America’s Continued Shame:

There is a com­mon thread that runs through­out all play­ers in the Republican par­ty which has at its core a con­cert­ed attempt to pre­tend that President Barack Obama is not pres­i­dent of the United States. Republicans have long attempt­ed to sow scorn and dis­dain on the intel­li­gent left, in an attempt to paint them as Elitists, out of touch and far removed from the American real­i­ty, “oth­er”. 

They have sought to devel­op a nar­ra­tive that is “aw shucks” argu­ing that a pres­i­dent should be a laid back per­son in the mold of say Ronald Reagan or George Bush the 43rd pres­i­dent. They sell the mer­its of a pres­i­dent who one would want to have a beer with. They have been suc­cess­ful in demo­niz­ing and label­ing Democratic can­di­dates like John Kerry, and Michael Dukakis as Massachuset lib­er­als, mak­ing the word lib­er­al a nasty stain and a neg­a­tive car­i­ca­ture. Of course two of the archi­tects of that dem­a­goguery Newt Gingrich and Bush’s brain, Karl Rove, are still a part of the polit­i­cal land­scape. Gingrich is involved in a fal­ter­ing polit­i­cal cam­paign against chief neme­sis Mitt Romney,while Rove heads up a pow­er­ful super pac that col­lects tens of mil­lions of dol­lars from wealthy donors like the Koch broth­ers and casi­no mogul Sheldon Alderson to fund right-wing can­di­dates in their quest to destroy Obama. Incredibly Gingrich is now whin­ing shame­ful­ly, his com­plaints? Negative cam­paign ads from Mitt Romney’s cam­paign and super pac. Spit in the sky it falls in your face.

The nar­ra­tive some­how places con­ven­tion­al wis­dom on its head, it con­vinces large parts of the coun­try par­tic­u­lar­ly the south­ern states that edu­cat­ed peo­ple are some­how un-American. By this rea­son­ing they have man­aged to con­vince large swaths of the pop­u­la­tion that peo­ple who play by the rules, gets an edu­ca­tion, raise a fam­i­ly, and live a decent dra­ma-free life, are some­how not American. Throw a black guy in there with a Muslim sound­ing name and the afore­men­tioned attrib­ut­es and this guy must be from Mars.

These are the same intel­lec­tu­al­ly chal­lenged folks who argue that (Global warm­ing is a hoax), This is the (drill baby drill) crowd which argues for unre­strained drilling for oil and nat­ur­al gas with­out a sin­gle thought for the envi­ron­ment. Anyone who dare men­tion the need for clean drink­ing water, clean air, and the need to pro­tect the eco sys­tem is cas­ti­gat­ed as the ene­my and an exam­ple of what is wrong with America.

There are those who pre­tend that what we are see­ing hap­pen­ing in this coun­try is just the com­mon nas­ti­ness of American pol­i­tics play­ing out. They are quick to point out that pres­i­dent Bush was treat­ed rather bad­ly by the left.


I just ref­ered to the for­mer leader of the free world as “pres­i­dent Bush”. When was the last time a repub­li­can ref­ered to our pres­i­dent as pres­i­dent Obama? The lunatic fringe of the repub­li­can par­ty has con­vinced some of the most intel­lec­tu­al­ly chal­lenged among their base that this pres­i­dent is not real­ly the president.

As we have seen from the moron­ic failed attempts of the birther move­ment led by ego­ma­ni­ac Donald Trump and oth­ers, to that woman in Florida who told Rick Santorum she does not refer to the Obama as pres­i­dent Obama, because he is not real­ly the pres­i­dent. She went on to tell him she won­ders why some­one does­n’t get him (ref­fer­ing to the pres­i­dent) out of there. To which the equal­ly moron­ic Santorum respond­ed “I am trying to get him out of there myself”.

The mind­set of the lunatic right imag­ines, if they are able to con­vince their equal­ly lunatic sup­port­ers that Barack Obama is not the pres­i­dent of the United States, some­how he will not be seen to be. Their strat­e­gy is tan­ta­mount to remov­ing the num­ber 44 from the Hindu-Arabic numer­al sys­tem and hope we will not notice we missed a number.

Throughout his­to­ry only 44 men has been so hon­ored to be called pres­i­dent of the United States, many has sought that office, many have failed , to date we have only had 44 men attain that lofty posi­tion, 43 white men, 1 black man. That his­tor­i­cal fact will nev­er be elim­i­nat­ed from the annals of history.

That there are peo­ple in this coun­try who pos­sess such bla­tant men­tal retar­da­tion to some­how want to sup­press the fact that a black man has attained what they said we could­n’t do is tes­ta­ment to our for­ti­tude. After 300 years of slav­ery, lynch­ing, rape, , jim crow ‚and every­thing that they could throw at us, the indomitable spirt of our peo­ple has shone through all the adver­si­ty to accom­plish what some can only dream about.

