Anderson Propped Up By (SOE’s) And (ZOSO’s)

Whether you are a fan of the Zones Of Special Operations ini­tia­tive or not, it is dif­fi­cult to argue against the fact that large amounts of secu­ri­ty per­son­nel in an area invari­ably low­ers crime in that area.
(ZOSO) As the ini­tia­tive is known, sure­ly has its detrac­tors for vary­ing rea­sons.
This writer cer­tain­ly is no fan of it for the sole rea­son that it bails out the cor­rupt politi­cians and the incom­pe­tent police high com­mand by low­er­ing crime tem­porar­i­ly.
This allows them to gloat about low­er­ing crime with­out com­ing up with sus­tain­able crime policies.

States of pub­lic emer­gency (SOE’s)are impor­tant for main­tain­ing pub­lic order under the spe­cial cir­cum­stances in which the secu­ri­ty forces may need addi­tion­al pow­ers. (ZOSO’s are no dif­fer­ent, though both ini­tia­tives squeeze out the pro­duc­ers of vio­lence from the oper­a­tional areas, it dis­pers­es them into oth­er­wise calmer areas.
This process gen­er­al­ly results in a lull in the vio­lence as those dis­placed by the ini­tia­tives accli­mate them­selves to their new oper­a­tional bases.

Despite the lies and dis­trac­tions by the Political Opposition and their sur­ro­gates in the Public Defender’s office and the media about the two ini­tia­tives, they remain quite pop­u­lar with the major­i­ty of Jamaicans.
I have not done any polling as it relates to peo­ple who actu­al­ly sup­port crim­i­nal con­duct in our coun­try.
Nevertheless, the fact that the major­i­ty of Jamaicans are will­ing to sup­port ini­tia­tives which dis­rupt and incon­ve­niences their lives gives me hope that there is a silent major­i­ty of our peo­ple who sin­cere­ly want the coun­try we once had.
The polit­i­cal oppo­si­tion is as heav­i­ly invest­ed in old-style pol­i­tics as the Governing admin­is­tra­tion.
Neither par­ty wants to dis­en­gage from the Garrison-style pol­i­tics which secures entire con­stituen­cies dis­hon­est­ly, despite the fact that it dimin­ish­es our democ­ra­cy and takes away the fran­chise of the populace.

Last year, because of the twin ini­tia­tives, the coun­try expe­ri­enced what the police say was a 20% drop in vio­lent crimes.
Conscientious observers, includ­ing this writer, cheered, because we believe that regard­less of the meth­ods employed, few­er dead peo­ple is a net pos­i­tive.
The down­side to the dip in homi­cides and oth­er vio­lent felonies is that the homi­cide and vio­lent felony sta­tis­tics were still too high.
Thus far this year, vio­lent crimes and homi­cides are tick­ing upwards. Whether this sup­posed uptick rep­re­sents a trend or an anom­aly is yet to be decid­ed. We will only be able to tell after the year is over.
If past is pro­logue we should be very con­cerned because we have seen these hor­ren­dous homi­cide num­bers in the not too dis­tant past.

The dis­con­nect with this uptick and pre­vi­ous ones is the gen­er­al lack of pan­ic. “Oh, mur­ders are on the rise again, yawn.“That seems to be the gen­er­al atti­tude this time around. So what exact­ly is dif­fer­ent this time?
I vivid­ly recall the sense of anger and pan­ic which suc­ceed­ed the past surges and the calls for the heads of Owen Ellington, Carl Willaims and the very nice and gen­tile George Quallo?
None of those recent for­mer com­mis­sion­ers of police were pol­i­cy­mak­ers. They were men who became com­mis­sion­ers of police, because they were police offi­cers.
No one both­ered to try to under­stand the dynam­ics at play in which the police is giv­en straws and required to spin them into gold.
Until now!

Hardley Lewin

The dif­fer­ence now is that the force is head­ed by an out­sider. Antony Anderson, past head of the (JDF). Past National Security Adviser to the Prime Minister, (a post-tai­lor-made for Anderson).
Of course, the men and women who came up through the ranks and bust­ed their tails to edu­cate them­selves, some more than Holness is, obvi­ous­ly were not qual­i­fied enough to advise the Prime Minister on National secu­ri­ty, though their entire careers have been spent in the secu­ri­ty port­fo­lio.
Which got me think­ing. Antony Anderson has got­ten a whole lot of def­er­ence and good­will from the pub­lic. Many of the elites came out in glee­ful sup­port, when he was select­ed over the men and women of the depart­ment to lead their depart­ment.
I have no quar­rel with the guy, he seems like a decent and lik­able enough per­son. But nei­ther of those traits insu­lates him from cri­tique.
A whole lot of elit­ist stinkers came out in sup­port of Anderson’s appoint­ment, none of whom had any­thing good to say about the com­mis­sion­ers of police who were actu­al police offi­cers.
Those stinkers are silent now, because once again their insis­tence on social engi­neer­ing is failing.

Trevor Macmillan

It is not the first time that an out­sider has been brought in and placed over the men and women of the JCF. We remem­ber the trav­es­ty which was Trevor Macmillan and lat­er Hardly Lewin.
My dis­qui­et with the whole thing has noth­ing to do with any love one would imag­ine I have for the hier­ar­chy of the JCF. Far from it.
I raise the sub­ject because when there is a cop’s cop at the helm of the JCF, no quar­ters or lat­i­tude is giv­en to them. They are expect­ed to work mir­a­cles, they are basi­cal­ly required to spin straw into gold.
Antony Anderson has thus far expe­ri­enced a charmed exis­tence. No one is call­ing for his head, despite the unchecked killings and oth­er vio­lent crimes.
Here’s a real bit of fact, in addi­tion to the hypocrisy, if we take away (ZOSO) and the (SOE’s) which have basi­cal­ly propped up Anderson’s tenure, he would inex­orably be pre­sid­ing over a run­away mur­der rate over and above any­thing his more recent pre­de­ces­sors expe­ri­enced dur­ing their tenures.

Antony Anderson (CP)

On this issue, I will not allow Jamaica’s snob­bish, lying and decep­tive elites to rewrite his­to­ry. We are going to stay vig­i­lant on this and record it for pos­ter­i­ty. Neither of the EX-JDF heads who were brought in to usurp the senior peo­ple in the JCF has a made a lick of a pos­i­tive dif­fer­ence wor­thy of men­tion.
The excus­es about lack of coöper­a­tion from the senior lead­er­ship and the lack of sup­port from the rank and file were spu­ri­ous at best.
None of it comes close to the dis­re­spect the JCF gets from the two polit­i­cal gangs which have divid­ed up the coun­try and their well-placed sur­ro­gates through­out civ­il soci­ety.
This is a coun­try in deep trou­ble because the two polit­i­cal par­ties have the coun­try in a death-grip for their own survival.
