Republican/​Democratic Attack On Ilhan Omar Fraudulent/​here’s Why..

The firestorm of protest com­ing from both Republicans and the dis­gust­ing Democrats with regard to the rather fac­tu­al and tame com­ments made by fresh­man Democratic Congresswoman Rep. Ilhan Omar has demon­strat­ed just how deep into the pock­ets of the Jewish Lobby (AIPAC) both polit­i­cal par­ties are.
The fresh­man Minnesota Democrat is fac­ing back­lash after imply­ing in a tweet that politi­cians pushed for poli­cies ben­e­fi­cial to Israel because they are finan­cial­ly behold­en to pro-Israel lob­by­ing groups like AIPAC
Since then, rep­re­sen­ta­tive Omar, one of the first Muslim woman to be elect­ed to the Congress has been fac­ing a with­er­ing back­lash, includ­ing from the lead­er­ship of her own par­ty.
Even more shock­ing is the attack on her by the dis­gust­ing­ly racist Donald Trump, who has had no prob­lem offend­ing every group of peo­ple, not white and male.

Representative Ilhan Omar (D) Minnesota

Since the back­lash, Representative Omar has apol­o­gized, which she absolute­ly should not have done.
Omar said she unequiv­o­cal­ly” apol­o­gized for the remarks, but insist­ed that she would remain firm in her oppo­si­tion to the out­size role that she said lob­by­ing mon­ey plays in Washington pol­i­tics.
Before we even begin to address the pathet­i­cal­ly dis­gust­ing Democrats and the pre­dictable servile Republicans, I must at least offer a part­ing men­tion of the gall of the inher­ent­ly cor­rupt and insane­ly incom­pe­tent, and amoral Donald Trump. How dare Donald Trump call for any­one’s res­ig­na­tion, or even hav­ing an opin­ion on some­one else’s conduct?

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Sen’s. Ben Cardin, D‑Md and Marco Rubio, R‑FL both spon­sored a bill which would make it a crime for any American or American Company which boy­cotts the state of Israel. The Rubio Bill seeks to counter the glob­al Boycott, Divest and Sanctions move­ment against Israel over its treat­ment of Palestinians and the set­tle­ments. The country’s first Palestinian American woman in Congress, Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who has spo­ken about the rights of Americans to sup­port the BDS issue.“This is the U.S. Where boy­cotting is a right & part of our his­tor­i­cal fight for free­dom & equal­i­ty,” Tlaib said in a week­end tweet. “Maybe a refresh­er on our U.S. The con­sti­tu­tion is in order, then get back to open­ing up our gov­ern­ment instead of tak­ing our rights away.”
If the bill becomes law, any American found in breach of that law could face 25-years in prison for join­ing in a boy­cott of the Zionist State.

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According to the Associated Press, Rubio’s mea­sure infringes on free speech. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I‑Vt., tweet­ed, “It’s absurd that the first bill dur­ing the shut­down is leg­is­la­tion which pun­ish­es Americans who exer­cise their con­sti­tu­tion­al right to engage in polit­i­cal activ­i­ty. 
J Street’s President Jeremy Ben-Ami said in a state­ment: “While mil­lions of Americans suf­fer from the effects of the ongo­ing gov­ern­ment shut­down, it’s out­ra­geous that Senate Republican lead­ers are pri­or­i­tiz­ing leg­is­la­tion that tram­ples on the First Amendment and advances the inter­ests of the Israeli set­tle­ment move­ment. Not a sin­gle Democrat should vote to enable this farce.” 

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The for­gone is intend­ed sim­ply to lay the frame­work for estab­lish­ing the utter stu­pid­i­ty of the push­back against Representative Omar’s views, when there are so much more con­se­quen­tial pow­er moves being pushed on the American peo­ple by the Jewish lob­by AIPACand the amoral politi­cians who would take away the rights of Americans free speech, over their sup­port for a for­eign coun­try.
Any dis­agree­ment with the tac­tics and poli­cies of the Zionist apartheid state are met with swift and con­cen­trat­ed onslaught spear­head­ed with the label “anti-Semitic.“
Fear of being labeled “anti-Semitic effec­tive­ly silences any­one who would dare speak out, even in the face of Israel’s raw aggres­sion and crimes against human­i­ty com­mit­ted against unarmed Palestinians.

