Who Are You To Tell Others When And How To Protest …


Nothing gets my blood boil­ing like when priv­i­leged white men, the likes of for­mer NFL quar­ter­back Boomer Esiason or NASCAR dri­ver Tony Stewart and oth­ers begin to tell Black peo­ple what they can and can­not do. It was that very same sense of author­i­ty, that sense of I am bet­ter than you, I have the right to dic­tate to you which cre­at­ed the igno­ble blight on mankind called slav­ery , and Jim Crow which has left a sear­ing scar on the char­ac­ter of America which refus­es to heal.

49ers QB- Colin kaepernick

San Francisco Fortyniners quar­ter­back Colin Kaepernick who refused to stand at the sign­ing of the nation­al anthem has drawn a flur­ry of crit­i­cism from priv­i­leged whites who have always tak­en it unto them­selves to tell oth­ers what they can and can­not do. They cre­at­ed onto them­selves a sense that they have the right to deter­mine what oth­er peo­ple do and how they do it.
Kaepernick argues he will con­tin­ue to sit while the anthem is played in protest over the con­tin­ued killing of unarmed black peo­ple by police with­out consequence.


Tony Stewart Tweet

Stewart ran over a com­peti­tor, 20-year-old Kevin Ward Jr., dur­ing a con­fronta­tion at a sprint car race in 2014 at Canandaigua Motorsports Park in New York.
Ward was killed.
Of course this lit­tle mur­der­ing runt would sup­port police mur­der­ing black peo­ple . He com­mit­ted actu­al mur­der and the star struck police refused to inves­ti­gate the case prop­er­ly and place him in jail where he belong. Why would he not be in love with crim­i­nal cops?

For his part Esiason has the damn gall to say quote “I can­not say it in the strongest, most direct way, that it’s an embar­rass­ment and it’s about as dis­re­spect­ful as any ath­lete has ever been,”.
Embarrassment to whom?
Here’s the real embar­rass­ment. That Esiason Stewart and oth­ers, scum of the earth, in the year 2016 find it objec­tion­able that some­one refused to stand and place their hand over their heart as a song which cel­e­brates slav­ery is being sung, than deal with the clear and present moral dan­ger inher­ent in inno­cent lives being snuffed out with­out consequence.


But the men­tal midget was­n’t done he went on …“… if Carmelo Anthony walks on the court in a Knicks uni­form and starts in with this, I think it’s going to cre­ate a lot of prob­lems,” Esiason said.
Wait just a sec­ond there, is this min­ion threat­en­ing Carmelo Anthony? Who died and made him God ?
There is this notion by many that Black peo­ple should shut up and sit down, after all, they argue things are bet­ter than they once were.
♦Of course Blacks should be hap­py that mas­sa no longer works him like beasts of bur­den from sun-up till sun­down with­out pay.
♦Of course Blacks should be thank­ful to mas­sa for not rap­ing our women in view of their husbands.
♦We should be damn well glad that they no longer feed lit­tle black babies to alli­ga­tors as sport.
♦We must eter­nal­ly be grate­ful to these mon­sters that they no longer sodom­ize our men as a way of break­ing them and emas­cu­lat­ing them in front of their wives.
♦Yes we must shut up and be glad that they no longer make a spec­ta­cle of us by mass lynch­ing us for sport after Sunday services.

lynching2Yes of course we cer­tain­ly need to be qui­et, after all mas­sa Esiason and mas­sa Stewart don neva give us no right to speak no how !!!!
Here’s the prob­lem with the con­cept of grad­u­al­ism . Fifty plus years ago when Dr King and oth­ers marched for civ­il rights and social jus­tice the num­ber one prob­lem fac­ing African-Americans was police bru­tal­i­ty. Today the sin­gle largest prob­lem fac­ing the African-American com­mu­ni­ty is police bru­tal­i­ty. There is no tone deaf­ness on the part of Tony Stewart or Boomer Esiason their mega-phone Donald Trump or oth­er priv­i­leged whites, they sim­ply do not care to hear. The issue of police aggres­sion and mur­der with­in the Black com­mu­ni­ty serves their white suprema­cist inter­ests. Any seg­ment with­in the human species which val­ues tra­di­tion and sec­u­lar prac­tices over the moral­i­ty of human dig­ni­ty, human life and human exis­tence is indeed the worst and most base of that specie.


In order to ful­ly digest the out­ra­geous nature of the cheeky sense of deity of the self right­eous whites it is impor­tant to rec­og­nize the gall of their self- appoint­ed right over every­one else’s right to self determination.
Over fifty years ago these were the very same argu­ments com­ing from the[self-aggrandizing mas­ter race]sic. Unfortunately many illit­er­ate blacks gob­bled it up as they do today.
King specif­i­cal­ly warned not to accept it. In address­ing the issue Dr King said Quote .
“This is no time to engage in the lux­u­ry of cool­ing off or to take the tran­quil­iz­ing drug of gradualism.”

Yes this is an issue which real­ly gets me riled up . Who the hell are you to deter­mine how oth­ers, par­tic­u­lar­ly the oppressed behave?
