Is This The Best Republicans Have To Offer ?

The Republican pri­maries are on in earnest, the only woman who entered the pri­maries exit­ed after a dis­mal show­ing in the Iowa cau­cus­es, Iowa of course is the state in which she was born. I always won­dered about Michelle Bachman and her iron-lady approach but I’ll come back to her lat­er .It seem that after all of the can­di­dates have had their brief romance with repub­li­can pri­ma­ry vot­ers the field is down to Romney , Santorum, Paul, and to a less­er extent Gingrich , the lat­ter is now wag­ing a kamikaze cam­paign against Romney for his neg­a­tive ads against Gingrich in Iowa, which lit­er­al­ly knocked him out of con­tention for the Republican nom­i­na­tion . Gingrich pret­ty much knows he can­not win the nom­i­na­tion but seem quite will­ing to go down in flames , tak­ing Willard Mitt Romney with him.

I pre­dict­ed the implo­sion of Herman Caine long before he actu­al­ly implod­ed and point­ed to the rea­sons he would implode, the truth of the mat­ter is that repub­li­cans can­not stom­ach pow­er­ful black peo­ple, yes „ yes I know , what are you talk­ing about? the last repub­li­can admin­is­tra­tion had pow­er­ful black peo­ple , remem­ber Powell and Rice? Yes I remem­ber Powell and Rice very well , Powell was shut out of Bush’s inner cir­cle and lit­er­al­ly lost the President’s ear for the greater part of his tenure as Secretary of state. Dick Cheney won that tus­sle, Powell lost most of the lus­ter and shine he had as the sole mem­ber of Bush’s admin­is­tra­tion who could gar­ner any respect in the world when he told the United Nationsthat Iraq had weapons of mass destruc­tion, and that the Iraqi’s were oper­at­ing mobile labs which they moved from place to place to avoid detec­tion . Powell’s grave brief­ing came replete with maps and graphs detail­ing how the Iraqis were deceiv­ing the world while at the same time were in pos­ses­sion of weapons that could result in a mush­room cloud. Wooooo I shud­der just think­ing about it , well we all know those were fig­ments of the imag­i­na­tion of the hawks in the Bush admin­is­tra­tion who want­ed war at all cost and would not be stopped in their drum­beat and march to war with the peo­ple of Iraq. lat­er as that lie unrav­elled the nar­ra­tive became one of Régime change. Those out­right lies and dis­tor­tions has cost America count­less bil­lions in trea­sure, thou­sands of ser­vice men and women killed and maimed and noth­ing to show for it, make no men­tion of the hun­dreds of thou­sands of Iraqis who were killed for no oth­er rea­son oth­er than they were liv­ing in their own coun­try. The nar­ra­tive is now that the Iraqi peo­ple were lib­er­at­ed and are bet­ter now that Saddam Hussein their pres­i­dent who was hanged, is gone. Never mind that the Iraqi peo­ple nev­er asked for help in remov­ing their sup­posed despot­ic leader.Dick Cheney in his book lam­pooned both Powell and Rice with a kind of dis­re­spect that one would expect to hear lev­eled at a Democrat, in his book Dick Cheney for­got all about Ronald Reagan’s 11th com­mand­ment , “nev­er speak ill of anoth­er repub­li­can” oth­er so-called black repub­li­cans have been treat­ed hard­ly any bet­ter Michael Steele was boot­ed as head of the Republican National com­mit­tee imme­di­ate­ly his par­ty won back the House from democ­rats in 2010.


But I am not here to talk about black repub­li­cans and their fol­lies today, what I real­ly want to talk about are the repub­li­can can­di­dates. I must say that even though I am repulsed by Republicans, and I have no stom­ach for Democrats , I do admire Ron Paul for his lib­er­tar­i­an phi­los­o­phy. I too believe in small gov­ern­ment, and less or no mil­i­tary inter­ven­tions in for­eign lands,I am not sure of some of the peo­ple who sup­port Doctor Paul who seem to believe in seg­re­ga­tion, in fair­ness Dr. Paul stood up at the debate sat­ur­day night January 7th and declared Dr. King and Rosa Parks to be his heroes for stand­ing up to seg­re­ga­tion, none of the oth­er jok­ers stand­ing on the stage offered a sin­gle word in sup­port of Paul’s full-throat­ed dec­la­ra­tion of love for Dr. King, and Rosa Parks. Whether Dr. Paul’s state­ments reflect­ed an epiphany or reflect­ed a depar­ture from views he orig­i­nal­ly held is imma­te­r­i­al in my view. The fact that he had the con­vic­tion of char­ac­ter to make that state­ment in that forum I thought was a coura­geous act.


