Police Killings Hasn’t Gone Away…they’v Gotten Worse…

After the Black-Lives-Matter protests, the riots and other protest actions across America ‚Media houses grew tired packed up their cameras took down their satellite antennas and went home . While it was going on there was wide expectation and hope that much of it would stop. That finally this ugly , filthy part of America would finally go away but it hasn’t . It hasn’t subsided , the cameras are gone now, the wall to wall coverage has subsided but it goes on as if there was no outcry. There are far more important things to talk about . People are getting killed in Europe, important white people. So the incessant and unnecessary killings of unarmed people of color continue unabated by American police.

According to the [Tech insid­er] American Police kill more peo­ple in a sin­gle day than the coun­try of Norway kill in nine (9) years. Now in all fair­ness Norway has a pop­u­la­tion of approx­i­mate­ly 5.2 mil­lion as against the American Population of over 300 mil­lion. However it is instruc­tive to note that the rea­son the com­par­i­son is made is that American cops con­tin­ue to kill unarmed men women and chil­dren at a uncon­scionable clip at the slight­est, or with­out any provocation.
In oth­er instances they kill peo­ple armed with small knives , sticks, screw­drivers, and oth­er objects which places no police offi­cer in dan­ger if the offi­cer stays a clear dis­tance away.

American state laws give police unprece­dent­ed pow­ers to use force on mem­bers of the pub­lic. What is hap­pen­ing now is that the very bound­aries of whats allowed inso­far as the legal­i­ty of those killings are con­cerned are being exploit­ed to the maximum.
It is no longer a ques­tion of am “I jus­ti­fied in this killing”?  There is lit­er­al­ly no instance of police killing inno­cent cit­i­zens where the killing is not jus­ti­fi­able under states laws.
However when the videos are replayed over and over in those killings which are record­ed the stark real­i­ty of these mur­ders become more and more nauseating.

No one is exempt , not the drug addict­ed , not the men­tal­ly dis­turbed, not the upset, not Black , not the Hispanic, not women and cer­tain­ly not Black men or boys, the tar­get of their mur­der­ous rage.

According to Rutgers University soci­ol­o­gist Paul Hirschfield The pub­lic has reached a boil­ing point in its tol­er­ance of police vio­lence, evi­denced by nation­al protests. But local gov­ern­ments and law enforce­ment groups look upon these mass respons­es as proof that firearms serve a jus­ti­fied need in soci­ety. To break that cycle, those in pow­er must reeval­u­ate their pri­or­i­ties, Hirschfield says.

Failing to enact reform puts more unarmed or light­ly armed peo­ple at risk of being unnec­es­sar­i­ly shot by the police. “Current poli­cies in the United States are extreme­ly effec­tive at pro­tect­ing police from civil­ians but woe­ful­ly inef­fec­tive at pro­tect­ing civil­ians from the police,” he said. “The pub­lic should be giv­en a say in the rel­a­tive val­u­a­tion of police and civil­ian lives.”

Simple put American laws val­ue police lives in ways they do not val­ue the lives of civil­ians and in cer­tain cas­es the laws places no val­ue on the lives of some civilians.
Alice Goffman a 33-year-old assis­tant pro­fes­sor at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, In a ter­rif­ic Book titled: On the Run: Fugitive Life in an American City ‚doc­u­ments how the expan­sion of America’s penal sys­tem is reshap­ing life for poor black fam­i­lies who exist under the watch of police, prison guards, and parole officers.

Goffman reports that Starting in the mid-1970s, the United States stiff­ened its laws on drugs and vio­lent crime and ratch­eted up the police pres­ence on city streets. The num­ber of peo­ple in American jails and pris­ons has risen five-fold over the past 40 years. There are now rough­ly sev­en mil­lion peo­ple under crim­i­nal-jus­tice super­vi­sion. “In mod­ern his­to­ry,” Goffman writes, “only the forced labor camps of the for­mer U.S.S.R. under Stalin approached these lev­els of penal con­fine­ment.

In an April 2015 Article appear­ing in the Los-Angeles Times Timothy McGrath,of the GlobalPost writes : There’s so much we don’t know about why and how often peo­ple die dur­ing police encoun­ters, and yet, we know enough to know that American police are killing far, far too many peo­ple com­pared to police in oth­er devel­oped countries.
Yet in a shock­ing dis­play of tone-deaf­ness and polit­i­cal pan­der­ing Republican Candidates for President pay homage and cheer-lead on police praise while refus­ing to appro­pri­ate­ly address an issue which is a dan­ger­ous­ly sim­mer­ing caul­dron wait­ing to explode.
McGrath points out that Police in peer nations like Germany, Denmark, the UK and oth­er lib­er­al democ­ra­cies — mean­while — rarely kill civil­ians. Even account­ing for pop­u­la­tion size, the fre­quen­cy with which American police kill civil­ians is shock­ing. Not twice as often, or three times as often. We’re talk­ing fac­tors of 20 to 70.

