Race To The Bottom:

What is it that makes so may repub­li­cans such racist repug­nant liars ? I am not say­ing that all peo­ple who vote for that par­ty are racists or indeed liars, but damn have you heard the things they say about President Obama? How do they feel that this path advances the his­to­ry or the integri­ty of America? The fact is this is exact­ly what they did to Dr. King in this coun­try, now every lying repub­li­can gets up on stage and invokes the name of Dr. the rev­erend Martin Luther King. In fact some of them vot­ed against a fed­er­al hol­i­day in hon­or of Dr. King.

It does seem to me that repub­li­cans are engaged in a race to the bot­tom, many Americans white and oth­ers read­i­ly agree and attest to the fact that slav­ery was an ugly blight on America, many read­i­ly agree that Jim Crowe was a shame­ful scar. People not stuck in the past who have the ben­e­fit of edu­ca­tion are ashamed of peo­ple like Bull O’Connor, George Wallace, and a pletho­ra of oth­er faces of the shame of America. I almost feel ashamed as a mem­ber of the human race for peo­ple like that woman in Florida who had this to say to Rick Santorum:

I nev­er refer to Obama as ‘President Obama’ because legal­ly he is not,” the uniden­ti­fied woman told Santorum. “He con­stant­ly says that our Constitution is passé and he total­ly ignores it, as you know. He does what he darn well pleas­es. He is an avowed Muslim. And my ques­tion is, why isn’t some­thing being done to get him out of our gov­ern­ment? He has no legal right to be call­ing him­self President.”http://​www​.youtube​.com

Rick Santorum is irrel­e­vant and des­per­ate­ly look­ing for some trac­tion so when asked by Journalists why he did not cor­rect the woman he respond­ed thus.

Why do you guys ask these ‘gotcha’ ques­tions, like it’s my job to go out and cor­rect every­body who says some­thing I don’t agree with?” Santorum said to reporters after the event. “I don’t think it’s my respon­si­bil­i­ty. Why don’t you go out and cor­rect her? It’s not my respon­si­bil­i­ty as a can­di­date to cor­rect every­body who makes a state­ment that I dis­agree with.”(abc​c​news​.com)

Here’s a fact for Santorum and that woman in Florida who claim the pres­i­dent is a mus­lim, Article 6 of the con­sti­tu­tion says that there shall be no reli­gious test for pub­lic office, and yes that includes the Presidency, and while we are at it , it is fun­da­men­tal­ly un-American for any­one to be dis­crim­i­nat­ed against because of their religion.

Prehistoric igno­rant relics of the past and their can­di­dates who take dead babies home and plays with the corpse, some sup­port priests who molest lit­tle boys and think it is ok as long as the Pope bless­es it. They must be stopped and the filthy ran­cid rhetoric they ped­dle shoved into their faces. They have the nerve to sug­gest that this pres­i­dent is divid­ing the coun­try with the pol­i­tics of envy, some nerve. When Barack Obama was elect­ed to the pres­i­den­cy he took with him a tor­rent of good will , as a result of the good will peo­ple felt towards Obama, they also gave the House and Senate to democ­rats. Not since Bill Clinton’s first term did democ­rats have such pow­er in Washington. if Barack Obama was a European style pres­i­dent as the talk­ing points of the repub­li­can par­ty sug­gest, would he not ram through his agen­da? For over a year Democrats con­trolled the House, Senate, and the Executive Branch, this pres­i­dent made repeat­ed over­tures to repub­li­cans to work with him to move the coun­ty for­ward. He did so to the extent that many in his own par­ty thought his lev­el of benev­o­lence and com­mit­ment to bi-par­ti­san­ship was anti­thet­i­cal to their objec­tives. Many in the pres­i­den­t’s base was mad as hell at him for what they con­strued to be weak­ness for his con­tin­ued over­tures to repub­li­cans. Time and again The pres­i­dent tried to work with house repub­li­cans only to have his over­tures rebuffed and his hand slapped away. I for one thought that his con­tin­ued attempts to work with repub­li­cans was weak­ness, and the pres­i­dent lost some of the belief I had in him. This I might add is the feel­ing of a lot of peo­ple I talk with.