Of course Ron Paul’s com­ments came while the newest dar­ling of repub­li­can pri­ma­ry vot­ers Rick Sontorumhas deter­mined that he would get noticed that he would dis­re­spect African-Americans as much as pos­si­ble if that is what it takes to get noticed by the nut jobs on the right. Santorum clear­ly said in rela­tion to wel­fare at a lily-white event in Iowa “I don’t to make black peo­ple’s lives bet­ter by giv­ing them oth­er peo­ple’s mon­ey , I wan­na give them the oppor­tu­ni­ty to go out and make their own mon­ey”. Never mind that 84% of wel­fare recip­i­ents in the state of Iowa are white, and Santorum was­n’t even asked about black peo­ple.http://​www​.youtube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​v​=​y​Y​S​P​q​s​V​R​M​t​g​&​f​e​a​t​u​r​e​=​p​l​a​y​e​r​_​d​e​t​a​i​l​p​age


Quite the oppo­site to Ron Paul’s brav­ery , Santorumlied out­right about being caught between two sen­tences, two thoughts, two words,he said quote I have watched the tape and I am quite sure I nev­er said black ‚no one in the room heard me say black peo­ple ‚end quote. As a for­mer detec­tive I tell my wife all the time that the best way to get real truth­ful infor­ma­tion from crim­i­nals is to let the perp speak with as lit­tle inter­rup­tion as pos­si­ble from the inter­view­er, crim­i­nals will tell on them­selves giv­en a chance. Even if we allow lying Santorum to con­vince us that he was caught between thoughts , why would black be in his thoughts at the time the issue of wel­fare come up? The truth is that is their nar­ra­tive, they found out dur­ing the Clinton years and Newt Gingrich’s con­tract on America that the bulk of wel­fare recip­i­ents were actu­al­ly white mid­dle age women, despite this hate mon­gers like Santorum and oth­ers con­tin­ue to wage this cam­paign of false­hood and lies.I have watched and list­ed to the tape over and over and over numer­ous times and the only thing I came away with is how could Santorum come away from watch­ing this tape and claim that he did not say black peo­ple. He revealed him­self to be noth­ing more than a despi­ca­ble racist liar. Maybe vot­ers should take a clos­er look at this freak fringe can­di­date who wants to wage war on oth­er coun­tries, take away a wom­ans right to choose , dis­crim­i­nate against gays and les­bians, and give away cor­po­rate wel­fare to the filthy rich and large cor­po­ra­tions. This guy is not only dan­ger­ous but freakish.

Most of us have respect admi­ra­tion and love for women , we cheer when women accom­plish feats that were once thought to be only achiev­able by men, we love them , they are our wives, girl­friends, sis­ters, mothers,aunts , teach­ers and our nurs­es, we love them because they com­fort us, we have grown accus­tomed to her lov­ing ten­der care , but we also make the grave mis­take in believ­ing that they would take that car­ing ten­der touch to lead­er­ship posi­tions in pol­i­tics or busi­ness. Many have felt the hands of a female boss­es and have no such mis­con­cep­tion. Michelle Bachman it appeared, felt that she should launch a cam­paign of dis­re­spect against President Obama from day one of the pres­i­den­t’s term, her approach was to refer to the pres­i­dent as Barack Obama no men­tion of the title “President“Even the most ardent haters of for­mer pres­i­dent Bush acknowl­edged him as pres­i­dent. This approach by Bachman served as a tem­plate for the rest of repub­li­can whack jobs when refer­ring to the pres­i­dent not to refer to him as President Obama, but as sim­ply Barack Obama. Make no mis­take that dis­re­spect­ful approach is anoth­er in the series of acts aimed at de legit­imiz­ing the pres­i­dent which fol­lowed the failed brither débâ­cle which revealed pro­po­nents as igno­rant racist neanderthals.