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The faux out­rage is dis­gust­ing, even if we could force our­selves to ignore the atroc­i­ties com­mit­ted by the Zionist state. Atrocities against unarmed Palestinian men, women, and chil­dren and even aid work­ers and jour­nal­ists doing their jobs.
There would still be the silence of Republicans and Democrats as the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speak­ing to the issue of African asy­lum seek­ers to Israel com­ment­ed.
We will return south Tel Aviv to the cit­i­zens of Israel, they are not refugees, but infil­tra­tors look­ing for work.“
The Zionist state is now com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent in size from what it was in 1947 when it was formed. In fact, it is dra­mat­i­cal­ly dif­fer­ent than when it defeat­ed the hap­less Arab assault in the so-called six-day war of 1967.
Since that war, not only has Israel tak­en con­trol of the Golan Heights and oth­er parts of the Palestinian ter­ri­to­ry it con­tin­ues to this day to ille­gal­ly mis­s­ap­pro­pri­ate the prop­er­ty of the Palestinian people.

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In January of 2018, Benjamin Netanyahu ordered African refugees out of the apartheid state. Israel receives Billions of dol­lars in American aid each year, a large part of that mon­ey is tax­es col­lect­ed from African-Americans and oth­er eth­nic minori­ties.
Describing African refugees num­ber­ing about 40 000 as “infil­tra­tors”, Netanyahu said they had two choic­es. They could either accept a once-off pay­ment of $3500 (R42300) and relo­cate to anoth­er African coun­try or spend the rest of their life in jail in Israel. They have until March to decide.
The announce­ment drew imme­di­ate out­rage. But for those fol­low­ing the dai­ly tra­vails and humil­i­a­tion endured by African refugees in Israel, it was the brazen­ness of Netanyahu’s crass plan that has appalled us. [Said www​.iol​.co​.za]

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One res­i­dent described Africans as “rapists and mur­der­ers”. Others con­firmed that some­thing had to be done to reclaim their city and coun­try. “There used to be space for our chil­dren, but now it’s like Africa here — like we are not in Israel any­more. They are tak­ing all the space and the Israeli fam­i­lies have no space left,” one man said.
But there real­ly isn’t any­thing to be sur­prised about. The deci­sion to push Africans out is part of a sto­ry of preser­va­tion of the Jewish state from “infil­tra­tors”. This is a coun­try obsessed with “eth­nic puri­ty”. Take the events around its found­ing in 1948 when about 700 000 Palestinians were boot­ed out of their homes and made per­ma­nent refugees. [www​.iol​.co​.za]
These Israelis who labeled Africans rapists and mur­der­ers had no trou­ble sup­port­ing the IDF gun­ning down inno­cent demon­stra­tors, includ­ing women and chil­dren and even inno­cent babies.

The hypocrisy of the American politi­cians who have sur­ren­dered their souls to the dev­il would be laugh­able if it weren’t so con­se­quen­tial.
This lit­tle intro­duc­tion to Israel’s racist and Xenophobic atti­tudes does not even begin to scratch the sur­face. American law­mak­ers know all about the atroc­i­ties, but have zero prob­lems with them.
Their dis­gust­ing attack on a Muslim woman who shares a dif­fer­ent faith than theirs is appalling.
Republican politi­cians right here in America run cam­paigns which are vis­cer­al­ly racist and they occur with­out any­one bat­ting an eye against them.
Duncan Hunter an indict­ed crim­i­nal, ran one of the most shock­ing ads against a Palestinian-American can­di­date. Republicans, includ­ing Kevin McCarthy, the Republican House minor­i­ty leader, and Californian, who now wants sanc­tions against Ilhan Omar said nothing.

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This is a farce, con­sci­en­tious Jewish peo­ple right here in America see through it. So too are oth­ers, not of the ilk of those con­demn­ing Congresswoman Ilhan Omar for her rather tame and absolute­ly true com­ments.
Yes, it is absolute­ly about mon­ey, they have sold their souls and dig­ni­ty for money. 