In case after case ‚after case American police esca­late sit­u­a­tions even when fam­i­ly mem­bers call them to help calm men­tal­ly unsta­ble or irate indi­vid­u­als they end up esca­lat­ing sit­u­a­tions which ulti­mate­ly result in them killing the individual.
It’s got­ten so bad that under no cir­cum­stance would I vol­un­tar­i­ly call police to my home unless a seri­ous inci­dent occurred which demand­ed that they be noti­fied be notified.
If the police is called to speak to an Black man argu­ing with his wife, on their arrival the man is sweep­ing his front yard the broom auto­mat­i­cal­ly becomes a dead­ly weapon in their estimation.[sic]
His col­or alone is seen as a dan­ger­ous weapon , let alone if he is above five feet tall he is auto­mat­i­cal­ly a beast wor­thy of death.
On that basis they imme­di­ate­ly demand the per­son drop the broom and if there isn’t instan­ta­neous com­pli­ance he dies an instant death from a bar­rage of bullets.

As a police offi­cer I was told to be dou­bly care­ful when I deal with cit­i­zens in their homes. This extra dili­gence and care was born from the prin­ci­ple that a man’s home is his cas­tle. American cops bom­bard their way into peo­ple’s homes with brute force and lengthy-exple­tive laced tirades and any protest from res­i­dents are met with crush­ing and lethal force. This kind of behav­ior is reserved for Black and brown peo­ple but is also extend­ed on occa­sions to poor whites for whom they have pre­cious lit­tle to no respect either.

Since this issue took promi­nence the web­site the Guardian​.com began a count of all the peo­ple who die at the hands of American Police . On it’s page titled The Counted is a ver­i­ta­ble grave­yard of faces of once breath­ing live human beings gunned down by police. It is extreme­ly dif­fi­cult to know exact­ly just how many peo­ple are killed as there are no Federal require­ments to report to Federal Authorities when local or state police kill people.
There are some report­ing which are clas­si­fied as jus­ti­fi­able, of course that des­ig­na­tion is done by Law-enforce­ment mak­ing those deter­mi­na­tion that their actions are jus­ti­fi­able. Those reports do not include the many peo­ple who are killed with­out any jus­ti­fi­ca­tion. Or peo­ple who are beat­en or suf­fo­cat­ed by police who die lat­er as a result of the abuse they take at the hands of police.

Despite these obsta­cles the Guardian came up with a total of 1134 peo­ple killed in 2015 at the hands of American police. The year 2016 began with a mer­ry clip as police con­tin­ue to kill and phys­i­cal­ly assault cit­i­zens of col­or at alarm­ing rates. In many cas­es they open­ly threat­en cit­i­zens in exple­tive laced tirades before they snuff out their lives and there are no con­se­quences for these actions. In fact there are hard­ly any cas­es where any per­son shot by police sur­vive being shot.
Young black men were nine times more like­ly than oth­er Americans to be killed by police offi­cers in 2015, accord­ing to the find­ings of a Guardian study that record­ed a final tal­ly of 1,134 deaths at the hands of law enforce­ment offi­cers this year.
The sto­ry is always the same some­one lunged at the police or made threat­en­ing moves in the direc­tion of offi­cers upon which offi­cers open fire and the vic­tim is stuck.
In case after case it becomes evi­dent with clos­er scruti­ny that the deceased died from mul­ti­ple gun­shot wounds .
Generally all kill shots.
American peo­ple of col­or have become tar­gets for assas­si­na­tion mere­ly based on the col­or of their skin. They are told to shoot to kill .
It is not out of the ordi­nary for per­sons to be vicious­ly beat­en or killed while their hands are cuffed behind their backs.

Yet American offi­cials con­tin­ue to per­pet­u­ate the non­sen­si­cal notion that the American sys­tem is the best. Despite these ridicu­lous state­ments hard­ly any cop gets pros­e­cut­ed for mur­der no mat­ter how bla­tant­ly obvi­ous their crimes are.
It lead to the log­i­cal con­clu­sion then that police mur­der is sanc­tioned by the sys­tem, and is designed to keep the minor­i­ty pop­u­la­tion in it’s place at the per­il of death.
Regardless of the bar­barism of the killings white Prosecutors put togeth­er Grand Juries with­out pre­sent­ing evi­dence of crim­i­nal con­duct to the jury. These Kangaroo events are designed to pla­cate the aggriev­ed seg­ment of the pub­lic but has noth­ing to do with jus­tice. The Grand Jury process is mere­ly a process to clear cops of wrong-doing regard­less of the crimes they commit.

The http://​the​freethought​pro​ject​.com/​c​o​p​s​-​k​i​l​l​e​d​-​8​-​h​o​u​r​s​-​2​0​1​5​-​e​a​r​l​y​-​g​r​a​v​e​s​-​d​a​y/reports that in 2015 cops in the United States kill at a rate of 3 each day or one per­son every 8 hours.
