New Evidence Seems To Show Rasheem Carter’s Case Was Indeed Murder…

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We brought his case to your atten­tion some time ago; here are some new devel­op­ments, accord­ing to root​.com. Everyone knows that in the United States, there are so-called sun­down towns in which black peo­ple are mur­dered sole­ly based on the col­or of their skin. It hap­pened all through­out America’s his­to­ry it is hap­pen­ing today.
In these god­for­sak­en places pop­u­lat­ed with hea­thens, mur­der peo­ple for their skin col­or; what pass­es for law enforce­ment is usu­al­ly com­plic­it in the killings or are the ones who com­mit the murders.
It should sur­prise no one then that the sher­if­f’s depart­ment has cre­at­ed a nar­ra­tive of an ani­mal attack on this young man.
The sad real­i­ty is that based on the emerg­ing evi­dence, ani­mals did attack Rasheeem Carter, two-legged animals.
Why would a per­fect­ly sane young man text his moth­er that he was being chased by white men hurl­ing racial slurs
if he was­n’t?
Oh, by the way, I bet you have not seen or heard this case men­tioned on main­stream media(mb)‑black-man-was-found-dead-after-he-told-his-mother-he-was-being-chased-police-said-theres-no-reason-to-suspect-foul-play/

The fam­i­ly of Rasheem Carter, a 25-year-old who was alleged­ly mur­dered in the woods of Mississippi, have start­ed try­ing to unlock the mys­tery his hor­ri­fy­ing death. The fam­i­ly told Insider he was last seen on video “run­ning for his life,” though the sheriff’s office debunked their claim. Carter went miss­ing in October 2022 just after send­ing a text to his moth­er, Tiffany, say­ing a truck­load of white men were chas­ing him.

His moth­er recalled the text say­ing, “Me and the own­er of this com­pa­ny are not see­ing eye to eye… If any­thing hap­pens to me [he] is respon­si­ble for it… he got these guys want­i­ng to kill me.”
She also said her son was work­ing at a weld­ing facil­i­ty in order to make enough mon­ey to reopen his seafood restau­rant fol­low­ing its clo­sure dur­ing the pan­dem­ic. However, she said for some rea­son he fled from his cur­rent work in fear for his life. One month lat­er, his remains (sev­ered head, ver­te­brae and spinal cord) were found scat­tered in the woods. The med­ical examiner’s office couldn’t even deter­mine the cause of Carter’s death because his remains were already decom­pos­ing, per CBS42.
Though the Smith County Sheriff’s Department pre­vi­ous­ly killed the notion of foul play being a fac­tor in the inci­dent and even the the­o­ry Carter was being chased, one cryp­tic pho­to con­vinces the fam­i­ly that mal­ice was involved.

Deer cam­era footage still of Rasheem Carter in the woods on October 2, 2022, when his moth­er report­ed him missing.

The moth­er of the 25-year-old man whose remains were found a month after he dis­ap­peared told Insider on Wednesday that the wildlife cam­era image of her son shows that “some­thing was wrong” and that he was “run­ning for his life.”

You could see there are bruis­es on him,” Carter’s moth­er, Tiffany Carter, told Insider of the October 2, 2022 image with a time stamp of 4:32 p.m. “When I see that pic­ture, I know my son was some­where strug­gling, some­where run­ning for his life.”

Investigators pro­vid­ed the image to Rasheem’s fam­i­ly for ver­i­fi­ca­tion about a week before his remains were found on November 2, 2022, just south of Taylorsville, Mississippi, in a wood­ed area, about 300 yards away from where he was seen in the pho­to, accord­ing to Tiffany and police.

Rasheem’s cousin, Tarsha Clark, told Insider she believes Rasheem was “hid­ing” at the time the image was captured.

The more we learn about the case, the stranger it gets. And the “ani­mal attack” the­o­ries from the sheriff’s office don’t seem as con­vinc­ing.
