One Justice For Whites Another For Blacks In America.….

Shane Piche

Rape is a crime of deprav­i­ty which not only destroys the vic­tim’s body, it touch­es the soul. There should be no sup­port for those who know­ing­ly and will­ful­ly force them­selves sex­u­al­ly on anoth­er human being against that per­son­’s will.
At the same time, police, pros­e­cu­tors and the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem should do the utmost in due dili­gence, to ensure that those arrest­ed, pros­e­cut­ed and jailed are indeed guilty of the crimes they are alleged to have com­mit­ted.
It does soci­ety no good, if men are sent to prison because of vin­dic­tive women who had hurt feel­ings and cry rape to pun­ish the man

Bill Cosby

I recent­ly wrote that Legislation will not fix the insti­tu­tion­al­ized racism in America because those who are enforc­ing the laws are hell-bent on main­tain­ing the insti­tu­tion of white suprema­cy and white priv­i­lege to ben­e­fit them­selves.
Legislation will not fix how police enforce laws, when the offi­cers have no respect for a cer­tain seg­ment of the soci­ety and see them as dis­pos­able.
Legislation will not fix the prob­lem of Prosecutors who refuse to hon­or their oaths and pros­e­cute killer cops who vicious­ly exter­mi­nate peo­ple they hate under the col­or of law.
The laws are
As impor­tant as it is to have good laws, is if judges dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly send Black and Brown peo­ple to prison for long stretch­es then give whites tiny taps of the wrist for the very same offense how can there be respect for the rule of law or the admin­is­tra­tors of that system?

R Kelly

Bill Cosby an eighty-some­thing-year-old Black man is in prison for alleged sex­u­al assaults com­mit­ted years ago, out­side the stip­u­lat­ed statute of lim­i­ta­tions.
R&B singer Robert Kelly (R Kelly), is on a mil­lion dol­lar bond for sex­u­al assault, yet a white Shane Piche, 25, white male, was sen­tenced to 10 years pro­ba­tion and must reg­is­ter as a sex offend­er — but escaped time behind bars due to the fact that he had no pre­vi­ous arrests, accord­ing to the Watertown Daily Times.
Judge James P. McClusky said pro­ba­tion was an appro­pri­ate sen­tence because Piche had no pri­or arrests and only had one vic­tim.
Police said that Piche met the girl while on the job as a bus dri­ver and had sex with her at his apart­ment in Jefferson County.
So accord­ing to this retard­ed Judge rape and its atten­dant pun­ish­ment, is premised on the num­ber of vic­tims the rapist destroys, not on the das­tard­ly act itself.

This is in the sup­posed lib­er­al state of New York though upstate in the sticks of the Watertown region.
While these atro­cious dis­par­i­ties are hap­pen­ing in enforce­ment, pros­e­cu­tion, con­vic­tion and sen­tenc­ing, Black peo­ple are going to prison for a year for smok­ing mar­i­jua­na and or dri­ving under the influ­ence and hav­ing their dri­ving priv­i­leges yanked.
The bla­tant dis­re­gard for any sem­blance of pros­per­i­ty as it relates to how the nation’s laws are applied is evi­denced in plain sight.
The rich and pow­er­ful and even those who are not rich and pow­er­ful but have white skin, are exempt from the puni­tive com­po­nent of the laws and in some case aren’t even pros­e­cut­ed for their crimes. 
