It’s about per­son­al aggrandizement.

For Williams it’s about his per­son­al career , his per­son­al lega­cy. If Carolyn Gomes can receive a National hon­or it’s just a mat­ter of time before he receives his.
You see Terrence Williams is loy­al to.……well, he is loy­al to Terrence Williams’ ego.

Terrence Williams
(Photo cred­it Jamaica Observer)

Williams served as Director of Public Prosecutions in the British Virgin Islands for a decade?
In an inter­view with the JamaicaObserver Williams unwit­ting­ly offered a win­dow into his soul.
“A lot of per­sons think when you go to a small­er Caribbean island all you do is sit under a coconut tree”.
(In ref­er­ence to his role as a pros­e­cu­tor Williams said).
That’s what I was doing and I was pret­ty hap­py with that, and then this came up. So this was unexpected.
(In ref­er­ence to the job as head of INDECOM)

So Terrence Williams the guy who was a deputy in the office of Director of Public Prosecution in Jamaica , who then went to the British vir­gin Island to work as a Prosecutor ‚and who was hap­py with his job there ‚just hap­pened to learn about the job open­ing as com­mis­sion­er of the yet to be formed Independent Commission of Investigations!

Did it real­ly just come up though?
If so how did that happen?
Of the hun­dreds of Lawyers on the Island of Jamaica there was no one suit­able for the job of Commissioner of the neo­phyte agency?
It’s strange because there is noth­ing in the law which stip­u­lates that the Commissioner of the agency has to be a lawyer.
So just on the face of that, the pool of peo­ple who could have got­ten the job just got expo­nen­tial­ly larger.
If Williams was serv­ing in anoth­er capac­i­ty in a for­eign coun­try, how could an open­ing sim­ply come up to him ?
Did he resign the job in the BVI pack up his things and go home then apply for the job?
Doesn’t seem to make sense to me!
If not , did he sub­mit an appli­ca­tion ? Were there oth­er appli­cants for the job? Did Terrence Williams go back to Jamaica to be inter­viewed for the job, or was the job sim­ply tai­lor made for him as an attack dog?Was he anoint­ed as such against the Nation’s law enforce­ment Agencies by Bruce Golding with the full acqui­es­cence of the PNP?

Hamish Campbell

We can sus­pend real­i­ty, or we can take a slight­ly clos­er look to see whether Terrence Williams’ sto­ry hold water.
How naïve would we have to be to believe that Terrence Williams was hap­py in his job under the coconut tree in the BVI and the job of com­mis­sion­er of INDECOM just dropped from the coconut tree into his lap , or as he says “this came up”?

Never mind that Terrence Williams also want­ed the job of DPP in Jamaica, but Paula Llewellyn got that.
Ouch that had to hurt.
There’s no doubt that Williams’ many pub­li­cized fights with Ms Llewellyn after being made Commissioner of INDECOM has to do with sour grapes.

Alexander Williams
(Photo cred­it Jamaica Observer)

Lets also not for­get the lit­tle fact that JLP Senator Alexander (Alex) Williams who was at the time oppo­si­tion spokesman for jus­tice just hap­pen to be the broth­er of Terence Williams. Coincidence ? You decide !
With those under­stand­ings we get a slight­ly clear­er pic­ture of just how the job of INDECOM com­mis­sion­er” just came up” for Terrence Williams.
Alex Williams Terrence’s broth­er told the Media then “INDECOM was estab­lished main­ly as the ini­tia­tive of for­mer Prime Minister Bruce Golding and was giv­en strong sup­port by the then Opposition PNP.
If you still doubt that the two polit­i­cal par­ties on the Island are any­thing but two crime fam­i­lies you deserve them.

The ques­tion now remain ‘should this vin­dic­tive , over­ly ambi­tious, rapa­cious lit­tle man’s ego be allowed to con­tin­ue to cause untold inno­cent lives?
Look, we know Bruce Golding placed him in this posi­tion of pow­er . We also know that he did it with the crim­i­nal­ly com­plic­it PNP.
Of course the Police depart­ment was way out of hand with all of the things it’s mem­bers were engag­ing in.
But does any­one doubt for a moment that it was the decades of inter­fer­ence , neglect and crim­i­nal con­duct by mem­bers of both the PNP and JLP which caused the dete­ri­o­ra­tion of the Police Force?


