Republican Hate For Obama Fueled The Rise Of Trump’s Fascism.…


After Donald J Trump swept a major­i­ty of the Super Tuesday states many in the Republican Party’s estab­lish­ment who thought Trump would sim­ply implode are now

Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney

in full frontal pan­ic mode on Wednesday.
Mitt Romney the last los­er Republicans nom­i­nat­ed to run against Obama is sched­uled to speak on the state of pan­ic on Thursday at 11:00am east­ern at the University of Utah.
Romney is slat­ed to address the seri­ous prob­lem fac­ing the par­ty and the impli­ca­tions a Trump nom­i­na­tion would have for the future of the Republican Party.
At the same time Ben Carson issued a release say­ing he does not see a path for­ward for his cam­paign and as such he will not be attend­ing the next Republican debate. Frankly I did not even remem­ber that Ben Carson was still in the race !
Well I guess he fell asleep or was run­ning the race the way the Tortoises ran that decep­tive race against the Hare.

The Republican hate machine unleashed a scorched-earth attack against Obama in 2007 to this Obama’s last year in office, not a sin­gle Republican abstained from the

Donald J Trump
Donald J Trump

assault except for­mer President George W Bush.
That hate fueled the rise of Donald J Trump, a brash unfil­tered self-pro­fessed Billionaire from New York who is not afraid to offend the sen­si­bil­i­ties of any group that is not white Anglo-Saxon.

Under Obama America saw a dra­mat­ic rise in the num­ber of hate groups. The Southern Poverty Law Center esti­mates that he num­ber of anti-gov­ern­ment “patri­ot” groups, includ­ing para­mil­i­tary hate orga­ni­za­tions, reached an all-time high in 2012, fanned by President Barack Obama’s reelec­tion. Patriot groups have been clas­si­fied by the law cen­ter as hate orga­ni­za­tions because their anti-gov­ern­ment sen­ti­ment is almost always paired with racism, rang­ing from fear of every­day crime to a loom­ing race war, said Mark Potok, the law cen­ter’s chief hate group and hate crime inves­ti­ga­tor. The law cen­ter found 1,360 patri­ot groups in 2012 -– an 813 per­cent rise since 2008, the year before Obama took office. Of those groups, 321 con­sti­tute mili­tias. The law cen­ter also found a near-record 1,007 hate groups with ani­mus direct­ed at minori­ties, gay men, les­bians, and trans­gen­der indi­vid­u­als in 2012. That’s a slight decline from the 1,018 groups count­ed in 2011.

Sarah Palin One of the hatemongers who fueled the hate-machine
Sarah Palin
One of the hate­mon­gers who fueled the hate-machine

Trump Rallies are vir­tu­al­ly KKK Rallies. This is why Donald Trump lied that he did not know who David Duke the for­mer Grand Wizard of the Klux Klux Klan was.
The Republican par­ty is in a quandary at this moment try­ing to fig­ure out how to take the nom­i­na­tion from Donald Trump.
They know that if Donald Trump is the Party’s nom­i­nee the Opposition research data on Donald Trump would be so dev­as­tat­ing that the par­ty would poten­tial­ly lose the pres­i­den­cy , the sen­ate , many gov­er­nor­ship’s and could even put the House of Representatives in play.

Many with­in the Republican Party are now in full pan­ic. I per­son­al­ly don’t believe all Republicans who remained silent against the hate­ful rhetoric lev­eled against the President were racists . Many remained silent because they were afraid of fac­ing pri­ma­ry chal­lenges from insur­gent right wing T‑party upstarts to their right.
Many long time Republican par­ty estab­lish­ment stal­warts went down to chal­lenge to the right of where they stood .
Former Virginia Congressman Eric Cantor and Indiana US Senator Richard Luger are just two who went down to right wing challengers.

What the Republican Party can do to remain rel­e­vant is to seri­ous­ly chase the Racists from the par­ty and let them go form a third par­ty or stay home .Unless Republicans are pre­pared to take a stand against the most vile reac­tionary forces with­in it’s ranks it must be pre­pared to deal with the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a mon­u­men­tal loss and prob­a­bly most impor­tant­ly the like-hood of the par­ty splin­ter­ing and becom­ing inconsequential.
