Minister Of National Security Seemingly Opening His Eyes To Valuable Strategies Not Being Debated In The Island’s Fight Against Crime And Violence..


As a prag­ma­tist I am not one to cel­e­brate announce­ments, I’ve inclined to ass­es hard evi­dence of action. It is with that mind­set that I am reluc­tant to take com­fort in the words of min­is­ter of nation­al secu­ri­ty Robert Montague in his address to the par­lai­ment that the Government “will not shirk” in the war against lawlessness.

Robert Montague
Robert Montague

Let me be very clear, this min­is­ter and the min­istry he leads are not afraid of the forces of law­less­ness and the crim­i­nal king­pins in this coun­try,” Montague told the House of Representatives in his pre­sen­ta­tion in the cur­rent Sectoral Debate. “We will not shirk in this war against those who would chal­lenge the author­i­ty of the State and bring untold ter­ror to the peo­ple. We have a duty to pro­tect all cit­i­zens of this coun­try and every vis­i­tor or investor who steps on our shores,”

This is not the extent of Minister Montague’s state­ments but I will abstain from dwelling in, or ele­vat­ing blah blah .…
What I find inter­est­ing is that as crime and vio­lence increas­es the Political oppo­si­tion is deaf­en­ing­ly silent.
Do I under­stand the poten­tial mileage that the oppo­si­tion can lever­age if the admin­is­tra­tion fails in this or any oth­er area?
Of course!
Yet I am appalled that pol­i­tics could trump a cohe­sive com­ing togeth­er of both polit­i­cal par­ties on this crit­i­cal issue. I believe both Laborites and Comrades are dying, on that alone I ques­tion at what stage will the leader of the polit­i­cal oppo­si­tion or any­one on that side of the isle speak out against the per­va­sive crime and vio­lence which is tear­ing the Island apart.
After going through the blah blah blah pro­nounce­ments the min­is­ter made I found some­thing with which I could asso­ciate myself .


The Government will seek to have all gun mur­ders clas­si­fied as cap­i­tal mur­der, but will reduce or elim­i­nate sen­tences in cas­es where plea bar­gain­ing leads to cred­i­ble infor­ma­tion to retrieve guns or dis­rupt the trade in the weapon. He said that the Government will be pur­chas­ing track­ing dogs from Cuba to help in the search for drugs and weapons, and increased tech­nol­o­gy will be used in all aspects of polic­ing; a nation­al CCTV sys­tem is com­ing; more non-lethal weapons will be deployed;”

(1)  This Government under­stands the sit­u­a­tion; we acknowl­edge the crit­i­cal role of secu­ri­ty to the growth agen­da, and we know the fear of our peo­ple. We can­not con­tin­ue this way,”.
(2) While there is no “mag­ic wand, quick fix, or sil­ver bul­let”, the nation has to join hand in hand, “unit­ed and com­mit­ted” to take back the coun­try from criminals.
(3) “Our over­seas broth­ers and sis­ters are think­ing twice before they come home”.
(4)The coun­try did not get to this state overnight, and the solu­tion will not be overnight.
(5) We can­not bury our heads in the sand.
(6) Crime accounts for sev­en per cent of Jamaica’s gross domes­tic prod­uct, he said: “If we reduce crime we can grow the econ­o­my with­out invest­ing an extra dol­lar. Crime not only affects every­body, it’s very cost­ly to everyone.”
(7) Mandatory min­i­mum sen­tences for gun crimes, traf­fick­ing and pos­ses­sion, based on the type of weapon involved.

Portia Simpson Miller the former Prime Minister ...
Portia Simpson Miller the for­mer Prime Minister …

This medi­um and this hum­ble blog­ger has con­sis­tent­ly made these points for years. Unfortunately my calls have fall­en on the will­ful deaf ears of the past administration.
Thankfully this admin­is­tra­tion has allowed itself the com­mon sense to lis­ten to voic­es which are not only com­ing from the polit­i­cal talk­ing heads on the Island or the self-aggran­diz­ing elites who wish­es to impose their ill-informed way of think­ing on an entire nation.
With that said, rec­og­niz­ing these points we have raised here this medi­um will now expect con­crete and sub­stan­tive action in mak­ing them a reality.….
We will now await both the howls of con­dem­na­tion on these crit­i­cal point­ers, as well as the diar­rhea of objec­tions from the Monday morn­ing quar­ter­backs and the vil­lage lawyers.