President Obama deliv­er­ing the state of the Union Address/​Raleigh Telegraph photo:

One may not like the pol­i­tics of for­mer pres­i­dent George Bush, but he was decid­ed­ly focused on what he want­ed accom­plished , and democ­rats were not going to obstruct his agen­da. Americans like their pres­i­dent deci­sive , they attribute deci­sive­ness with strength, it may not nec­es­sar­i­ly be cor­rect but that is how we judge strength. In the end pres­i­dent Obama have been forced to use exec­u­tive orders to get any­thing done. This is exact­ly what the racist lunatic right want­ed from the begin­ning, they begun to label Obama as “oth­er” from the start, as they engaged on a cam­paign of obstruc­tion, prob­a­bly nev­er before seen in this coun­try. Many, prob­a­bly includ­ing the pres­i­dent would like to cov­er their eyes to the stark real­i­ties of the rea­son behind this assault.


What would com­pel chief Republican cur­mud­geon Mitch McConnell to say that his num­ber one pri­or­i­ty is to make the pres­i­dent a one term president?

What com­pels lunatic fringe nut wind-bag Rush Limbaugh to say he hopes the pres­i­dent fail?

I could go on and on detail­ing the rancid,vile and vit­ri­olic lan­guage that is a sta­ple of lit­er­al­ly all repub­li­cans when­ev­er they dis­agree with the pres­i­dent, but you get the pic­ture. These are peo­ple who claim to love their coun­try, they wrap them­selves in the flag and berate oth­ers with faux accu­sa­tions of not lov­ing America, yet they say they want the pres­i­dent to fail, these peo­ple are trai­tors , they are quite will­ing to see their coun­try destroyed because there is a black guy at the helm of the Executive branch of Government. There are oth­er cur­mud­geons , it is instruc­tive that the only black mem­ber of the supreme court, asso­ciate jus­tice Clarence Thomas does not see fit to attend a joint sit­ting of con­gress for the state of the nation address from the pres­i­dent of the United States.

Bush appointee Samuel Alito has aligned him­self square­ly on the side of the neo-cons on that body , a body where all Americans once felt they had a chance to get final and impar­tial jus­tice. This group now con­sist of Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia, and Clarence Thomas. To his cred­it Chief Justice Roberts irre­spec­tive of his pol­i­tics have cho­sen not to play those games. One would have thought that Someone like Mitch McConnell’s job would have been to serve the peo­ple of the state of Kentucky and the nation and not to set­tle pri­vate hatred or to indulge in spite­ful tit for tat ini­ti­at­ed by the right-wing fringe.

I can under­stand Tim Thomas goalie of the NHL’s Boston Bruins, or NASCAR’S Greg Biffle and Tony Stewart crass­ness in not turn­ing up to the white House to be con­grat­u­lat­ed by President Obama. This is to be expect­ed from those two sports, any­one sur­prised by that is divorced from real­i­ty in America. The tra­di­tion of sports stars get­ting invit­ed to the White House to be con­grat­u­lat­ed by the sit­ting pres­i­dent is a time-hon­ored tra­di­tion, mem­bers of sports teams are usu­al­ly thrilled to get invit­ed to the white House to be con­grat­u­lat­ed by the pres­i­dent, irre­spec­tive of their pol­i­tics. It’s respect for the pres­i­den­cy, its respect for the pres­i­dent. Opting out demon­strates a gut­ter coarse­ness that is rem­i­nis­cent of what would have been expect­ed of the peri­od between slav­ery and the 1960’s.

