Portia’s Apology Not The First After Being Strongly Challenged.…..


After threat­en­ing to bring mer­ce­nar­ies to the St Ann con­stituen­cy of Lisa Hanna , the People’s National Party President Portia Simpson Miller is report­ed­ly sor­ry for her caus­tic and vio­lence induc­ing tirade.

The PNP’s leader was speak­ing to sup­port­ers in the St Ann South Eastern con­stituen­cy when she was heck­led by some in the crowd. At issue we learned, is a feud which has been sim­mer­ing between the Member of Parliament Lisa Hanna and some parish Councillors with­in the party.
Miller did not take kind­ly to being heck­led, she threat­ened to return to the con­stituen­cy with people.
In her tirade Miller bragged about the strength of her con­stituen­cy and threat­ened to bring peo­ple back to deal with her errant supporters.

Those with knowl­edge of Jamaican pol­i­tics know that Miller’s St Andrew south west­ern con­stituen­cy is one of the most eco­nom­i­cal­ly depressed com­mu­ni­ties in the coun­try. The only strength Miller could have been allud­ing to in light of those facts would be the strength of arms of the mer­ce­nar­ies with­ing that polit­i­cal enclave.
It is all the more rea­son that her threats must be viewed with the due seri­ous­ness it deserves.
Neither south east st Ann, the PNP nor our coun­try belong to this rabid vira­go. It is past time that some­one stand up to this half-baked idiot and tell her “get the hell out of here and go sit some­place you are irrelevant”

So now we are to believe that this intem­per­ate vile out­burst from this old dis­gust­ing woman is some­thing she regrets accord­ing to the polit­i­cal ombuds­man Donna Parchment Brown.
Parchment-Brown report­ed that after the howls of con­dem­na­tion which came down on Miller ‚she admit­ted she could have con­duct­ed her­self differently.
Oh really?
Nothing short of an all out pub­lic mea cul­pa will be accept­able. The Island is awash in blood what it does not need is those who pro­port to lead insti­gat­ing and threat­en­ing more violence.
If after over sev­en decades on this plan­et she does­n’t know how to behave (1)what right does she have offer­ing her­self up for lead­er­ship”. And(2) why would any sane per­son fol­low this despi­ca­ble per­son­’s leadership.

For those who don’t know Portia it’s easy to brush her threats aside .
Those of us who know what she brings to the table under­stand that when she makes these threats she has the pow­er to deliv­er on them.
This vile woman is not a part of the solu­tion to Jamaica’s prob­lem she per­son­i­fies the problem.
On the occa­sion that Andrew Holness took over the lead­er­ship of the Labor Party from Bruce Golding he invit­ed Miller to walk the gar­risons (the island’s depressed zones of polit­i­cal exclu­sions) as a sign of good­will aimed at defus­ing polit­i­cal tensions.
Miller refused !!!!

After the events of 2010 the secu­ri­ty forces need­ed addi­tion­al autho­riza­tion to go after the Island’s mur­der­ing urban ter­ror­ists . That autho­riza­tion would have come in the form of an exten­sion to the lim­it­ed state of emer­gency pow­ers they were afford­ed by the then Labor par­ty admin­is­tra­tion of Bruce Golding.
To a man, Simpson Miller and the PNP object­ed to the grant­i­ng of addi­tion­al pow­ers to the secu­ri­ty forces under the trans­par­ent guise that they may vio­late the rights of citizens.
The real rea­son for their obstruc­tion was that Miller and the PNP could ill-afford to have their intri­cate net­work of polit­i­cal gar­ri­son com­mu­ni­ties which are the bul­wark of the par­ty’s stran­gle­hold on pow­er disrupted.

This is not a slip of the tongue by Portia Simpson Miller , it is the essence of who she is.
She is a ghet­to thug who cap­i­tal­izes on the igno­rance of those stu­pid enough to be enthralled by her lies and protes­ta­tions of love.
In local Government elec­tions held on the Island in 1988 a bunch of PNP thugs from Arnett Gardens and the con­stituen­cy of Simpson Miller arrived at the all-age school on White Hall avenue to ille­gal­ly remove bal­lot boxes.
They were all dressed in red PNP T‑shirts two to a motor­cy­cle and spilling out of motorcars .
Unfortunately for them on their arrival there were four no bull­shit cops stand­ing at the gate, your’s tru­ly being one of them.
This did not sit well with the wannabe gang­sters so they called Portia Simpson Miller who arrived a short while lat­er with even more sim­i­lar­ly clad brain-dead supporters.

