Disingenous Hypocrites!

Portia Lucretia Simpson Miller did not con­cede the General Elections of 2007 to Bruce Golding even when it was clear that she had lost. As a mat­ter of fact Golding was obvi­ous­ly still smart­ing from that slight as he brought the mat­ter to the fore at a JLP ral­ly pri­or to the December 29th elec­tion. Miller for her part retort­ed that she had treat­ed Bruce Goling cor­dial­ly dur­ing his tenure as Prime Minister. Never mind that Golding nev­er accused her of inci­vil­i­ty toward him dur­ing his tenure as PM, he specif­i­cal­ly spoke to what he saw as a depar­ture from estab­lished pro­to­cols. Conversely Miller launched a vul­gar broad­side of a tirade in which she vowed not to con­cede any­thing, and pledged to be the worst night­mare of the new­ly elect­ed Government of Bruce Golding.

She did not leave it there, she start­ed with an imme­di­ate cam­paign to dele­git­imize the new Government by hav­ing the rapa­cious pha­lanx of tri­al lawyers asso­ci­at­ed with that par­ty file motions in the courts chal­leng­ing the legit­i­ma­cy of some mem­bers of the Labor Party who held dual cit­i­zen­ship to sit in Parliament. Jamaica’s con­sti­tu­tion express­ly pre­vents any­one with dual cit­i­zen­ship from sit­ting in the nation’s par­lia­ment. The JLP with their share of lawyers must have know that this would be a poten­tial prob­lem that would not stand, and if they did not know this, prob­a­bly were not ready to take the reins of gov­ern­ment despite being in the wilder­ness of oppo­si­tion for an unprece­dent­ed 18 12 years. As a result of the PNP’s chal­lenge a few mem­bers of the new admin­is­tra­tion were in fact decer­ti­fied by the courts and found inel­i­gi­ble to sit in par­lia­ment. Each par­lia­men­tar­i­an decer­ti­fied was returned to par­lia­ment in by-elec­tions . Interestingly the PNP also had mem­bers who were in con­tra­ven­tion of that sec­tion of the constitution.


As soon as Golding announced his 18 per­son cab­i­net Portia launched a broad­side against the Prime Minister, lam­bast­ing him as being extra­vant in hav­ing an 18 per­son cab­i­net when the coun­try was strug­gling. The Irony of that piece of hypocrisy was that the coun­try had just hand­ed lead­er­ship to the Labor Party , after the PNP’s 18 12 year run. Being that as it may, one would imag­ine that Queen Portia fresh from her coro­na­tion would be remind­ed that she had crit­i­cized Golding for hav­ing a too large cabinet.

So what did Portia Simpson Miller do? A day after her coro­na­tion, she went ahead and named a 19 per­son cabinet.



(Jamaica glean­er photo)

How does this new Government explain this or is it even true? Well see for yourselves.

Cabinet min­is­ters

1. Dr Peter Phillips
2. Peter Bunting
3. Roger Clarke
4. Ronnie Thwaites
5. Lisa Hanna
6. Robert Pickersgill
7. Fenton Ferguson
8. Anthony Hylton
9. Derrick Kellier
10. Noël Arscott
11. Dr Omar Davies
12. Wykeham McNeill
13. Phillip Paulwell,
14. Dr. Morais Guy
15. Horace Dalley
16. Natalie Neita Headley
17. Senator A.J Nicholson,
18. Senator Mark Golding
19. Senator Sandrea Falconer

State min­is­ters

1. Luther Buchanan
2. Arnaldo Brown
3. Sharon Folkes Abrahams
4. Ian Hayles
5. Colin Fagan
6. Richard Azan
7. Damion Crawford
8. Julian Robinson

Yup it is true, this is the new and improved People’s National Party, this is the par­ty that has just been returned to pow­er, shame­less, uncon­scionable, and off to the races, there will be no out­cry because this par­ty can­not do any wrong for the mass of the peo­ple, the élite that sup­ports them, or those who ben­e­fits finan­cial­ly. the PNP elites have the gift of gab they will some­how try to pull the wool over the eyes of inde­pen­dents and labor par­ty sup­port­ers who will most cer­tain­ly have a prob­lem with this hypocrisy.

Republicans now in the pri­ma­ry stage of select­ing a can­di­date to run against President Obama, are hop­ing that the American econ­o­my will con­tin­ue to be lethar­gic come next November’s elec­tion, they have noth­ing else to run on but a stag­nant econ­o­my. They are bet­ting against their coun­try so they can defeat one man because of his race. After all they can­not speak about for­eign pol­i­cy which was their strong suit, for decades they were able to paint Democrats as weak on for­eign pol­i­cy, when the truth is their for­eign pol­i­cy was one of unnec­es­sary saber rat­tling, bel­li­cose lan­guage when address­ing those they did not like and wag­ing wars over­seas that were total­ly unnec­es­sary, and inad­vis­able, and which end­ed up lit­er­al­ly destroy­ing the American economy.

Republicans can­not talk about for­eign pol­i­cy because Obama got Bin Laden, and brought the troops home from Iraq, he saw the demise of Khadafy and arguably restored America’s cred­i­bil­i­ty abroad to the extent that is pos­si­ble, depend­ing where one is refer­ring to. The lat­est Jobs num­ber showed 200,000 new jobs cre­at­ed last month and true to form the GOP can­di­dates will give the pres­i­dent no cred­it for the con­tin­ued good show­ing on the eco­nom­ic front, Santorum stu­pid­ly claimed the good job num­bers sug­gest that investors are tak­ing the hir­ing plunge because they believe the Republicans will take the white house. Snake oil sales­man Willard Romney said the econ­o­my is doing bet­ter despite the poli­cies of pres­i­dent Obama. I thought the com­ments of the oth­ers were incon­se­quen­tial as they will not be the nomine for that party.