Sarah Palin Newt Gingrich

The dis­re­spect that has been shown to this pres­i­dent has been astound­ing, and has been noth­ing like we have seen before. MSNBC Martin Bashir com­ment­ed that repub­li­cans nev­er fail to refer to Sarah Palin as Governor , even though she was unable to com­plete a sin­gle term as gov­er­nor of Alaska, they also nev­er fail to refer to Gingrich as Speaker, even though he was ran out of con­gress on ethics vio­la­tion charges. Yet they are adamant in call­ing the pres­i­dent Barack Obama, a man who won by a large plu­ral­i­ty of the votes and the elec­toral col­lege to become the 44th pres­i­dent of the United States.

This nas­ti­ness is noth­ing new, we saw ele­ments of it in the race between Hillary Clinton and Obama in the pri­maries , we saw the signs , we saw the despi­ca­ble racial car­i­ca­tures, we heard the nean­derthal remarks, and they were com­ing from Democrats.

The more it seemed Barack Obama was going to be the nom­i­nee the nas­ti­er the attacks became. Thanks to the inter­ven­tion of Senator Dianne Feinstein of California after Obama secured the nom­i­na­tion it appeared that the hatch­et was buried between Clinton and Obama. I am still not con­vinced that either Hillary or Bill Clinton vot­ed for Obama.

What we saw hap­pen between Clinton and Obama was indeed small pota­toes when Sarah Palin was inject­ed into the con­ver­sa­tion. She came with a brand of nas­ti­ness that we have seen metas­ta­sized into what is now a despi­ca­ble scorched earth brand of pol­i­tics, that seem hell-bent on total destruc­tion of the oppo­nent and win at all cost. I per­son­al­ly thought that the inflam­ma­to­ry nature of the vit­ri­ol sur­prised even the man at the top of the then repub­li­can tick­et, John McCain.
Sarah Palin it appeared, did not receive the memo that black peo­ple were eman­ci­pat­ed, her entire demeanor and tone sug­gest­ed she felt this black man belonged on the plan­ta­tion, many argue it was her intel­lect or lack there­of which was at play here. Having seen and heard her dur­ing the cam­paign influ­enced me to lean toward the lat­ter argument.

Most Americans who love their coun­try and respect her insti­tu­tions includ­ing the pres­i­den­cy, find it offen­sive the way this pres­i­dent is char­ac­ter­ized and treat­ed in gen­er­al. If you ask the pres­i­dent he will most like­ly parse and brush it aside as insignif­i­cant, that is what is to be expect­ed from him he is not expect­ed to speak about it, Obama, in order to be elect­ed pres­i­dent of his own coun­try had to pre­tend he was not a black man, in essence he had to pre­tend for the con­sump­tion and ben­e­fit of the illit­er­ate to be water, colourless!!

Neither Jessie Jackson nor Al Sharpton adopt­ed this pos­ture , there is no evi­dence that either gen­tle­men were even capa­ble or desirous of adopt­ing that pos­ture, and as such we will nev­er talk about pres­i­dents Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton. This fact is not nec­es­sar­i­ly an indict­ment on Mister Obama , he sought to use a dif­fer­ent path-way to get to where he want­ed to get to, we may argue with the path tak­en but I seri­ous­ly doubt that any­one would argue with the results.

I think where mis­ter Obama may have been a lit­tle naïve’, to bor­row a term from his for­mer demo­c­ra­t­ic oppo­nent Hillary Clinton, is where I pre­sume he felt that after win­ning the pres­i­den­cy America would have been trans­formed into a post racial soci­ety. This naiveté’ may have emanat­ed from Mister Obama’s eth­nic­i­ty, being the off­spring of a white moth­er and a black father. The pres­i­dent is all to will­ing to point to his white fam­i­ly mem­bers, repub­li­cans are equal­ly as quick to say we don’t care. President Obama being from Hawaii prob­a­bly nev­er heard about the one drop of black blood rule which has long been part of jim crow laws and insti­tu­tion­al­ized racism in America.

The unfor­tu­nate truth about mis­ter Obama’s post racial soci­ety is that for the most part, it is a fig­ment of his imag­i­na­tion. As Dr Martin Luther King Jr. envi­sioned a coun­try where lit­tle black kids and lit­tle white kids played togeth­er over 40 years ago, we have seen the kids play­ing togeth­er but the racial hatred per­sists. We have to face the sad truths that we can­not leg­is­late moral­i­ty, we can­not leg­is­late human­i­ty, we can­not leg­is­late respect, we can­not leg­is­late Godliness. As the world wit­nessed those black stu­dents walk through a gaunt­let of hate­ful , jeer­ing peo­ple in lit­tle Rock Arkansas, despite the pres­ence of fed­er­al troops, we must come to grips with the real­i­ties that nei­ther fed­er­al troops nor fed­er­al leg­is­la­tion will change the repro­bate minds of those whom are pre­dis­posed to hate.

ap obama jan brewer nt 120126 wblog Exclusive   Obama Says Encounter With Arizona Gov. Blown Out of Proportion



No oth­er pres­i­dent and his wife has been more cir­cum­spect and dig­ni­fied in the way they have com­port­ed them­selves whilst in the White House, than Barack and Michelle Obama. In fair­ness, President George Bush and his wife Laura were won­der­ful ambas­sadors in that regard. I per­son­al­ly liked pres­i­dent Bush and his wife Laura, even though I dis­agreed with most if not all of mis­ter Bush’s poli­cies, Laura Bush was a smil­ing lev­el-head­ed human being of impec­ca­ble char­ac­ter. Thank you Laura Bush for stand­ing up for Michelle Obama when the wolves were out to devour her.

