Is Delroy Chuck King?


Delroy Chuck has not even warmed the seat in the Justice Ministry and already he is acting like a Monarch . This is nothing new for Chuck who has a penchant for grandstanding and an over-sized impression of self.

Justice Minister Delroy Chuck
Justice Minister Delroy Chuck

According to Jamaican Media Chuck was speak­ing at a forum on the Justice Undertakings for Social Transformation (JUST) pro­gramme, held recent­ly, at the Pegasus Hotel in New Kingston. 
Delroy Chuck, is call­ing on judges to move to dis­miss cas­es that are in the sys­tem for five years and more by the end of 2016. He insists that cas­es must be dealt with with­in months, sim­i­lar to pro­ce­dures in oth­er jurisdictions. 
According to Chuck, unless there are rea­son­able grounds for them con­tin­u­ing, he would urge that this year, those cas­es be dis­missed for want of prosecution.Justice Minister Delroy Chuck says the con­sti­tu­tion pro­vides that a per­son charged should have their case dealt with by fair hear­ing with­in a rea­son­able time. He states that this can­not be years or decades. Chuck adds that it is not fair that any accused per­son, even if he is guilty, has to go to court for five years hop­ing that his inno­cence can be pronounced.

He is right regard­ing speedy tri­al but this is not an issue to be fixed by fiat. Delroy Chuck has no author­i­ty to make such demands.
If he is desirous of see­ing this issue addressed he should have his par­ty which is in Government table a bill on it and allow the issue to be debat­ed and vot­ed on by the house ..The peo­ple should also be allowed a say as they are the ones aggriev­ed by these crim­i­nal actions , .They are also the ones accused of these crimes .
Where does Chuck get the author­i­ty to make such demands?

Here’s the part that absolute­ly gets me with this guy, Quote : “It is not fair that any accused per­son, even if he is guilty, has to go to court for five years hop­ing that his inno­cence can be pronounced”.
Not a thought for the vic­tims of crime. “even if they are inno­cent”? Now does any­one won­der why I abhor this prick? The fact of the mat­ter is that he has nev­er been vic­tim­ized by crim­i­nal action.
He has nev­er been robbed , raped , shot , and he is here so he was nev­er mur­dered. Hence the reck­less talk about even if they are guilty.
Guilty peo­ple deserve no sym­pa­thy after they have com­mit­ted crimes. Arguing that the con­sti­tu­tion pro­vides that a per­son charged should have their case dealt with by fair hear­ing with­in a rea­son­able time in this con­text is a red herring.
Only in a crim­i­nal lov­ing soci­ety would a Minister of Government be advo­cat­ing for turn­ing crim­i­nals lose and absolv­ing them of the heinous crimes they have committed.
This argu­ment is disin­gen­u­ous and patron­iz­ing at best and at worse a crim­i­nal cod­dling attempt to cur­ry favor with crim­i­nal ele­ments which he nev­er shied from.
It’s the let­ter of the con­sti­tu­tion which speaks to a speedy tri­al based on the pre­sump­tion of innocence.
Arguing that even guilty par­ties should be absolved of cul­pa­bil­i­ty defies the intent or spir­it of that seg­ment of the constitution.
One does not have to be a lawyer to know bull­shit when he/​she sees it. Chuck’s decree is exact­ly that, a load of horse manure.

If such a move is to be adopt­ed the peo­ple’s rep­re­sen­ta­tives must be allowed to write that bill and vote it into law . Since these cas­es are already in the sys­tem, a for­mal leg­isla­tive review would be in order. Even then, in a coun­try like Jamaica I would not feel com­fort­able see­ing this done with­out over­sight, there are just far too many oppor­tu­ni­ties for corruption..
It’s incon­ceiv­able that a sin­gle Minister of Government would take it upon him­self to make such a sug­ges­tion which sounds more like a command.

2 thoughts on “Is Delroy Chuck King?

  1. Delroy Chuck’s rhetoric is not sur­pris­ing at all. This man is always anti-police and pro-crim­i­nals! Let’s not for­get, that he was one of the biggest archi­tect for the “Indecom,” agency. 

    Jamaican politi­cians always behave as if they are above the law. Not because the gov­ern­ment change that means that things are going to be much bet­ter. I don’t think so. 

    There’s not a sin­gle Jamaican politi­cian who is anti-crim­i­nals or else he/​she would not be a mem­ber of parliament. 

    The name of the par­ty in charge is dif­fer­ent, but it is the same philoso­phies of giv­ing the crim­i­nals more cov­er­age from the jus­tice system.

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