It is com­mon now even for mem­bers of the media, except when they are report­ing the news to sum­mar­i­ly refer to the pres­i­dent as sim­ply Barack Obama, the com­man­der-in-chief of the most pow­er­ful nation pos­si­bly in the his­to­ry of this plan­et, gets no respect. yet any small town may­or is duly ref­ered to as may­or fol­lowed by his or her name, even an alleged racist sher­iff from Arizona is giv­en mas­sive air­time and addressed by his title even though he is under fed­er­al inves­ti­ga­tions for all kinds of breech of con­duct vio­la­tions as it relates to detainees and how they are appre­hend­ed and incarcerated.


Willard Romney the can­di­date that says any­thing what each crowd or inter­view­er wants to hear said recent­ly , “We have been fight­ing over the last three years to make sure that this pres­i­dent does not get to enact his agen­da”. This is in line with Mitch McConnell’s state­ment that his pri­ma­ry func­tion is to ensure that pres­i­dent Obama is a one term pres­i­dent, the grand poo­ba of repub­li­can , wind-bag Rush Limbaugh said at the onset of pres­i­dent Obama’s term he hopes the pres­i­dent fails, nev­er mind that if the pres­i­dent fails the coun­try fails, how does repub­li­cans who pre­tend to have a monop­oly on patri­o­tism explain these dia­met­ri­cal­ly oppos­ing posi­tions. The real prob­lem with the com­ments of snake oil sales­man Mit Romney is that he stat­ed cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly that he and oth­ers have been fight­ing to ensure that the pres­i­den­t’s agen­da does not get enact­ed, refer­ring to John Huntsman being in China car­ry­ing out the agen­da of the Obama admin­is­tra­tion. I have just one ques­tion regard­ing this state­ment , was­n’t the pres­i­dent elect­ed to exact­ly enact the agen­da he put for­ward to the American peo­ple? If the answer is yes, whose inter­est does Mit Romney rep­re­sent if he does not want the agen­da of the vast major­i­ty of the American peo­ple who elect­ed Barack Obama enacted?

With The first pri­ma­ry of the sea­son com­ing up Tuesday January 10th in the Granite State of New Hampshire and South Carolina fast approach­ing it seem there is hard­ly any com­pe­ti­tion left for Willard Mitt Romney. Romney has been run­ning for President for the last 6 years, he has lots of mon­ey , and his super pacs are spend­ing mil­lions more with­out Romney hav­ing to declare where the mon­ey is com­ing from. In all fair­ness democ­rats pres­i­dent Obama also have super pacs that rais­es and spend mon­ey on his behalf.


Mitt Romney has been able to assail pres­i­dent Obama’s record with­out any push­back from the lily liv­er­ied demo­c­ra­t­ic par­ty that has stead­fast­ly refused to stand with this President. The media for its part has been com­plic­it in let­ting Romney get away with not tak­ing ques­tions from the press, and not ask­ing ques­tions of him that are mean­ing­ful on the rare occa­sions they have a chance to ques­tion him. He has been allowed to con­tin­ue to recite the same tired old attack lines against the pres­i­dent , cliché after cliché with­out being forced to defend the myr­i­ad flip-flops he has done on lit­er­al­ly every issue, one moment he is on record for a wom­an’s right to choose the next he is pro-choice, one moment he is for civ­il unions, the next moment he is not. For this guy it sim­ply is a mat­ter of where he is and to whom he speaks. He is like liq­uid , he takes the shape of what­ev­er con­tain­er he is poured into. Is that what America wants in her President?

It will be inter­est­ing to see what the win­ner of this car­ni­val will run on as the econ­o­my is rebounds, because as sure as night fol­lows day they dare not open their mouths about for­eign pol­i­cy with this pres­i­dent. I am just not sure hatred of Barack Obama and obstruc­tion­ist tac­tics will be enough to win for Republicans.