What I can­not under­stand is the dis­re­spect and lack of civil­i­ty of the likes of Colorado Republican rep­re­sen­ta­tive Doug Lamborn who did not show up for the state of the Nation address by pres­i­dent Obama. As I point to these repub­li­can hacks who will inevitably be mere igno­ble foot­notes in his­to­ry, I must piv­ot and use this oppur­tu­ni­ty to segue and pay my respects to Arizona Democratic con­gress-woman Gabrielle Gifford, a tru­ly patri­ot­ic America who turned up to lis­ten to the coun­try’s chief exec­u­tive tell the coun­try about the state of affairs and where he intends to take the country.

See more here: (abc​news​.com)

The brave and indomitable Gabrielle Gifford.

Congress-woman Gifford was crit­i­cal­ly wound­ed when an assailant shot her as she attend a meet and greet in her district.Several peo­ple were killed and injured in that assault and even though crit­i­cal­ly wound­ed from a bul­let to her head Mrs Gifford fought her way back and valiant­ly showed that she would not be defeat­ed by ter­ror. A true American hero if ever there was one.


Pompous self-aggran­diz­ing Newt Gingrich and flip-flop­ping liar Mitt Romney trot from state telling repub­li­can pri­ma­ry vot­ers that when the pres­i­dent talks about fair­ness in the income tax struc­ture in this coun­try he is actu­al­ly engag­ing in class war­fare. This is irony of the worst kind, because repub­li­cans are the par­ty that is locked in a strug­gle with the White House over not rais­ing tax­es on aver­age mid­dle class and work­ing Americans,but refus­es even to approach the table to dis­cuss repeal­ing Bush-era tax cuts for mil­lion­aires and bil­lion­aires. If ever there was class war­fare in this coun­try this is it, the arro­gance of repub­li­cans and those who pay to put them in pow­er to take care of their inter­ests and the insult­ing notion that if we con­tin­ue to make the super rich even more rich we will all be bet­ter from the crumbs that fall off their tables. The fact is it has been tried since Nixon to Reagan to Bush and still we have not seen where that works, the truth is the reverse is true the poor gets poor­er and the rich gets rich­er. Experts declare there are over two tril­lion dol­lars in the hands of rich busi­ness peo­ple, yet we do not see them rush­ing to hire, so that peo­ple’s lives can be bet­ter in this coun­try. con­verse­ly when we put mon­ey into the hands of aver­age peo­ple they go out and spend that mon­ey , it cre­ates jobs, brings more mon­ey into the trea­sury, and invari­ably finds its way back to the top as it always does. That’s the way to empow­er peo­ple not to make them beg­gars wait­ing for crumbs from the tables of the rich.

While the repub­li­can machine was gear­ing up to dis­re­spect where they should dis­agree if war­rant­ed, the pres­i­dent of the United States was issu­ing orders to US Navy seal team 6 to go res­cue two Americans held for ran­som in Somalia by pirates. Navy seal team 6 is report­ed­ly the same élite team of seals who elim­i­nat­ed Osama Bin Laden. We give the Seals the great­est respect they deserve and as pres­i­dent Obama says his detrac­tors should learn from these heroes on how to work togeth­er to build America. Republican can­di­dates run­ning for pres­i­dent and the sur­ro­gates who appear on cable tele­vi­sion par­rot­ing the lies they adopt as talk­ing points does­n’t even have the integri­ty to give cred­it where cred­it is due, do they think that all Americans are total­ly stupid/​Do they not know that despite a strug­gling econ­o­my peo­ple are cog­nizant of the fact that Osama Bin Laden is dead: most of Al Qaeda’s top oper­a­tives are dead: Libya is lib­er­at­ed with­out one American life lost: three mil­lion jobs cre­at­ed and the econ­o­my pulled back from the brink of the precipice: General motors and Chrysler saved from bank­rupt­cy and returned to prof­itabil­i­ty after just 3 years , con­trary to what Mitt Romney Vulture Capitalist said should be done: Romney said they should be allowed to go into bank­rupt­cy. Never mind the total destruc­tion that would have been wrought on state economies. The list of accom­plish­ments of this pres­i­dent is aston­ish­ing­ly incred­i­ble con­sid­er­ing that he is work­ing with a racial­ly obstruc­tion­ist congress.


