The Church Fell Asleep As Bible Prophesies Fulfill, Teachers/​Preachers Miss A Terrific Opportunity To Use Events To Bring Souls To Christ.…

A light moment between the Pope and the Prez....
A light moment between the Pope and the Prez.…

Pope Francis came to America and the Nation stopped, People fell over them­selves to kiss his ring oth­ers stood in line for hours to catch a glimpse of the Pontiff.
Francis’ first vis­it to America came after the American President Barack Obama paid him a vis­it at the seat of Catholicism at theVatican city.

No sin­gle event in my life­time has gen­er­at­ed such excite­ment nei­ther has any event, oth­er than the September 11th 2001 Terrorist attacks on New York and Washington DC received such wall to wall tele­vi­sion cov­er­age. This, even as more and more evi­dence sur­faces of count­less cas­es of Priests sex­u­al­ly abus­ing lit­tle boys for decades, maybe more.

The United States Census Bureau Records give some star­tling sta­tis­tics, backed up by denom­i­na­tion­al reports and the Assemblies of God U.S. Missions: Every year more than 4000 church­es close their doors com­pared to just over 1000 new church starts!
That’s a 75% annu­al decline in the num­ber of church­es in the United States.
Every year, 2.7 mil­lion church mem­bers fall into inac­tiv­i­ty. This trans­lates into the real­iza­tion that peo­ple are leav­ing the church. Research found that they are leav­ing as hurt­ing and wound­ed vic­tims-of some kind of abuse, dis­il­lu­sion­ment, or just plain neglect!

Does Jorge Mario Bergoglio have power to bestow blessings on other humans or is God Almighty alone able to bestow blessings?
Does Jorge Mario Bergoglio have pow­er to bestow bless­ings on oth­er humans or is God Almighty alone able to bestow blessings?

Nevertheless Americans and many more around the world are excit­ed about Pope Francis.
What is behind this phenomenon ?
Many refer to him as a Liberal, oth­ers say he is trans­form­ing the Church into a more era sen­si­tive Institution.
As such many are clam­or­ing to be seen sup­port­ing his views.
Of course many of Francis’ views though sound­ing rea­son­ably like Biblical teach­ings, tend to have a per­mis­sive slant all of his own.
The lev­el of excite­ment gen­er­at­ed and the media lan­guage is almost cloy­ing in its effer­ves­cence over the Pontiff.
Religious and non­re­li­gious alike claim him as their Pope. Round-table pan­elists gush flow­ery praise for Jorge Mario Bergoglio who seem to say and do all the right things.
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer anchor­ing one leg of the wall to wall cov­er­age stopped the con­ver­sa­tion to point out to the Nation “he just stopped , and blessed that lit­tle girl right there, he just blessed that lit­tle girl”.
But does Jorge Mario Bergoglio have the pow­er to bless anyone ?
When asked about Homosexuality pri­or to his American vis­it Jorge Mario Bergoglio asked Journalists “who am I to judge”?
Exactly what the world wants to hear !!!

Romans 1:26 – 28

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shame­ful lusts. Even their women exchanged nat­ur­al rela­tions for unnat­ur­al ones. 27 In the same way the men also aban­doned nat­ur­al rela­tions with women and were inflamed with lust for one anoth­er. Men com­mit­ted inde­cent acts with oth­er men, and received in them­selves the due penal­ty for their per­ver­sion. 28 Furthermore, since they did not think it worth­while to retain the knowl­edge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.
Leviticus 18:22 — Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with wom­ankind: it [is] abomination.
Jude 1:7 — Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like man­ner, giv­ing them­selves over to for­ni­ca­tion, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an exam­ple, suf­fer­ing the vengeance of eter­nal fire.
It’s per­fect­ly Christ-like not to judge , but if one is a fol­low­er of Christ it is imper­a­tive that Christians do not com­pro­mise on sin but tell the world “thus sayeth the Lord”. For we are com­mand­ed to love the sin­ner but hate the sin.Claiming “who am I to judge is false teach­ing in that context.
Of course it is up to God to judge , but iden­ti­fy­ing sin is not judg­ing. It is imper­a­tive that we are able to dis­cern all sin and seek to avoid wil­ful sin. We must eschew and shun sin, for even though we sin we can­not be com­fort­able in sin. God is right­eous, if we are com­fort­able in sin how can we hope to have a rela­tion­ship with him?
God’s right­eous­ness and sin can­not co-exist togeth­er, sin sep­a­rates us from our creator.
Those who refuse to call sin what it is by telling us they can­not judge are chang­ing the word of God to fool the world into believ­ing we can come as we are and remain as we are.

