If One Party Can Destroy Democracy The Other Can Stop It…

Democrats have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to save America from becoming an autocratic state run by Donald Trump under the dictates of Vladimir Putin.
They must come together and end the Senate filibuster now, because the next time this Republican party seizes power, it is game over.

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Left to right Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, & Donald Trump

A democ­ra­cy is con­tin­gent on two or more polit­i­cal par­ties agree­ing to the prin­ci­ples of the found­ing doc­u­ments on which the nation will be governed.
The Republican par­ty no longer believes in those found­ing doc­u­ments à la the con­sti­tu­tion, bill of rights, etc.
Therefore, it is time for new polit­i­cal think­ing, one that does not include the Republican party.
The House is on fire, and half the coun­try is too stu­pid to see it, and the oth­er half is too weak to do any­thing about it.
Republicans who haven’t won the pop­u­lar vote in a pres­i­den­tial elec­tion in four cycles see the writ­ing on the wall. White suprema­cy and the old order are threat­ened by a new surge of minor­i­ty vot­ers who pre­vi­ous­ly did not care too much about voting.
Republican par­ty’s state leg­is­la­tures have since embarked on a sys­temic assault on vot­ing rights aid­ed by the Roberts court.
At the Federal lev­el where the US Senate would nor­mal­ly tem­per the rash­ness of house mem­bers, Mitch McConnell’s cau­cus offers block­ing for to the ball-car­ri­ers of vot­er suppression.
In the House, the lat­est iter­a­tion of (Joe McCarthy).…..Kevin McCarthy is no dif­fer­ent than the un-American Moscow Mitch McConnell, except that he has to con­tend with a supreme­ly com­pe­tent Democrat named Nancy Pelosi.
Oh, while we are on the ques­tion of Nancy Pelosi, you Democrats who want to replace her as Speaker, you do real­ize that by oppos­ing her, you are doing the bid­ding of Republicans?
You do know that the rea­son they hate Nancy Pelosi is that she is effec­tive? Just ask­ing, and just so you know, there is absolute­ly not a sin­gle Democrat in your cau­cus that could out­do Nancy Pelosi’s savvy, so there is that.
Sorry, Congresswoman Katie Porter.

But it isn’t just Moscow Mitch in the Senate; there is Moscow Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Ron Johnson, Tom Cotton. The entire Senate cau­cus has sold out to the idea that the Republic is now expend­able for a more author­i­tar­i­an mod­el ruled by dear leader Donald Trump, a Putin stooge.
If one par­ty decides it will over­turn two hun­dred plus years of demo­c­ra­t­ic gov­er­nance, the oth­er par­ty is equal­ly empow­ered to stop it.
The Republican Party sup­ports white suprema­cy, some­thing the major­i­ty of American vot­ers eschew. the par­ty made itself the par­ty of insur­rec­tion and con­spir­a­cies. Its expressed and implied desires are to turn America into a total­i­tar­i­an state run by Donald Trump, some­thing that would make Vladimir Putin extreme­ly happy.
After all, I can only imag­ine how he is smil­ing, hav­ing out­done him­self. How could he imag­ine that his lit­tle plan to help an igno­rant, amoral stooge gain the pres­i­den­cy, poi­son the nation­al dis­course with lies, set the stage for the unrav­el­ing of the American soci­ety in such a dra­mat­ic and expe­di­tious fashion?
Putin is shrewd and cun­ning; he under­stood that America’s mul­ti-racial make­up is indeed its strength. Still, he also under­stood that where there are dif­fer­ences, there are oppor­tu­ni­ties to exploit.
He under­stood white self-doubt, and so he decid­ed to use a car­ni­val bark­er to spread the poison.
And so, aid­ed by the gullible media, spread the lies the car­ni­val bark­er did in duti­ful sub­mis­sion to his mas­ter. Long after, inde­pen­dent writ­ers like myself were ask­ing why is no one call­ing Trump’s lies what they are?
The media used nuanced lan­guage like half-truths & mis­state­ments; it was painful to watch even the so-called lib­er­al media elites twist them­selves into knots to devel­op palat­able syn­onyms for the word lie.
Me, I was shout­ing liar, liar, liar, long before the media elites real­ized that the guy was a frack­ing patho­log­i­cal liar and that his lies were part of a larg­er, deep­er, and dark­er cam­paign to dis­rupt and ulti­mate­ly destroy every­thing that held the nation together.


By mak­ing it expo­nen­tial­ly more dif­fi­cult to vote, Republican leg­is­la­tures effec­tive­ly turn states like Georgia, Florida, Texas, Michigan, and oth­ers into sep­a­rate enti­ties from the United States.
If Democrats are unable to com­pete fair­ly in states in which Republican leg­is­la­tures have moved the goal-post, and if Republicans can com­pete in Democrat-run states in which vot­ing is a free and open affair, in short order, there will be no Democrat-run state.
The prob­lem for Democrats is that despite the sol­id base of African-American vot­ers that [is]the core of the Democrat par­ty, whites still rule that par­ty, and even though they may not say the things the Republicans are say­ing, some Democrats are not opposed to them. Ask Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema if I am telling the truth.
Even President Joe Biden is pissed by their treach­ery; he lashed out at them on Memorial day at those wolves in sheep cloth­ing who vote more with Republicans than their own par­ty. (my words)
The Democrat par­ty wit­nessed what we all wit­nessed over the past five years. Unfortunately, the Party lead­er­ship also wit­nessed what the world saw on January 6th, 2021.
It also wit­nessed what the Roberts court did in 2013 to destroy the 1965 vot­ing rights act for no good reason.
Every Democrat politi­cian must also know that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is opposed to every qual­i­fied per­son cast­ing a vote.
Democrats wit­nessed Putin’s pup­pet sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly fol­low Putin’s play­book of stack­ing the courts with right-wing flunkies; in fact, he also added three of those flunkies to the high­est court with Moscow Mitch’s help.
They saw him try to tear down and cast doubt on pub­lic insti­tu­tions like the DOJ, state elec­tions appa­ra­tus, the media, Government agen­cies, world bod­ies that have kept the peace, and bowed to Putin like a mon­grel dog.
Democrats now hold the exec­u­tive branch; they have a 50 – 50 split in the Senate.
Despite what Republican Senators say out of the sides of their mouths, speak­ing of Susan Collins, Mitt Romney, James Lankford, Lisa Murkowski, et al., they vote with their Fascist part, why would Democrats dither around the ques­tion of end­ing the Senate Filibuster to save the Union?
Oh, wait, Joe Manchin’s ego and Kyrsten Sinema’s stupidity!
Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
