Tesha Miller Returns Amidst Warning From Feckless Police…


Everyone in Jamaica knows who Tesha Miller is , in fact Jamaicans living abroad who pay attention to whats happening in our country also know who this guy is .
Yesterday the 31st of March the United States Government deported him back to Jamaica .
The process is that deported Jamaicans are taken to the Mobile Reserve where they are fingerprinted then released if there are no charges pending against them.

According to the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) Miller is the boss of the mur­der­ous People’s National Party affil­i­at­ed Spanish Town based Klansman gang .
Miller was returned to the Island after he fled to the United States, was appre­hend­ed and impris­oned for two years for ille­gal entry .
He is now back on the Island.
The Klansman Gang is one of the most vio­lent crim­i­nal Gang oper­at­ing on the Island. The Gang spe­cial­izes in Murder for hire, Extortion, Robberies and oth­er crim­i­nal activities.



Tesha Miller the gang leader was freed of the triple mur­ders of Oraine Jackson, Jeffery Johnson and Nicole Allen in Braeton, St Catherine, in January 2005. Classic exam­ple of the cor­rupt crim­i­nal court sys­tem on the Island.
Again in 2004 Miller was freed of the gun mur­der of John Haughton in the Circuit Court .
These releas­es should come as no sur­prise to any­one famil­iar with the crim­i­nal lov­ing lib­er­al cor­rupt court sys­tem on the Island.
For decades there as been this mys­tique sur­round­ing the Jamaican judi­cia­ry, it’s a myth­i­cal notion that the courts are sacro­sanct and incorruptible .
At best the courts are pop­u­lat­ed with opin­ion­at­ed left wing lib­er­al judges whom are basi­cal­ly pulled from the defense side of the Isle as opposed to the pros­e­cu­tion side which would give the peo­ple a bet­ter shot at get­ting justice.
Worse case any­one believ­ing the Island’s judi­cia­ry is insu­lat­ed or untouched by polit­i­cal or oth­er cor­ro­sive, cor­rupt­ing influ­ences may con­tact me, I have a few bridges for sale.
The clear-cut Cuban light Bulb scan­dal is just one exam­ple of what goes on in Jamaica. It puts to rest the non­sense that the courts are not corrupt.
The real­i­ty is that the Island’s lib­er­al judges are as much to blame for the Island’s run away crime rate as any oth­er factor .
The Police can catch crim­i­nals and even with the slim pos­si­bil­i­ty they are con­vict­ed in that hos­tile pros­e­cu­tion envi­ron­ment, they are usu­al­ly let go on appeal.
These head scratch­ing high­er court over-reach, over-rule goes with­out any­one say­ing any­thing about it, it’s par for the course.
The pre­sump­tion is that the courts do the right thing , It’s the biggest bull-shit . Personally I don’t buy it the courts are sus­cep­ti­ble to cor­rup­tion as any oth­er branch of Government.

views of the palatial home in Tanaky, Clarendon where most wanted man Donovan ‘Bulbie’ Bennett was shot dead by the police in October 2005. Observer photo
View of the pala­tial home in Tanaky, Clarendon where Donovan ‘Bulbie’ Bennett was shot dead by the police in October 2005.
Observer pho­to…


On Miller’s return to the Island yes­ter­day Deputy Commissioner of Police Glenmore Hinds warned Tesha Miller quote that no act of crim­i­nal­i­ty will be tol­er­at­ed by him Hinds, or any oth­er mem­ber of the Police department.
I am sure Tesha Miller is quak­ing in his boots at this warn­ing . Remember Donovan ‘Bulbie’ Bennett for­mer gang leader who was top of the police’s most want­ed list for over ten (10)years. From all reports he lived like a king, was revered like a king and was buried like a king. He hid in plain sight from the inept Police Force for a decade on the tiny island half the size of the US state of Connecticut a small state.
Initially the police bragged that their spe­cial­ized units were mon­i­tor­ing Bennett’s activ­i­ties after he was returned to the Island and was liv­ing in a new Kingston Hotel from which he ran his crim­i­nal empire.
Despite that mon­i­tor­ing Bennett dis­ap­peared and lived like roy­al­ty for a decade before they man­aged to track him down.
Donovan (Bulbie) Bennett a com­mon scum­bag with polit­i­cal con­nec­tions , aid­ed abet­ted by crooked ele­ments with­ing the Police depart­ment thumbed his nose at the law with impunity.

Donovan (Bulbie) Bennett and the Mansion from which he ruled for a decade while the Jamaican police was supposedly looking for him.
Donovan (Bulbie) Bennett and the Mansion from which he ruled for a decade while the Jamaican police was sup­pos­ed­ly look­ing for him.

Jamaica’s fas­ci­na­tion with and rev­er­ence for the most vile ele­ments of the crim­i­nal under­world has sus­tained and enabled crim­i­nal­i­ty to flour­ish and grow, mak­ing the likes Of Donovan (Bulbie) Bennett, Christopher (dud­dus) Coke and Tesha (rat) Miller possible.
For the record it is nev­er the rank and file of the police force which enables crime on the Island.
It is the feck­less , weak, incom­pe­tent lap-dog men­tal­i­ty of the senior ranks which has allowed crime to metas­ta­size out of control.

Making idle threats and beg­ging a com­mon dirt-bag crim­i­nal not to com­mit crimes is like beg­ging the sun not to shine . The sun will shine and crim­i­nals will com­mit crimes.
The younger police offi­cers are rar­ing to do their jobs what they lack is focused lead­er­ship with backbone.
I am tired of hear­ing about polit­i­cal inter­fer­ence , Jamaican law gives the police ade­quate pow­ers to go after crim­i­nals, there is noth­ing politi­cians can do when top-down lead­er­ship go after crim­i­nals, the eyes of the world are watching.
The senior lead­er­ship are mere lap-dogs and that’s the bot­tom line.

All talk noth­ing more, Tesha Miller will con­tin­ue to run his crim­i­nal enter­prise as if he nev­er left. Either that or he will be eat­en by his own, not the inept threat-mak­ing police force.
|This new Administration can show it is seri­ous about crime by tabling tough anti-gang leg­is­la­tion with teeth . If it intends to do so the present Minister of Justice Delroy Chuck should have no input, or any law which emanate will be noth­ing but anoth­er piece of crime-enhanc­ing leg­is­la­tion as (inde­com) has been.