Jesus’ Disciples did preach the unmit­i­gat­ed , unvar­nished truth of his Gospel. According to the Bible they were all Martyred save for one. John the Baptist preached the truth of his com­ing he was exe­cut­ed before Jesus died. I am in no way sug­gest­ing that Christians should go out seek­ing Martyrdom but what kind of chil­dren of God are we if we fail to use our voic­es to lift up the lord?
What kind of Christians are we if we are afraid to speak the true word of God because we are con­cerned with what man may do to us.
I am more con­cerned about what will hap­pen if I fail to tell those peo­ple with­in my sphere of influ­ence of the Tribulation to come.

The Pontiff nev­er both­ered to men­tion what the Bible teach­es on the sub­ject. Merely say­ing “who am I to judge’. Coming from him that state­ment auto­mat­i­cal­ly gets con­strued and spun to mean the Pope agrees it’s okay.
Was he cog­nisant of that fact when he failed to ref­er­ence the word of God choos­ing to mere­ly inject his own views with­out Biblical authority?
He chal­lenges Nations to be kind and com­pas­sion­ate to the poor , exact­ly the kind of lan­guage which will bring peo­ple to his side.

  • According to the World Bank’s most recent esti­mates, in 2011, 17 per­cent of peo­ple in the devel­op­ing world lived at or below $1.25 a day. That’s down from 43 per­cent in 1990 and 52 per­cent in 1981.
  • This means that, in 2011, just over one bil­lion peo­ple lived on less than $1.25 a day, com­pared with 1.91 bil­lion in 1990, and 1.93 bil­lion in 1981.
  • Progress has been slow­er at high­er pover­ty lines. In all, 2.2 bil­lion peo­ple lived on less than US $2 a day in 2011, the aver­age pover­ty line in devel­op­ing coun­tries and anoth­er com­mon mea­sure­ment of deep depri­va­tion. That is only a slight decline from 2.59 bil­lion in 1981.
    Of course peo­ple are going to be drawn to a mes­sage of help­ing the poor.….…

Two beasts are described in chap­ter 13, one from the sea (vs. 1) and one from the land (vs. 11). With the beast out of the sea, we come to that one who, regard­less of his claims as the white horse rid­er or peace mak­er, comes as a great source of dark­ness into the world. He comes not to save the world, but to damn the world. In essence, what we have in this chap­ter in the rise of the beast and the false prophet is noth­ing short of the ‘trin­i­ty from hell’ in that both are the prod­uct of the machi­na­tions of that old ser­pent, the dev­il or Satan.19. The Beast and the False Prophet (Rev 13:1 – 18)19. The Beast and the False Prophet (Rev 13:1 – 18)

THE FALSE PROPHET AND IMAGE OF THE BEAST OF REVELATION Bible​.net has this to say . The beast, as I have shown pre­vi­ous­ly, is the Papacy or Roman Catholic Church. Revelation 19:20 is the key to iden­ti­fy­ing who the false prophet is. Here it asso­ciates the false prophet with mir­a­cles per­formed for the beast. This is a link to Rev 13:11 – 14 where the same mir­a­cles are per­formed by a sec­ond beast with two horns like a lamb, that speaks like a drag­on. So this sec­ond lamb-like beast is also the false prophet.

Verse 12 is say­ing that the United States will com­bine Church and State and strict­ly enforce apos­tate Catholic reli­gious doc­trine, just like the Roman Catholic church did in the mid­dle ages! Yes! The cur­rent effort on the part of evan­gel­i­cal Christians to “take back America” will succeed!

In Verse 13 it shows us that this revival of Church and State in the U.S. will be accom­pa­nied by great won­ders (mir­a­cles). The fire com­ing down from heav­en is a deceiv­ing mir­a­cle, a false won­der, that may well refer to a coun­ter­feit out­pour­ing of the Holy Spirit! Already today a false man­i­fes­ta­tion of tongues, holy laugh­ter etc. is sweep­ing church­es in North America!

