Nancy Pelosi Isn’t Buying GOP Outrage Over Donald Trump’s KKK Comments

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi criticized Republicans on Thursday for condemning GOP hopeful Donald Trump as a bigot while trying to keep the Confederate flag at the Capitol.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi crit­i­cized Republicans on Thursday for con­demn­ing GOP hope­ful Donald Trump as a big­ot while try­ing to keep the Confederate flag at the Capitol.

It’s stuff that we hear around here all the time,” the House minority leader said.

WASHINGTON — When Republican pres­i­den­tial front-run­ner Donald Trump did­n’t imme­di­ate­ly dis­avow for­mer Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, it did­n’t sur­prise House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D‑Calif.) that much.

Pelosi and oth­er Democrats have argued this week that Republican law­mak­ers are respon­si­ble for the rise of Trump and the cam­paign he is running.

The sanc­ti­mo­ny that was dis­played in terms of ‘Oh, my gosh, can you believe he said that?’ — it’s stuff that we hear around here all the time,” Pelosi told reporters on Thursday.

While Pelosi said she did­n’t think Trump is a reflec­tion of Republicans “writ large across the coun­try,” she called him an “accu­rate reflec­tion of the actions tak­en or not tak­en by the House Republicans.”

Pelosi sug­gest­ed that it was hyp­o­crit­i­cal of Republicans to dis­tance them­selves from Trump while obstruct­ing con­gres­sion­al efforts to com­bat racism and inequal­i­ty — for exam­ple, by block­ing a mea­sure to remove Confederate flags from the Capitol and by refus­ing to move leg­is­la­tion to renew the Voting Rights Act, which is cur­rent­ly stuck in committee.

While they dis­as­so­ci­ate them­selves from Trump’s asso­ci­a­tion with right-wing white suprema­cist groups, they at the same time vot­ed a num­ber of times against our amend­ment to remove the Confederate flag from the Capitol,” she said.

Although the Confederate flag is a sym­bol of hate and racism to many, Republicans put for­ward a mea­sure last year to allow the flag to be dis­played on Confederate Memorial Day at graves on fed­er­al land, defy­ing Democrats’ attempts to ban them.


Pelosi also denounced the GOP for tout­ing fam­i­ly val­ues and the “spark of divin­i­ty that exists with­in every per­son” while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly “shut­ting the door to women and chil­dren from Latin America and Syria,” a ref­er­ence to Republican efforts toblock migrants and refugees from enter­ing the country.

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R‑Wis.) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R‑Ky.) con­demned Trump ear­li­er this week.

If a per­son wants to be the nom­i­nee of the Republican Party, there can be no eva­sion and no games,” Ryan said. “They must reject any group or cause that is built on bigotry.”

Yet both lead­ers stood by their pre­vi­ous state­ments that they would ulti­mate­ly sup­port who­ev­er ends up being their par­ty’s nominee.

Editor’s note: Donald Trump is a ser­i­al liarram­pant xeno­phoberacistmisog­y­nist, birther and bul­ly who has repeat­ed­ly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 bil­lion mem­bers of an entire reli­gion — from enter­ing the U.S.
Read more here Nancy Pelosi Isn’t Buying GOP Outrage Over Donald Trump’s KKK Comments