Since being hand­ed the Job as head of INDECOM Terrence Williams has led a cam­paign of decep­tion, lies, and half truths, which can only be coun­tered with the con­clu­sion that he wants to poi­son the mind of the pub­lic against it’s law enforce­ment agencies.
Stunningly Williams have been able to accom­plish this feat with fright­en­ing alacrity and effec­tive­ness much to the detri­ment of cit­i­zens and police alike.

Craolyn Gomes and her for­eign fund­ed JFJ has been on the fore­front of of the cre­ation of inde­com. These peo­ple are respon­si­ble for the wave of mur­ders and rapes sweep­ing the coun­try.
They are untouched by the carnage…

With Jamaica being a coun­try with a large illit­er­ate and semi lit­er­ate pop­u­la­tion it is not too dif­fi­cult to see just how Williams could be so suc­cess­ful in such a short peri­od of time.
Carolyn Gomes a Mulatto pedi­atric Doctor was able to do much dam­age before the facts caught up with her and she was forced to step aside.
Of course not before she received a National hon­or for tear­ing down the rule of law and cor­rupt­ing the youth.

Williams how­ev­er is not doing this by him­self we all know that Jamaicans don’t take too kind­ly to their black broth­ers and sis­ters pre­sent­ing them with facts.
So how do you get around that ?
You throw a Mulatto or white in the mix and the word is now gospel.

So adding for­mer Scotland Yard cop Hamish Campbell to INDECOM was sure to not only enhance the capa­bil­i­ty of the agency, it gives authen­tic­i­ty and cred­i­bil­i­ty to it. If the white man or the Mulatto woman say it’s so it must be so. Sadly we are still pro­grammed that way.

Terrence Williams flanked by Hamish Campbell told reporters at his office a few days ago that 19 peo­ple were shot by police since the start of the year who did not have guns.
A slick sleigh of hand if your intent is to deceive. A slick sleigh of hand if you know the dimwit reporters are not going to ask how many offi­cers have been charged as a result of these actions which clear­ly has to be crim­i­nal right?

What nei­ther Terrence Williams nor Hamish Campbell both­ered to state was that there are no charges because the police offi­cers act­ed lawfully.
What these two ene­mies of the state does not say is that police offi­cers are total­ly jus­ti­fied under the law in using lethal force to neu­tral­ize threats to their lives or the lives of others.

Literally every­thing can be used as a weapon by an offend­er intent on caus­ing bod­i­ly harm. An offi­cer is under no oblig­a­tion to wait to be injured or killed before respond­ing to that threat.
July 14th 2015 22-year-old Constable Curtis Lewis sig­naled a motor­cy­clist to stop . The dri­ver refused ram­ming Lewis instead rip­ping his leg from his body, killing him.
The young offi­cer’s leg was recov­ered over twen­ty five feet away from where he was run over.
At the time of this tragedy Superintendent Beau Rigabie described Constable Lewis as a mod­el cop.“He was very pro­fes­sion­al and thor­ough. Words are insuf­fi­cient to describe him. He was a very, very, very good cop.”

Had con­sta­ble Lewis pulled his ser­vice weapon and stopped the threat Terrence Williams would have been on National Television blast­ing the young offi­cer for killing an unarmed motorcyclist.
Constable Lewis unfor­tu­nate­ly was not a cop cut from the same cloth from which I was cut. As long as you are legal­ly and moral­ly jus­ti­fied , neu­tral­ize that threat.
A good cop knows and under­stand when to end that threat. Poor Constable Lewis was a good human being , that does not always trans­late into a good cop.

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My col­league Constable Sieveright was the only stu­dent con­sta­ble to take his bible with him to the Academy. A nicer, qui­eter per­son there hard­ly was.
That nice­ness caused him to be the first offi­cer from our batch to be killed. He died on the Mandela Highway his stom­ach filled with bul­lets from a scum­bag in a taxi-cab.

Drive a car at a cop and he has a right to open fire into the vehi­cle to save his or his col­leagues lives or any oth­er lives which may be imper­iled as a consequence.
Each case rests on it’s own indi­vid­ual set of circumstances.
Those are the facts the lying decep­tive lit­tle weasel Terrence Williams just hap­pen to leave out of his narrative.

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It’s real easy to sell that to a cop hat­ing media and a coun­try which is large­ly cor­rupt and pop­u­lat­ed with a large per­cent­age of hus­tlers, thieves, rapists and murderers.
In this envi­ron­ment of the blind, the one eyed deceiv­er Terrence Williams is King.


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