There is a def­i­nite strat­e­gy to this dis­re­spect­ful demo­niz­ing of pres­i­dent Obama, not only is it geared toward an attempt­ed de-lig­itimiza­tion of this pres­i­dent but there is a more sin­is­ter mes­sage inher­ent in the strat­e­gy. One has to ask what prompt­ed that man to open fire at the White House with an AK47 rifle recent­ly? What is the rea­son for the rise in hate groups, includ­ing neo-nazis, skin­heads, and anti-gov­ern­ment mili­tias in the United States as report­ed by the FBI.

Let me be clear, the pal­pa­ble dis­re­spect is not only con­fined to pres­i­dent Obama, it may have been ampli­fied under his admin­is­tra­tion but it sure isn’t con­fined to him . There are a long line of self hat­ing  Uncle Tom Negroes who seem all of a sud­den to have crawled out of the wood-work to speak neg­a­tive dis­parag­ing things about the pres­i­dent, I don’t have to name them they know them­selves. These uncle toms were silent dur­ing the Bush years, too scared to open their mouths about any­thing for fear they would be sent to Gitmo. Now they are out in full force crit­i­ciz­ing this pres­i­dent. None is more painful to lis­ten to than Florida con­gress­man Allen West.

Here’s what he had to say recent­ly over the weekend.

We need to let President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and my dear friend the chair­man of the Democrat National Committee, we need to let them know that Florida ain’t on the table.” He added, “Take your mes­sage of equal­i­ty of achieve­ment, take your mes­sage of eco­nom­ic depen­den­cy, take your mes­sage of enslav­ing the entre­pre­neur­ial will and spir­it of the American peo­ple some­where else. You can take it to Europe, you can take it to the bot­tom of the sea, you can take it to the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America.“est said at a Lincoln Day Dinner for the Palm Beach County GOP,

Allen West.Florida congressman:

Then on Tuesday January 31st. Allen West attempt­ed to walk back his Uncle Tom moment of idio­cy, telling Soledad Obrien of CNN that what he was point­ing to, was that he was some­how in awe of a nation that allowed a poor boy from Atlanta Georgia to reach the heights he has reached.

Clearly Congressman Allen West is inca­pable of con­tain­ing his glee of becom­ing a Colonel in the United States Army and now a US con­gress­man, so he kicks the lad­der away that he climbed to the top on, so no one else could climb up as he has.

I won­der what con­gress­man Allen West would have done if he was born to a white moth­er and a black father who was a stu­dent from a dif­fer­ent con­ti­nent, then his par­ents divorced and he was made to move to live in anoth­er coun­try on anoth­er con­ti­nent , with his mom and a new hus­band , then brought back to live with his grand par­ents, strug­gling to define who he was, but ulti­mate­ly attend­ing Occidental col­lege in California, Columbia University, and Harvard Law school and be the Editor of the Harvard law Review. Then spend time work­ing to improve the lives of oth­ers in com­mu­ni­ty orga­ni­za­tions, then becom­ing a State Senator, then a US Senator, and final­ly becom­ing the pres­i­dent of the United States of America . And did I men­tion receiv­ing a Nobel Peace Prize? All accom­plished in under 50 years.

If Allen West a con­gress­man, is will­ing to ban­ish the most pow­er­ful man on the plan­et, the most pow­er­ful man in the United States Senate the most pow­er­ful woman in the US House of Representative, an estab­lished con­gress­woman and DCC chair from America, what would he do to us ordi­nary nobodys had he accom­plished what Barack Obama has accomplished?

During slav­ery slave own­ers used divi­sive tac­tics to keep slaves in check, some were told they were dif­fer­ent than oth­ers, usu­al­ly those who worked in the big house were made to believe they had some kind of leg up over those in the fields. This strat­e­gy worked in ensur­ing that a free flow of infor­ma­tion was forth­com­ing to “Massa” in the big house . That tac­tic helped to keep slav­ery in place for over 300 years.

Today we see that divide and con­quer still works with many who share the same skin col­or with us, if noth­ing else. This is evi­dent in black folks whom are more than hap­py to dis­re­spect his own broth­er in order to please his mas­ters. The more things change the more they remain the same. It’s in every aspect of black America, Allen west is so over­joyed that white Floridians vot­ed him into office he can­not con­tain his glee, in his hur­ry to shuck , jive and please mas­sa, he dis­re­spect oth­ers and kicks the lad­der away, not will­ing to allow anoth­er poor per­son climb up .

