Atlanta Mother Wants Answers From Police After She And Her Children Were Handcuffed

Day in day out, peo­ple of col­or are exposed to these out­ra­geous actions from Jackasses in uni­form and for no oth­er rea­son oth­er than the peo­ple they are abus­ing are Black.
Speaking as a for­mer police offi­cer who faced real dan­ger, not a con­trived dan­ger, intend­ed to evoke sym­pa­thy if you are told there was a rob­bery. You receive the infor­ma­tion from the dis­patch­er that the car is a cer­tain make, mod­el, col­or, with a cer­tain col­or per­son in it. Aren’t you at least clued in that there will be dozens of cars that make, mod­el, and col­or around? So you must read care­ful­ly not to overreact?

Worse yet, if you are told that the per­son in the car is a tall slim man, why would you stop at gun­point a car with a woman and her chil­dren and hand­cuff them?
I’ll tell you why. They do not feel a duty of care, and they would not stop the same car with a white woman and her chil­dren, yank them out, cuff them and sub­ject them to the ter­ror of their wannabe-Rambo war­rior-style policing.
How do these men­tal-midgets put hand­cuffs on the girl and her moth­er when the dis­patch told them the per­son they were look­ing for was a tall slim male.
But that is what they did to Deondra Hawkins, her autis­tic son, and her 14-year-old daugh­ter at an Atlanta gas station.
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It was pure con­fu­sion. The police pulled up with their guns out and demand­ed we get out of the car, and I had no idea what I could have pos­si­bly have done,” Hawkins said.
This not polic­ing; it is a man­i­fes­ta­tion of amped-up morons with too much pow­er and sup­port act­ing out their Rambo fan­tasies on vul­ner­a­ble people.
Hawkins and her chil­dren were hor­ri­fied as police yelled con­flict­ing com­mands at her and her shocked chil­dren. It is impor­tant to remem­ber that her son is an autis­tic male who could have become flus­tered and made a sud­den move that would unleashed a bar­rage of cop-bul­lets, killing all three.
Or maybe the con­flict­ing com­mands are designed for exact­ly that out­come, know­ing they will not be held accountable?

Hawkins says near­ly a week after the hor­ri­fy­ing expe­ri­ence, the police have not reached out to her to apol­o­gize, and she and her chil­dren are deal­ing with the psy­cho­log­i­cal effects of their police encounter. She wants the police to receive bet­ter train­ing to pre­vent inci­dents like this from hap­pen­ing to oth­er inno­cent people.
Better train­ing so they don’t han­dle peo­ple so rough­ly and bet­ter train­ing where they don’t sus­pect every­one of being a sus­pect,” she said.
No dear, train­ing is not the prob­lem, they are doing exact­ly what they are told to do. Abusing you is exact­ly the point.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
