Ex-Minnesota Officer Who Killed Unarmed White Woman Becomes State’s First Cop Convicted Of Murder

Wait just a minute here, Black peo­ple con­tin­ue to be in a stu­por even as these bla­tant dis­par­i­ties in the jus­tice sys­tem are hap­pen­ing in front their eyes and they are doing noth­ing about it.
A white cop who mur­ders a Black per­son can­not get con­vict­ed in any court in America.
A Hispanic cop who mur­ders a black per­son in America is very like­ly to get away with it. A Black cop who mur­ders a Black cit­i­zen should expect no pro­tec­tion from those who pro­tect cops, he will face the full force of the sys­tem and his con­vic­tion will be used to make the argu­ment that cops are not above the laws.
But if a Black cop kills a white per­son even under the best of cir­cum­stance he should ensure that he puts his house in order because he is going to prison. They won’t even allow you to go home to get ready for sen­tenc­ing you will be in cus­tody the very day of the ver­dict.
There is no pro­tec­tion for a black police offi­cer who takes the life of a white American.

Former Minneapolis Police Officer Mohamed Noor's Trial For Shooting Death Of Justine Damond Begins

A black for­mer Minneapolis police offi­cer who gunned down an unarmed white woman was con­vict­ed of third-degree mur­der Tuesday (April 30), spark­ing debate over racial injus­tice involv­ing police shoot­ings. Mohamed Noor became the first police offi­cer in Minnesota to be con­vict­ed of an on-duty mur­der.
According to the Associated Press, a diverse jury con­vict­ed Noor of third-degree mur­der and manslaugh­ter, but acquit­ted him of inten­tion­al sec­ond-degree mur­der, for the 2017 fatal shoot­ing of Justine Ruszczyk Damond.
Damond, a 40-year-old dual cit­i­zen of the U.S. and Australia, was shot to death after she called 911 to report a rape in the alley behind her house. Noor, a 33-year-old Muslim immi­grant from Somalia, was a two-year vet­er­an of the force at the time of the shoot­ing. He was fired from the Minneapolis Police Department after being charged for killing Damond.
Of the night in ques­tion, Noor tes­ti­fied that he and his part­ner, Matthew Harrity, were in their squad car when they heard a loud noise in the alley. Damond lat­er appeared and banged on Harrity’s win­dow. Noor alleged that he heard Harrity yell “Oh Jesus!” as he attempt­ed to pull out his firearm.
Noor went on to claim that he shot and killed Damond to “stop the threat and save my partner’s life.” Both offi­cers had their body cam­eras turned off dur­ing the shoot­ing but turned them on after the fact.
The jury ver­dict, hand­ed down after two days of delib­er­a­tions, rais­es ques­tions about Philando Castile’s mur­der dur­ing a 2016 traf­fic stop. Castile, a 32-year-old Minnesota school cafe­te­ria work­er, was shot and killed by St. Anthony police offi­cer, Jeronimo Yanez, while reach­ing for his license and reg­is­tra­tion as the offi­cer request­ed.
Castile was licensed to car­ry a weapon and informed the offi­cer that he had a firearm. Yanez then pulled out his gun and began shoot­ing Castile, as his girl­friend and her 4‑year-old daugh­ter sat in the car. Yanez claimed he feared for his life and was acquit­ted of two counts of sec­ond-degree manslaugh­ter. A dozen peo­ple were killed by Minnesota cops in 2018, per the Washington Post’s nation­al data­base. The state has also come under fire for its lack of trans­paren­cy in police-involved shoot­ings.
Noor was tak­en into cus­tody imme­di­ate­ly after the ver­dict, despite his attor­ney request­ing that he remain free until sen­tenc­ing on June 7. He could spend up to 16 years in prison for both con­vic­tions.
After express­ing con­do­lences to the vic­tim’s fam­i­ly, the Somali American Police Association released a state­ment not­ing that the “aggres­sive” pros­e­cu­tion proves under­ly­ing motives.
“The dev­as­tat­ing cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing this case have made a sub­stan­tial impact on both Ruszczyk’s and Officer Mohamed Noor’s fam­i­lies,” the state­ment reads.
“Officer Noor is the first police offi­cer in Minnesota’s his­to­ry to be con­vict­ed of mur­der while in the line of duty. SAPA believes the insti­tu­tion­al prej­u­dices against peo­ple of col­or, includ­ing offi­cers of col­or, have heav­i­ly influ­enced the ver­dict of this case. The aggres­sive man­ner in which the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office went after Officer Noor reveals that there were oth­er motives at play oth­er than serv­ing jus­tice.”