It’s impos­si­ble to see what the strat­e­gy is for the repub­li­can par­ty going forward,they have repeat­ed­ly dis­re­spect­ed black peo­ple and as a con­se­quence they have lit­er­al­ly giv­en up on win­ning any sig­nif­i­cant por­tion of the black vote. To his cred­it Former President Bush our 44th President made over­tures to the African-American com­mu­ni­ty as well as the Hispanic com­mu­ni­ty, this was not fol­lowed upon or encour­aged by his par­ty after he demit­ted office. With the excep­tion of a few uncle tom self hat­ing blacks there real­ly is no black sup­port for repub­li­can can­di­dates that would make much of a dif­fer­ence. Newt Gingrich famous­ly stat­ed that Spanish is the lan­guage of the ghet­to, he is now try­ing to woo lati­no vot­ers in the state of Florida, he should find it an uphill bat­tle with Puerto Ricans liv­ing in that state, but it will prob­a­bly be a wash tak­ing into con­sid­er­a­tion the Cuban-American pop­u­la­tion in Florida that gner­al­ly align itself with Republicans. Recent indi­ca­tions how­ev­er indi­cate that there are sig­nif­i­cant shifts in the lati­no vote in Florida as there is a size­able influx of more demo­c­ra­t­ic lean­ing Puerto Ricans and oth­er lati­no immi­grants from oth­er coun­tries. see sto­ry here: (huff​in​g​ton​post​.com)

Mitt Romney has stat­ed stri­dent­ly he would veto the dream act if he is elect­ed pres­i­dent. The dream act if passed would have allowed chil­dren of immi­grants who entered the coun­try ille­gal­ly with them as babies to go to school and become assim­i­lat­ed into American soci­ety. Despite the fact that these chil­dren could not seri­ous­ly be pun­ished by any­one with an iota of brain-cell in their cra­ni­um, repub­li­cans call it amnesty and has stead­fast­ly refused to sup­port this piece of com­mon sense leg­is­la­tion. As com­mon sense as this bit of leg­is­la­tion is, there is an even big­ger issue which will deve­l­ope into a seri­ous and unten­able prob­lem as time pro­gress­es. Children who are not able to go school to get the edu­ca­tion they need,so that they may live out their God giv­en tal­ents will be angry. they will be angry because the only coun­try they have ever known has dis­tinct­ly said to them we do not want you here , we do not want you in our schools, and we do not care about you. these will be some very angry peo­ple who will invari­ably feel that their lives have been severe­ly ham­pered, America will have a prob­lem with these peo­ple and bet­ter be pre­pared for the con­se­quences. Dogma and ide­ol­o­gy can­not be that impor­tant that it elim­i­nates intel­li­gent dis­course, or lim­its com­mon sense deci­sions. If America has learned any­thing it should be that America got great because of it’s immi­grant com­mu­ni­ty, it’s diver­si­ty, and it’s con­stant stream of fresh ener­getic crop of hard work­ing immi­grants enter­ing it’s shores, not despite it. President Obama made that absoloute­ly clear in his recent state of the union speech. As a River becomes a rag­ing infer­no from the mul­tutide of trib­u­taries and streams that dumps into it, so does America con­tin­ue to grow from the con­stant infu­sion of tal­ent , intel­lect, and ener­gy. Given a chance repub­li­cans would build a wall around America close her ports to all but white peo­ple and take America back to the dark ages of slav­ery. they ought to be ashamed of themselves. 

Where are the Colin Powel’s and the Chuck Hagels , where is even John Mc Cain who told that woman “no maam, no maam he is a decent fam­i­ly man, cit­i­zen we just have dis­agree­ments ?(youtube​.com)
