Now That You Conceded Defeat, Mister PM, Repeal The INDECOM Act Now.

At every turn where law­less Jamaicans abuse police offi­cers doing their duty, one acronym is heard com­ing from their mouths.
The Jamaican Prime Minister final­ly con­ced­ed yes­ter­day quote” ‘The country’s crime prob­lem has “evolved cur­rent­ly, over and above our estab­lished capac­i­ty to address it”
I have repeat­ed­ly chal­lenged this PM to step away from his charged rhetoric against the police and begged him to sup­port our police.
Yesterday he con­ced­ed defeat, but still refus­es to repeal the INDECOM Act, and return to the CCRB which was far more effec­tive, far less confrontational.

I call on the JAMAICAN Prime Minister to repeal the INDECOM Act forth­with.
It took an act of par­lia­ment to cre­ate it, it requires an act of par­lia­ment to repeal it.
Table the repeal in the house of rep­re­sen­ta­tives and let mem­bers vote on it.
Tell the United States, England And Canada to stand down, it is their dark mon­ey that is par­tial­ly sup­port­ing the crime enhanc­ing Trojan horse.
The secu­ri­ty forces must have over­sight, but more than any­thing else, they need our sup­port.
The United States Embassy in our coun­try days ago issued restric­tions to their staff and cit­i­zens about where not to in our coun­try.
The list of places is shock­ing to all peo­ple who know the Island. The list was so expan­sive there was hard­ly any­place that their staff is allowed to go.

Repeal the dis­as­trous INDECOM Act, and return to the for­mer CCRB which was far more effec­tive and with none of the acri­mo­nious bag­gage that comes with INDECOM.
Free up the police to go after the crim­i­nals and hold them account­able when they vio­late their oaths.
Enforcing or nation’s laws has noth­ing to do with vio­lat­ing cit­i­zens’ rights.
Your mis­guid­ed approach to this issue may not have brought our coun­try to this point, but it has cer­tain­ly cement­ed the dis­re­spect being met­ed out to our police and has strength­ened the hands of crim­i­nals.
Stop this mad­ness now.

