Game Change?

Rick Santorum pulled a hat trick in Colorado, Minnesota. and Missouri, oblit­er­at­ing his rivals last night. los­ing is nev­er pain­less, but “ouch” this has got be be most painful for Mitt Romney. Mister Romney’s cam­paign has every­thing going for it. So the talk­ing heads in the main stream media tell us. Romney has lots of money„organization, and estab­lish­ment sup­port, he also has super pac sup­port which pours even more mon­ey into mas­sive adver­tis­ing cam­paigns aimed at any and every­one in the path of their can­di­date. There is just one tee­ny-wee­ny prob­lem the cam­paign needs a good can­di­date.


There seem to be a core dis-sat­is­fac­tion at the heart of the repub­li­can par­ty with Mitt Romney. We were told Romney was the inevitable can­di­date for his par­ty’s nom­i­na­tion, the next in line, the one who wait­ed his turn, now the repub­li­can par­ty want to play by a dif­fer­ent set of rules. This is not fair to mis­ter Romney after all he has changed his views to fit his par­ty, he has changed from a pro-choice, pro-civ­il union, pro-gun con­trol, pro-health care man­dates in order to be called a “con­ser­v­a­tive”.

How could this hap­pen to a good man like Governor Romney? This man ought to be the Bain of envy of all 99%s . He is rich, mar­ried to the same woman for decades, has won­der­ful chil­dren, a (chris­t­ian,) actu­al­ly not a chris­t­ian, a mor­mon, but you know what I mean!!! right? In so many ways Romney is the all American guy, the guy you want to emu­late, so what is the prob­lem? How can his par­ty pull the rug out from under him when he seemed des­tined for a coro­na­tion? Why is the repub­li­can par­ty still search­ing for a dif­fer­ent suit­or even as the wed­ding day draws near­er and near­er? Michelle Bachman, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich. Sarah Palin, Herman Caine, Donald Trump, Tim Pawlenty,Ron Paul, Chris Christie, Daniels, Jeb Bush et al, Conservatives con­tin­ue to date even though the wed­ding of con­ve­nience between itself and Mitt Romney draws clos­er. What is the rea­son why con­ser­v­a­tives con­tin­ue with this cheat­ing, Romney for all intents and pur­pos­es has done all that is required of him, lets stop with the cheat­ing and get the wed­ding underway.

The truth is, Ronald Reagan the holy grail repub­li­cans hitch their elec­toral wag­gon to, arguably could not get nom­i­nat­ed for pres­i­dent in this repub­li­can par­ty. Reagan raised tax­es, main­tained bud­get deficits, added tril­lions to the nation­al debt and grant­ed amnesty to ille­gal aliens. You tell me where would Ronald Reagan be in this par­ty of Eric Cantor, Michelle Bachman, and Jim Demint?

Romney despite his wealth, would be a good fit for the demo­c­ra­t­ic par­ty, he is at heart, pro-choice, deep down he is for com­mon sense gun con­trol, he deep down believes whether we agree with gays or not, they have a right to pro­tec­tions under the law, and his mor­mon faith is actu­al­ly not scoffed at in the demo­c­ra­t­ic par­ty. The Democratic par­ty has come around to being the inclu­sive par­ty that believes in tol­er­ance, there is only one prob­lem with Romney and the demo­c­ra­t­ic par­ty, he does­n’t seem to care about the poor enough, he feels they should be allowed to lan­guish in their state, he also believes the very poor should be aid­ed to remain in pover­ty. Romney said he was­n’t con­cerned about them they have a safe­ty net , and if it was bro­ken he would fix it. “WOW”.

Romney in his hon­esty stat­ed cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly that he did not care about the poor, then when he real­ized how hor­ri­ble that sound­ed he attempt­ed to estab­lish some degree of bal­ance ‚he went on to say “I don’t care about the rich , what I care about is the mid­dle, the heart and soul of America”. Maybe if Romney under­stood that some of the poor were once in the mid­dle class, and with a good job they could climb back to where they were,he would care, but Romney a man esti­mat­ed to be worth a quar­ter of a bil­lion dol­lars can­not under­stand that and as such he is con­tent to let the poor remain where they are.

So now the repub­li­can par­ty has dat­ed every­one, now it’s Santorum turn, one gets the feel­ing that the par­ty is hold­ing it’s nose on this date with this lat­est suit­or. It seem to me the repub­li­can par­ty knows and under­stands the inevitabil­i­ty of this arranged love­less mar­riage between her­self and Willard Mitt Romney , and as the pre-arranged August wed­ding approach­es she is deter­mined to have as many illic­it affairs she can before suc­cumb­ing to the hoe-hum bore­dom of a life with a man she does not love.

It is a long way untill the November elec­tions, repub­li­cans will throw any and every­thing at pres­i­dent Obama, they will launch a scorched earth attack the likes of which we have nev­er seen, those who thought the elec­tions of 2008 that saw the elc­c­tion of Barack Obama was tur­bu­lent and divi­sive will be in for a sur­prise, this elec­tion will be a lot like some third world coun­tries, divi­sive can­tan­ker­ous, and down­right dangerous.

Republicans sim­ply do not believe democ­rats should gov­ern America, they have demeaned and dem­a­gogued the last three demo­c­ra­t­ic pres­i­dents in a way that seem com­plete­ly removed from the way the last three repub­li­can pres­i­dents have been treat­ed. One is seri­ous­ly left to won­der where America is going with this lev­el of poloriza­tion? The coun­try has already gone through one civ­il war.
