The Republican Party Is A Full-fledged Fascist Party…

You can’t win with liars and thieves; liars and thieves are exact­ly what the rightwing racist, fas­cist, xeno­phobes you call the Republicans real­ly are.
The very essence of demo­c­ra­t­ic gov­er­nance is that each par­ty must play by the game’s rules regard­less of how many there are. As in sports, the rules are set, com­peti­tors com­pete, win­ners win, losers try again next time.
It is a sys­tem in sports that brings out the best in humans, the strug­gle to com­pete, the thrill of the game, and when we lose, we pick our­selves up and get right back in the game next time.
Politics is like a game; the play­ers are sup­posed to observe the rules, col­or with­in the lines- win or lose.

The Republican Party, which became a fas­cist right-wing polit­i­cal par­ty after the 1964 sign­ing of the Civil Rights Act, is now ful­ly a par­ty of dis­af­fect­ed whites who see their spe­cial priv­i­leges slip­ping away. And so they have tak­en up their ball and left the game.
They have com­plete­ly giv­en up on the con­cept of demo­c­ra­t­ic gov­er­nance, just as well; the par­ty was always a par­ty of blovi­at­ing pompous white men who carved out set-asides for them­selves and erect­ed bar­ri­cades so that no one else got to play in the game in which they com­pete against them­selves and declare them­selves win­ners and the greatest.
They pre­tend­ed to be the tough­est on crime but showed no capac­i­ty for mercy.
They claimed to be about law and order, but they lacked the capac­i­ty to ensure jus­tice was pre­served in the process.
They claim to be fis­cal con­ser­v­a­tives, hawk­ish over pub­lic spend­ing. Yet they oppose tax­pay­ers’ mon­ey feed­ing hun­gry babies but spend tril­lions on arma­ments of war, some the mil­i­tary will nev­er use and nev­er ask for.
They tout fam­i­ly val­ues but only val­ues white fam­i­lies. They claim to be Christians but are defi­cient in the sin­gle great­est build­ing block of the faith, ‘love,’ except for those who look like themselves.

There is now a pal­pa­ble fear tak­ing hold of the Right-wing par­ty; it caused them to embrace and sup­port a lying Charlatan for pres­i­dent. The par­ty is now an open­ly white suprema­cist move­ment head­ed by the same lying char­la­tan and pop­u­lat­ed with Qanon con­spir­acists and Russian sup­port­ing traitors.
The par­ty has blocked an American pres­i­dent from appoint­ing a supreme court jus­tice as he was con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly empow­ered to do and lat­er appoint­ed three lack­eys of their own even as they scream how unde­mo­c­ra­t­ic it is to con­sid­er adding more jus­tices to the court to rec­ti­fy the imbal­ance their dis­hon­esty created.
All of this because the nation was once total­ly run and con­trolled by white men, elect­ed a black man to the pres­i­den­cy, and Blacks now occu­py var­i­ous pow­er­ful roles, men and women.
As shock­ing as that has been, the idea that white women are not pro­duc­ing enough babies to counter the surge in Black and brown births scares them even more.
They have giv­en up total­ly on gov­ern­ing by con­sen­sus. They have embarked on unde­mo­c­ra­t­ic process­es- a‑la vot­er sup­pres­sion laws, aid­ed by their func­tionar­ies on the high­est court who evis­cer­at­ed the 1965 vot­ing rights act, restric­tions on who gets to vote, and even crim­i­nal­ized hand­ing a poten­tial vot­er stand­ing in line to vote a drink of water.
These laws come from the twist­ed minds of ‘human-like’ degenerates.

The fight is now total­ly about stop­ping peo­ple of col­or from enter­ing the coun­try and end­ing the well-estab­lished law Roe Vs. Wade, which gives women auton­o­my over their own bodies.
In 2012 the Pew Research cen­ter report­ed that the nation’s racial and eth­nic minor­i­ty groups — espe­cial­ly Hispanics — are grow­ing more rapid­ly than the non-Hispanic white pop­u­la­tion, fueled by immi­gra­tion and births. This trend has been tak­ing place for decades, and one result is the Census Bureau’s announce­ment that non-Hispanic whites now account for a minor­i­ty of births in the U.S. for the first time.
Consequently, their ratio­nale is to force white women to have more babies, even the off­spring of rapists; they want all white babies hence the assault on Roe V Wade.
On the oth­er end of the spec­trum, they are total­ly against America con­tin­u­ing to be what it has been for over two hun­dred years- a place where refugees and immi­grants are wel­come. However, the pal­pa­ble hatred they har­bor against immi­grants is con­fined to black and brown peo­ple; all whites are welcome.

The moron they elect­ed pres­i­dent once referred to non-European coun­tries as shit-hole coun­tries. He asked why weren’t more peo­ple from Norway com­ing to the United States — ask that moron to show you Norway on the map, and he would have no clue. But he is only a part of the prob­lem; in times of seri­ous tumult, Black and brown peo­ple are turned away, but tens of thou­sands of white Europeans are now wel­come, no ques­tions asked. Yet, they dared to ask Ketanji Brown-Jackson if America is a racist country?
The American demo­c­ra­t­ic process is in grave dan­ger. At its core, it is chal­leng­ing for democ­ra­cy to sur­vive in a nation of 330 mil­lion peo­ple, yet with only two major polit­i­cal parties.
Additionally, the Democratic par­ty lacks the strength and for­ti­tude of the Republicans. The Democrats are a loose throw-togeth­er of lib­er­al whites, Blacks, Some Hispanics, native peo­ple, gays, union work­ers, etc. The lat­ter was once a strong force in demo­c­ra­t­ic pol­i­tics, not so any­more; Republicans at the state lev­el have com­plete­ly defanged blue-col­lar unions.

Politics is a con­tact sport, and the Democrats are los­ing and los­ing bad­ly. They are mak­ing nice with a par­ty that has no inten­tion of com­pet­ing on a lev­el play­ing field. But the racism with­in the Republican Party is not con­fined to them alone.
Not a sin­gle white Democratic sen­a­tor stood up and defend­ed Ketanji Brown-Jackson like Will smith defend­ed Jada.
Ok, that may have been a bridge too far, but you get what I mean, right ?.….save for Booker and Padilla, two men of col­or, absent were all of the white men.
It seems, there­fore, when the rub­ber meets the road, all white males are the same inse­cure, self­ish, and petu­lant lit­tle b******s.
The out-of-con­trol ele­phant is not just mak­ing a mock­ery of the Jackass; he is try­ing to make fools of us all.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective; he’s a busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
