Sinema’s Statement On Filibuster Shows Hypocrisy & Ignorance

After a tour of United States Customs and Border Protection's new soft-tent facility for unaccompanied migrant children, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, right, and Sen. John Cornyn of Texas speak during a press conference inside the garden at Casa Alitas, 2225 E. Ajo Way, in Tucson, Ariz. in June 1st, 2021. Sen. Sinema and Sen. Cornyn visited Border Patrol's new soft-tent facility for unaccompanied children as well as Casa Alitas.

The bla­tant hypocrisy and igno­rance of Arizona US Senator Kyrstema Sinema are pal­pa­ble. Sinema oppos­es end­ing the Filibuster.
Two days after pres­i­dent Joe Biden chal­lenged her and Joe Manchin with­out nam­ing them for sup­port­ing Republicans over their own par­ty, as if to flout her two-faced treach­ery, Sinema appeared with Texas Republican John Cronyn and declared that the thing to do is to change behav­ior, not change the rules.
The irony of Sinema’s stu­pid­i­ty is that Republicans, includ­ing John Cornyn, are busy chang­ing the rules they do not like; it is their intran­si­gent obstruc­tion that makes it nec­es­sary to have the con­ver­sa­tion about fil­i­buster reform.
Sinema should be speak­ing against that, yet she seemed to aim her igno­rant ire at the par­ty that got her elect­ed a US Senator in a state that Democrats won for the first time in a long time.
How do these igno­rant and decep­tive peo­ple gain such high offices?
The two sen­a­tors toured facil­i­ties in Tucson hous­ing migrants appre­hend­ed along Arizona’s bor­der with Mexico, includ­ing unac­com­pa­nied children.
According to the Arizona Republic, the pair is sched­uled on Wednesday to vis­it sim­i­lar facil­i­ties along Texas’ Rio Grande Valley.
Sinema, D‑Ariz., said the vis­it is aimed at learn­ing about dif­fer­ences in migra­tion and enforce­ment pat­terns along the U.S.-Mexico bor­der and boost­ing sup­port for a bipar­ti­san bill she intro­duced with Cornyn R‑Texas, that is aimed at address­ing “imme­di­ate” needs at the border.
While the wolf in sheep cloth­ing US Senators Kyrsten Sinema believes that Democrats can change the minds of a uni­fied Republican par­ty that is dead set on end­ing American Democracy, and the oth­er, Joe Manchin, who believes end­ing the fil­i­buster as we know it is destroy­ing American democ­ra­cy, Republicans are busy across the coun­try actu­al­ly dis­man­tling the Democratic process.
