Montague A Total Imbecile !


I was no fan of Robert Montague’s appoint­ment at the time Andrew Holness named him to head the National Security Ministry. I believed then that he had noth­ing to bring to this Ministry ‚and was a fun­da­men­tal indi­ca­tor that the Holness Administration did not view the exis­ten­tial threat crime pos­es with the seri­ous­ness it deserved.
You do not send a jan­i­tor to do a brain surgery. It’s as seri­ous, yet as sim­ple as that.
The longer Montague remain in this port­fo­lio the more mur­der­ers are going to con­tin­ue their unim­ped­ed rampage.


Montague has effec­tive­ly estab­lished him­self as a buf­foon bet­ter suit­ed for the com­e­dy cir­cuit , than a seri­ous Executive, ful­ly con­ver­sant of the seri­ous­ness of the task he has been tapped to undertake.

One is almost forced to be char­i­ta­ble toward Montague as a result of the silli­ness of his utter­ances. We are forced to see him as com­ic relief rather than the prin­ci­pal National secu­ri­ty exec­u­tive of the Island he should be.

From lec­tur­ing cops about their need to wear con­doms . To talk­ing about dut­ty crim­i­nals [sic]to utter­ances about his obeah-man uncle , this so called Agronomist who was forcibly mor­phed into being a Security Minister has demon­stra­bly shown he is nowhere near being ready for prime time.
One can argue that Robert Montague’s sil­ly state­ments are just fun­ny and should be ignored, but I don’t see any­one laugh­ing about the esca­lat­ing amount of murders .

The longer this buf­foon remains in this capac­i­ty which is clear­ly out­side his skill-set, the more he makes a cha­rade and a car­toon spec­ta­cle of the Andrew Holness Administration as it relates to crime.

Despite hav­ing estab­lished him­self as a source for par­o­dy , noth­ing Montague has said has been more neg­a­tive­ly con­se­quen­tial­ly than his lat­est comments.
Reacting to com­ments attrib­uted to jour­nal­ist Ian Boyne which cor­rect­ly called for tougher more stri­dent mea­sures against the Island’s crim­i­nals , Montague said the following.

No, no, no. The basis of effec­tive polic­ing is human-rights polic­ing,declared Montague as he react­ed to the pro­pos­al. “The days of kick­ing down peo­ple’s doors and plant­i­ng evi­dence on them are long gone. For the last 40 years we have tried the same thing with a lit­tle tweak­ing here and there. We have had task forces, spe­cial squads, and where are we today?”

The absur­di­ty of Montague’s com­ments should be lost on no one.
To sug­gest that police offi­cers were kick­ing down doors and plant­i­ng evi­dence in peo­ple’s homes is an insid­i­ous and bla­tant act of defama­tion against mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces who have for decades sac­ri­ficed much includ­ing their lives so that idiots like Montague can live off the pub­lic’s dime.
Despite the vast imper­fec­tion of the JCF I am per­son­al­ly offend­ed by this type of dem­a­goguery by some­one who nev­er sac­ri­ficed any­thing for our coun­try and whom have been giv­en much.
I have been shot in the line of duty pro­tect­ing our country,and polit­i­cal men­tal midgets on both sides of the polit­i­cal divide, to include Robert Montague.
In all that time I nev­er plant­ed evi­dence on any­one , nei­ther has any­one with whom I have ever worked in pro­tect­ing our country.

Let me be clear, Jamaican police offi­cers have done much which should be con­demned, so too has oth­er police depart­ments across the world. What we can­not do is allow the whole­sale tar­ring and feath­er­ing being per­pet­u­at­ed by intel­lec­tu­al infants like Montague.
Nevertheless for Montague to make those insid­i­ous and defam­a­to­ry state­ments while at the same time head­ing the agency which over­sees the police and Military proves that (1) Montague is not with the secu­ri­ty forces, and (2) proves that at best he is a glo­ri­fied unin­tel­li­gent jackass.

I ask this clown show this ques­tion in rela­tion to his ques­tion , We have had task forces, spe­cial squads, and where are we today?”
Dumbkoff where would Jamaica be with­out those actions?
It’s easy to ques­tion where are we today, when you have 24 hour police pro­tec­tion. Mind you , the very same police offi­cers who are risk­ing life and limb to pro­tect your dumb ass even as you defame them.

Might I remind Montague , Holness ‚and oth­ers, it was the sac­ri­fices of the secu­ri­ty forces which allowed the Labor Party to be in Government today.
The Jamaican vot­ers over­whelm­ing­ly expelled Bruce Golding from Jamaica house as a result of what hap­pened with the Christopher Coke extra­di­tion request, and the resul­tant Tivoli Gardens incursion.
Without the secu­ri­ty forces which Montague now defamed, the Island’s mer­ce­nar­ies would have had total con­trol of the coun­try today.

Holness can talk all he wants about high-tech gad­gets and the likes, which he intends to employ in the fight against crime . With Robert Montague at the helm of the National Security Ministry, none of the ini­tia­tives Holness out­lined will have the desired results.
Let this be under­stood, Jamaica needs a take no pris­on­ers , kick ass approach toward crime.
Pussyfooting and fan­cy talk have not , and will not get it done.
Robert Montague is mak­ing a spec­ta­cle out of nation­al secu­ri­ty and no one is laughing.
