Question For Blacks, Hispanics And Enrique Peña Nieto: When Did A Leopard Ever Change It’s Spot.….


Word of unsolicited advice and maybe a question to and for the African-American community, the Latino-community and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, what made you think a Leopard would change it’s spot?
Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto
Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto

What is it about the record of Donald Trump that made you want to give him the ben­e­fit of the doubt? I’m not about to re-lit­i­gate Trump’s record of big­otry , xeno­pho­bia, misog­y­ny, divi­sive­ness, and fascism.
In today’s world a sim­ple google search is enough to shine a light on pret­ty much any subject.

I am at pains in my efforts to find a ratio­nale for Black Americans sup­posed desire to have Donald J Trump meet with them . To begin with Donald Trump had no use for blacks through­out his sev­en decades on the plan­et. In fact he did not have any use for blacks even up to through the repub­li­can pri­maries. Black were sum­mar­i­ly expelled by his goons, a black man was suck­er punched by an old trail­er trash , and of course the white police attacked the vic­tim. A young black woman was phys­i­cal­ly and ver­bal­ly assault­ed and kicked out to Trump’s glee­ful cheering,.
“Knock the hell out of them will you,I love the old days , in the old days they would have been out­ta here on a stretcher” .
More con­se­quen­tial, his attempts to dele­git­imize the Nation’s first African-American pres­i­dent, sug­gest­ing that the pres­i­dent was not born in the United States, a demand to see the pres­i­den­t’s birth cer­tifi­cate , which is the equiv­a­lent of the show me your paper rules of years gone by.
The fact is that this tanned buf­foon is an unmit­i­gat­ed racist bigot.

So what about this his­to­ry that say to American Blacks , maybe we should care about this buffoon?
I mean this is a guy who spent $85​.ooo to dem­a­gogue and defame 5 young black and Latino youths ages 14 – 15 who were wrong­ly arrest­ed by NYPD cops and con­vict­ed of rape in 1989. The youths were con­vict­ed , thanks to Trump’s full page ads in local papers call­ing for the death penal­ty for the juve­niles, the poi­soned jury pool returned a guilty ver­dict result­ing in a 13 year incar­cer­a­tion before they were even­tu­al­ly exonerated.
Trumps unequiv­o­cal sup­port for police, regard­less of their abuse of the laws today was the same for the cops who framed the five juve­niles in 1989.
Donald J Trump the land­lord refused to rent to black ten­ants, those are facts.

In light of his char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of Mexicans as rapists and mur­der­ers, what was it about those state­ments which endeared Trump to the sup­posed Hispanic advi­so­ry coun­cil, before they were shamed into quitting ?
What bet­ter way to judge some­one than the words they utter ?
I’m remind­ed about this lit­tle gem.…

The scor­pi­on want­ed to hitch a ride across the riv­er begged the frog for a ride.
The frog adamant­ly refused cit­ing the dead­ly con­se­quences of the scor­pi­on’s sting.
The scor­pi­on asked ‚why would I sting you when you are giv­ing me a ride?
The frog relented .
Mid-stream the scor­pi­on struck .
The frog feel­ing the life drain­ing from him asked, why did you, you promised not to?
The scor­pi­on replied , I am a scor­pi­on that’s what I do..

What did Enrique Peña Nieto expect to gain from hav­ing Trump in Mexico city ? We are now hear­ing that the invite by Enrique Peña Nieto was just cur­so­ry and not real­ly intend­ed for Trump to take up, it was along the line of come vis­it with us and speak to us , get to know us before dis­re­spect­ing us kind of invite.
The same invite was extend­ed to for­mer sec­re­tary of state Hillary Clinton.
Clinton under­stands pro­to­col, clin­ton has not dis­par­aged Mexicans, Clinton has a life­time of meet­ing with world lead­ers, she under­stood the invite was diplo­mat­ic cour­tesy, kin­da like a neigh­bor say­ing we should get togeth­er some­time. You know you are not going to their house , they know they aren’t com­ing to your house, but it’s some­thing to say.

Not to Trump and his cam­paign, they saw mileage , much like his attempts to extract mileage from the clue­less Black Pastors who pros­ti­tute the gospel, their dig­ni­ty and their con­gre­ga­tions all for a chance to gain some spot­light and a chance to see their stu­pid faces on television.

Trump has no use for nei­ther Black nor Latino vot­ers . He is using the Black church as he has the Hispanic advi­so­ry coun­cil, as he has used Enrique Peña Nieto to show white peo­ple with con­science that the alle­ga­tions of racism against him are unfound­ed. That is the strat­e­gy of the new­ly appoint­ed Kellyanne Conway.
You don’t have to speak to them, speak at them and over their heads to our tar­get audi­ence which must turn out in record num­bers if we are to win.
The prob­lem for Enrique Peña Nieto whose approval rat­ings are in the tank, is that he missed a gold­en oppor­tu­ni­ty to embar­rass the blovi­at­ing bigot.
He erred egre­gious­ly in ele­vat­ing Trump to an equal, giv­ing Trump that plat­form ele­vat­ed him to states­man­ship Trump has earned but des­per­ate­ly craves. However Enrique Peña Nieto could have made lemon­ade from the lemon he dealt him­self. He could have stood up for Mexico and the Mexican peo­ple by high­light­ing the mutu­al ben­e­fits which exist between his nation and the United States.
He could have chid­ed Trump for being a unin­formed big­ot , he choked , as a result Trump emerged from that vis­it as the vic­tor , leav­ing Enrique Peña Nieto to flail away using his twit­ter account,. He had a chance to crush Trump and he did not , advan­tage Trump.

Donald Trump is Donald Trump he will not change a damn thing about who he is, as such the Hispanic and Black man­nequins who allow them­selves to be used as props to dress up the pres­i­den­tial ambi­tions of a big­ot should feel shame.
The prob­lem is that the need to rub shoul­ders with mas­sa may “TRUMP” sense for these blacks and his­pan­ic props.