In verse 14 the lamb-like beast (the United States) pro­motes an image to the first beast (the Roman Catholic Church). When it says “an image to the (first) beast”, it means that the apos­tate Protestant move­ment in the United States will encour­age the estab­lish­ment of Church/​State pow­er, and leg­is­late it’s reli­gious agen­da on every­one. It will be the mir­ror “image” of the satan­ic prac­tices, poli­cies and per­se­cu­tions of the Roman Catholic Church of the Middle Ages.

So using false mir­a­cles as proof of it’s author­i­ty, the apos­tate Protestant church in the United States will take con­trol of the gov­ern­ment and pass reli­gious leg­is­la­tion to enforce it’s agen­da, and it will pro­mote false Catholic doc­trines. What false doc­trines, you might ask?

1. When you are dead, you are not dead. Your con­scious self or spir­it waits at some bus stop (pur­ga­to­ry) between here and heav­en. Here you are free to lis­ten to the prayers of the liv­ing and for­ward these peti­tions for grace to Mary or Jesus.
- They can­not accept that the wages of sin is death. Death includes the loss of any con­scious­ness of the mind. Those who are dead hear noth­ing and can do noth­ing, for them­selves or any­one else.

2. Salvation is obtained through min­is­ters or priests of the church. They have a bank account with Jesus and can dis­pense grace or for­give­ness to those they favor. Conversely, they can cut off your source of for­give­ness if you do not accept their unscrip­tur­al traditions.
- No church can dis­pense or with­hold for­give­ness, for­give­ness is yours from God through faith.

3. They wor­ship on a day cho­sen by a pagan emper­or of Rome, Sunday, although there is absolute­ly NO scrip­tur­al evi­dence that Jesus com­mand­ed such a change in the Ten Commandments.
- The Sabbath is Saturday with­out ques­tion. It is a memo­r­i­al to Jesus the Creator, who worked six days and rest­ed on the sev­enth. To wor­ship on any oth­er day is to reject the Creator, reject God, reject Jesus. Whom do you wor­ship if you reject the 10 com­mand­ments of God?

4. We are saved by good works. God is keep­ing track of every­thing we do and the sum total of our good works bet­ter add up to a big­ger num­ber than our sins. Even “good” peo­ple who have reject­ed Jesus, will by this log­ic, have a chance so long as their good works total is high enough.
- Your works amount to noth­ing with­out faith. By the same token, faith with­out works is a dead faith.

So the False Prophet is in fact, apos­tate Protestantism based in the United States. How do you rec­og­nize apos­tate reli­gion? Try the fol­low­ing addi­tion­al indi­ca­tors, note that they are accom­pa­nied by a seri­ous lack of mean­ing­ful scrip­tur­al study.

A. Theology that preach­es that God is a lov­ing God and most peo­ple will be saved if only they will just be good peo­ple. You will see a lot of coun­try and west­ern style gospel singers, a lot of prais­ing Jesus and bind­ing Satan, col­lect­ing the tithe, but pre­cious lit­tle scrip­ture study, and what lit­tle there is, is very shallow.

B. The hap­py Christian, it is O.K. to be rich, send us your seed mon­ey today and you will get it back 1000 fold, kind of reli­gion. A pri­ma­ry focus on God reward­ing his fol­low­ers with earth­ly rich­es. If only you will send in your love gift, God will reward you finan­cial­ly. And by the way, we have some neat things to send you if you con­tribute today- (most­ly tapes, books, plaques, glass­es, sculp­tures, life­time mem­ber­ships, get your name engraved on the church­es top givers plaque, etc.) You could almost call it the Christian Shopping Network. Did Jesus sell *any­thing* dur­ing His min­istry? No- what He offered was not for sale, it was FREE!

C. A focus on mir­a­cle heal­ing of the sick, prayer requests and again end­less pleas for dona­tions, just to stay on the air.

D. A mis­sion of build­ing a TV or Radio sta­tion empire, from which there is lit­tle or no bible study, just more pleas for cash dur­ing long telethons, and prais­ing Jesus. Usually broad­cast from mul­ti-mil­lion dol­lar lav­ish stu­dios with lots of expen­sive decorations.

Am I say­ing Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the Beast of Revelation ? I will allow Bible Prophesy and your spir­it of dis­cern­ment to decide. Some who seek the Lord have gone fur­ther than I am pre­pared to go. What I do know is what the Scriptures says.

Pope Francis is seeking to unify all faiths to achieve “peace and safety.”
Pope Francis is seek­ing to uni­fy all faiths to achieve “peace and safety.”

