Weasly Democrats/​Disgusting Republicans

A major thrust of repub­li­cans under the pres­i­den­cy of President Barack Obama is to oppose every­thing he pro­pos­es, peri­od!! It makes no dif­fer­ence that the pres­i­den­t’s poli­cies are for the good of the coun­try , includ­ing the very same racist hyp­ocrites who wear the repub­li­can label, the strat­e­gy is the same oppose, oppose, oppose. Not one repub­li­can is will­ing to step out­side that nar­ra­tive and be dif­fer­ent, they act uni­lat­er­al­ly as a cau­cus in objec­tion to the pres­i­dent of the United States.

Not so long ago I recall democ­rats lin­ing up to sign on to con­tro­ver­sial leg­is­la­tions that lit­er­al­ly shreds the con­sti­tu­tion hyp­o­crit­i­cal repub­li­cans swear to believe they believe in. Legislations like the Patriot Act lit­er­al­ly takes away sig­nif­i­cant por­tions of the rights of Americans „ yet it received sup­port from democ­rats some of whom admit­ted they did not even both­er to read the volu­mi­nous bill, a bill which stripped away the rights of the very peo­ple they represent.

Bush knew exact­ly what he was doing after the September 11th ter­ror attacks, he made sure that the attacks were kept fresh in the minds of Americans as he sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly stripped away more and more of their rights,. No one both­ered to remem­ber the old adage ” nev­er give up your rights for secu­ri­ty as you will end up with neither”.

The point though is the sol­id wall of oppo­si­tion to this pres­i­dent on the sole basis of race, exas­per­at­ed by the shame­ful and the silent acqui­es­cence of democ­rats who sit on their hands and ass­es as this pres­i­dent is pil­lo­ried from all quar­ters with lies, smear insults and racial caricatures.

It does seem that the econ­o­my is get­ting bet­ter, repub­li­cans are talk­ing about social issues, wedge issues as they are ref­ered to, gay rights, mar­riage equal­i­ty, prayer in schools, con­tra­cep­tion, this issues they like to talk about. As I stat­ed in recent blogs, repub­li­cans are now des­per­ate­ly search­ing for an issues that will stick or have some res­o­nance going into the gen­er­al elections,there are scared stiff they are los­ing the eco­nom­ic argument.

Fleisher Rove

It’s not unusu­al to see hacks like Ari Fleisher, and Karl Rove old hand from the Bush Administration on tele­vi­sion dis­re­spect­ing the pres­i­dent, and dis­tort­ing his record. I am par­tic­u­lar­ly offend­ed by Fleisher a polit­i­cal who nev­er saw any­thing wrong with any­thing Bush did, but now make a liv­ing as a con­trib­u­tor on MSNBC which he and oth­ers like him cas­ti­gat­ed as left-wing media, because peo­ple like Keith Olberman and Rachel Maddow told the truth and set the record straight. I will refrain from assess­ing Rove he is sim­ply not worth it, to relate to him is to ele­vate him.

Fleisher would be well remind­ed to remem­ber his own lies in what is now com­mon knowl­edge as it relates to the Valerie Plame out­ing by oper­a­tives with­in the Bush Administration. Had a demo­c­rat done what they did that admin­is­tra­tion would have been brought to its knees and all involved, would have been thrown in prison.


But of course I digress, this morn­ing the lily liv­ered cow­ards that pass for democ­rats were out join­ing with repub­li­cans in push­ing against the pres­i­dent against the recent direc­tive giv­en to catholic insti­tu­tions to pro­vide Contraception cov­er­age in health insur­ance for women in their employ.

This is an issue which is about wom­en’s health, of course Catholic bish­ops are con­tend­ing that this forces them to pay for some­thing which is against their teach­ings and con­science. Mark you this is not a direc­tive to the church about some­thing which hap­pens in the church , it is about busi­ness­es oper­at­ed by the catholic church. In essence the catholic church wants to be exempt from pro­vid­ing women in it’s employ who may not even be catholics from get­ting con­tra­cep­tion in their health care pack­age , a move which forces them to pay for some­thing which they would be afford­ed by oth­er employers.


Bob Casey
Joe Lieberman
Joe Manchin
Ben Nelson
Bill Nelson

Reps, John Larson, Dan Lipinsky, Gerry Connolly, and for­mer gov­er­nor Tim Kaine.

Bob Casey of PA , Joe Leiberman of CT, Joe Manchin WV , Ben Nelson NB, Bill Nelson FL. These are your US Senators whom have quick­ly joined with repub­li­cans and the catholic church to fight against wom­en’s rights.

Even as these so-called democ­rats try to pro­tect their sor­ry hides , repub­li­can sen­a­tor Jim Demint of south Carolina had this to say at their c ‑pac gath­er­ing in Washington DC. Listen to Demint here, out­side the :

JON MEACHAM: Senator, you’ve been in Washington now for 12 years. Actually more, sor­ry. Have things changed in a pal­pa­ble, tac­tile way in terms of get­ting things done from when you came in? 

DEMINT: Yeah, I think they are more polar­ized. And it’s a con­trast I try to make in the book because we real­ly no longer have a shared vision. I mean, I know from busi­ness that you have peo­ple com­ing from dif­fer­ent direc­tions, they can work togeth­er if they have shared goals and a shared vision. But now we have the ten­sion between those who want cen­tral­ized pow­er, gov­ern­ment con­trol of edu­ca­tion, health care, trans­porta­tion, ener­gy, and Republicans, who are I think find­ing their foot­ing around their core prin­ci­ples of we need to devolve pow­er out of Washington, we need to decen­tral­ize, because that’s what makes America work, is the bot­tom-up approach.

So say­ing to com­pro­mise now, and I use this anal­o­gy a lot, is just like a coach telling his team to go out and work with the oth­er guys and coöper­ate with them. The Democrats are there to beat us. Every pol­i­cy that they intro­duce is to cen­tral­ize pow­er. They are com­plete­ly inca­pable of cut­ting spend­ing because their con­stituen­cy is based on depen­den­cy on gov­ern­ment and those who want more from gov­ern­ment.Msnbc​.com/​m​o​r​n​i​n​g​joe

Here ladies and gen­tle­man is the rea­son noth­ing gets done, these peo­ple do not rep­re­sent your interest.