For our part we had a plan which they weren’t privy to, we had unmarked cars with more cops a hair trig­ger dis­tance away.
On arrival Portia accused us of intim­i­dat­ing her supporters.
Fancy that, a min­is­ter of gov­ern­ment accus­ing the police of intim­i­dat­ing a bunch of hooli­gans who had no busi­ness on the premis­es much less in the polling sta­tion. A bunch of thugs who came for the sole pur­pose of steal­ing bal­lot box­es and a view toward dis­rupt­ing the demo­c­ra­t­ic process.
Being a cop who did not give a shit who any­one was, I told her nei­ther her sup­port­ers nor her was going to be allowed into the polling sta­tion because she had no law­ful busi­ness there . She decid­ed that she would try her luck, by ver­bal­ly assault­ing con­sta­ble Francis a mem­ber of our quartet.

I blast­ed her which sur­prised her and ignit­ed the ire of her sup­port­ers. I told her she was a fuck­ing dis­grace and total­ly unfit to hold polit­i­cal office. I told her one move toward my offi­cer and she would be arrest­ed forthwith!!!
Those who know me know that meant in hand­cuffs in the back of the car , no spe­cial treatment.
As I recount this sto­ry I remem­ber Carl Samuda was­n’t too hap­py either when I ear­li­er that same day told him he could not be on the premises,however he was more contrite.
Carl Samuda would lat­er con­spire with one deputy Commissioner Ebanks to have me removed from Constant Spring. A few days lat­er word got around and the peo­ple in the com­mu­ni­ty learned that I was trans­ferred and all hell broke loose.
No traf­fic was able to pass the Constant Spring Police Station to Manor Park until the mas­sive crowd received assur­ances from the Commissioner of Police that I was being sent back immediately.
That’s how good the Jamaican peo­ple are.

Jamaican politi­cians are not used to police offi­cers telling them what they can or can­not do.
Throughout my abbre­vi­at­ed career oth­er politi­cians who came across me found out that as long as I was on scene the law was sacro­sanct not them.
Ryan Peralto learned that les­son on Tower street and Edmund Bartlett so too found that out in Back Bush.
I am was not def­er­en­tial to any­one, the law was the law. No one was above the law !

Simpson Miller the leader of the mass of orange-clad thugs was not so hap­py about being told no, so she com­menced to lit­er­al­ly roll in the street, bawl­ing that her sup­port­ers were being harassed.
I knew she was darn stu­pid but that encounter solid­i­fied that belief that day . I was nev­er sure what she intend­ed to gain from rolling and balling on the dirty street of White Hall Avenue.
Nevertheless she con­tin­ued mak­ing a spec­ta­cle of her­self amidst the howls and exple­tives of her mob who encour­aged her to just walk through the gate.
Despite the brava­do, they under­stood quite clear­ly that the Uzi and M16 assault weapons slung across our chests were not there for dec­o­ra­tive pur­pos­es by any means.
A few min­utes lat­er Arnett Gardens strong­man George Phang arrived and pulled Portia aside, he then lit into the hooli­gans, ask­ing them if them came up to White Hall avenue to lose their lives .
Portia then came over to us and apol­o­gized for her behavior.
To the best of my rec­ol­lec­tion at the time she had respon­si­bil­i­ty for Youth and Sports.
She asked if she could give each of the four of us a hug, and she apol­o­gized some more.
She is apol­o­giz­ing once again over two and a half decades lat­er. only because this time social media called her out .
So too did she apol­o­gize that sun­ny day on White Hall Avenue, because four police offi­cers told her in no uncer­tain terms she would be arrest­ed if she opened her mouth in disrespect.
On that occa­sion she apol­o­gized because a polit­i­cal Don who knew the streets encour­aged her to apol­o­gize . This time it was large­ly social media outrage.
In the end Portia is still the same ret­ro­grade Portia. A malig­nant tumor sti­fling the growth , devel­op­ment, and advance­ment of the Island’s peo­ple. A dinosaur whose time has long passed , yet she still strive for relevance.
A Sub-Saharan type strong/​woman if you will .
A blight .….….….….….….……