Never before have we seen the Catholic Church seek to uni­fy all reli­gions . In an appar­ent effort to uni­fy all faiths under one world reli­gion Pope Francis took unprece­dent­ed steps by host­ing a series of inter­faith gath­er­ings at the Vatican which saw Muslim prayers giv­en from the pul­pit for the first time in its history.

The web­site Beginningandend​.com The Coming One World Religion – Pope Francis Hosts Muslim Prayers At Vatican makes the case that the Pontiff’s actions is all proph­e­sied in Scriptures as the com­ing one World Religionof the Anti Christ.

Quote :“The Pope’s efforts while seem­ing­ly noble, are in com­plete con­tra­dic­tion to Bible Scripture. But as Biblical Christianity is being aban­doned in the con­tem­po­rary church, pub­lic dis­plays of “spir­i­tu­al uni­ty” will become more com­mon. It is all proph­e­sied in Scripture as the world moves clos­er to the com­ing one world reli­gion of the Antichrist”.

The Pope has also supported a division of Israel and Jerusalem.
The Pope has also sup­port­ed a divi­sion of Israel and Jerusalem.

Pope Francis wad­ed into Middle East peace-mak­ing this evening by wel­com­ing both the Israeli and Palestinian pres­i­dents to the Vatican for an evening of prayers.
Israeli President Shimon Peres was the first to arrive at the Vatican hotel where Pope Francis lives, fol­lowed by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
Francis warm­ly greet­ed both and met pri­vate­ly with each one before head­ing out to the Vatican gar­den for the service.

It took place in the Vatican gar­dens in the shad­ow of St. Peter’s Basilica, the most reli­gious­ly neu­tral place in the tiny city-state. It incor­po­rat­ed Jewish, Christian and Muslim prayers – deliv­ered in Hebrew, English, Arabic and Italian.
The prayers focused on three themes com­mon to each of the reli­gions: thank­ing God for cre­ation, seek­ing for­give­ness for past wrong­do­ing and pray­ing to God to bring peace to the region.
Francis, Peres and Abbas were expect­ed to deliv­er brief remarks, shake hands and plant an olive tree togeth­er in a sign of peace. The spir­i­tu­al leader of the world’s Orthodox Christians was also present to give a unit­ed Christian front.

Beginningandend​.com went on to say.
While the desire for peace in the Middle East is a noble cause, no Bible believ­ing Christian should ever con­fuse polit­i­cal goals with the spir­i­tu­al com­mands of God. While Christians can social­ize, work with and con­duct polit­i­cal nego­ti­a­tions with peo­ple of all faiths, reli­gious activ­i­ty is to be exclu­sive­ly done in a Biblical man­ner. From the first com­mand­ment God gave to Moses, The Lord’s stance on join­ing in the wor­ship of any of oth­er god is clear:

And God spake all these words, say­ing, I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no oth­er gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any like­ness of any thing that is in heav­en above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thy­self to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jeal­ous God, vis­it­ing the iniq­ui­ty of the fathers upon the chil­dren unto the third and fourth gen­er­a­tion of them that hate me;Exodus 20:1 – 5.

Francis com­ing to America rep­re­sents the com­ing togeth­er of Church and State in a one World Religion. It is an apos­tate which will remove God Almighty as the head of the Church replac­ing him with the Devil and his rep­re­sen­ta­tives here on earth.
The Evangelical chris­t­ian Church is blind to this phe­nom­e­non many Preachers and Teachers of the Gospel are too busy teach­ing pros­per­i­ty and hap­pi­ness theology.
The Church miss­es a ter­rif­ic oppor­tu­ni­ty to use Biblical prophe­cy to bring souls to Christ Jesus.
The Christian faith is the only faith which has prophet­ic words which tells us with immac­u­late accu­ra­cy how events will unfold.
Yet many Preachers of the Gospel are doing noth­ing to warn the flock.
Jeremiah 51:6 Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliv­er every man his soul: be not cut off in her iniq­ui­ty; for this is the time of the LORD’S vengeance; he will ren­der unto her a recompense.
Babylon is not a city as some of us Christians are led to believe . The Babylon spo­ken of here is the fall­en Church . Christians will have to come out of the fall­en Church. The Church which is pre­oc­cu­pied with telling Parishioners how to attain wealth and hap­pi­ness is lost . It is a Satanic doc­trine which is not borne out in the teach­ings of Christ . Therefor as Jeremiah 51: 6 says, we must, all of us , “deliv­er every man his soul”.