President Obama has lit­er­al­ly pulled the American econ­o­my from the brink of dis­as­ter and has presided over steady growth which saw 3 mil­lion new jobs cre­at­ed in the pri­vate sec­tor, yet his reelec­tion is far from assured. As is the sit­u­a­tion in Jamaica where the labor par­ty returned the econ­o­my from sus­tained neg­a­tive growth despite a hor­ri­ble world reces­sion to three quar­ters of pos­i­tive growth but was uncer­e­mo­ni­ous­ly kicked out of office, Obama runs the risk of being a one term pres­i­dent because of myopic vot­ers with short term memory.

Portia’s log­ic.

Miller response to ques­tions as to how she explained the size of her cab­i­net when she crit­i­cized Mister Golding’s cab­i­net size said this, quote” “I have added some young per­sons so that they can begin to under­study the seniors. What I am try­ing to do now is suc­ces­sion planning.
“I am deal­ing with suc­ces­sion plan­ning. And, if you check my size and the num­ber of peo­ple that won elec­tions for the People’s National Party, it is quite dif­fer­ent from Mr Golding’s”

This bit of sim­ple mind­ed non­sense would be com­i­cal if it was­n’t so insult­ing. One would have to con­clude that there is a cor­re­la­tion between the amount of seats won by a par­ty and the amount of min­is­ters , junior min­is­ters, and min­is­ters with­out port­fo­lios nescessary.The PNP won 42 seats in the House of Representatives to the Jamaica Labor Party’s (JLP) 21 seats.
In 2007, Golding’s JLP won 32 seats to the People’s National Party’s 28 in the then 60-seat House.
Miller either believe that there is a con­nec­tion between the two or seri­ous­ly have a seri­ous dis­dain for the intel­lect of those who can actu­al­ly think for themselves.

There has always been an attempt on the part of the cultists who sup­port that gut­ter par­ty to try to link peo­ple who do not ascribe to their depen­den­cy syn­drome as some­how anti-Jamaican or anti-poor peo­ple. That nar­ra­tive has served the PNP well since it’s incep­tion, they have mas­tered the art of fake car­ing, fool­ing the une­d­u­cat­ed mass­es into believ­ing that they have their inter­est at heart . By using scarce taxpayer’s funds they have for decades worked at the craft of buy­ing loy­al­ty through free­bies and patron­age. Today what they have is a fren­zied mas­sive horde of cultist fol­low­ers who real­ly beleive they are mes­si­ahs. Never mind that there is noth­ing that that par­ty can point to out­side of hand­outs, that would rea­son­able make the argu­ment for the fren­zied almost drug crazed like sup­port they receive.

The truth is most of us come from real­ly poor back­grounds, we are ambi­tious peo­ple who once just want­ed to work, acquire an edu­ca­tion, have chil­dren, and give them a bet­ter life than we had. After the socialist/​communist rhetoric of the 70’s which stip­u­lat­ed that those who did­n’t like their non­sen­si­cal poli­cies should hop onto one of the five flights a day to Miami the psy­che of our nation changed for the worse. Not only did those peo­ple leave , so did their cap­i­tal, so did investors, but worst of all most of the skilled and edu­cat­ed proffe­sion­als took flight. Many peo­ple sim­ply walked away from their beau­ti­ful, homes in fear for their lives, those homes were prompt­ly cap­tured by PNP goons and. Such was the indoc­tri­na­tion of the poor­er mass­es that those who worked hard and accom­plished, were evil cap­i­tal­ists who should share what they have with those who sat on their rear ends and did noth­ing. The Jamaica of today is a direct result of that hog­wash redis­tri­b­u­tion­ist garbage.

The archi­tect of that débâ­cle Michael Manley returned to Jamaica at the end of the 1980’s with his tail, between his legs, armed with mea cul­pa, and was prompt­ly returned to office by the cultists. Ironically the cam­paign song the PNP used against Edward Seaga through­out the 70’s was a song by George Nooks called” my father born ya” Manley left for green­er pas­tures dur­ing the admin­is­tra­tion of Edward Seaga, and returned only to once again seek pow­er, after he attained the pow­er by once again being returned to office, he left due to fail­ing health this time to England where he lived until he passed away. Seaga, lam­bast­ed, berat­ed, ridiculed , and scorned as an out­sider who was­n’t born in Jamaica, have not left dur­ing all the loss­es he took a the hands of the cultists, and still resides in Jamaica.


The suc­cess­ful class war­fare that the peo­ple’s nation­al par­ty has engaged in over the years has dri­ven away tremen­dous­ly tal­ent­ed peo­ple from Jamaica’s shores, cre­at­ed a nation of depen­dent peo­ple and has set our coun­try back so far small­er coun­tries like Barbados are very close to first world sta­tus with no indi­ca­tions if our peo­ple will ever see a first world unless they emi­grate. Once again all of the old cor­rupt orange clad gang­sters are back at the tiller, hav­ing anoth­er go around for their friends and asso­ciates ben­e­fit at the expense of the illit­er­ate masses.


