The Same Hypocrites Who Condemn The Security Forces For Tivoli Gardens Are Now Calling For Another State Of Emergency.…

An announced SOE will result in less homi­cides and oth­er crimes where secu­ri­ty per­son­nel are posi­tioned but will have almost zero effect in remov­ing guns and crim­i­nals from the streets.
The killers will sim­ply move to oth­er areas.
A SOE will have the effect of a plas­tic bag half filled with air , squeeze one end and the air goes to the oth­er end.
The Commissioner of Police is no stranger to these facts , that is the rea­son he is hes­i­tant , he under­stands that it’s effect will be neg­li­gi­ble and poten­tial­ly could be disastrous.
Many of the hyp­ocrites now call­ing for SOE are the very ones call­ing for pros­e­cu­tion of mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces for the Tivoli gar­dens incur­sion of 2010.
They only need the police and the mil­i­tary when their ass­es are caught in a vice.
Other parish­es can look for an upsurge in crime in their com­mu­ni­ties dur­ing the time a state of emer­gency is insti­tut­ed were one to be instituted.
We can do a lot by.…
(1) Empowering our police leg­isla­tive­ly, that means debat­ing and pass­ing tough new anti-crime laws which pros­e­cutes crim­i­nals oper­at­ing in the lot­to-scam and oth­er gangs as crim­i­nals oper­at­ing togeth­er as crim­i­nal empires as the America Rico statute does.
(2) Understanding that police killings have gone down not because they were killing inno­cents but because they stopped engag­ing ruth­less gun­men. The killing of civil­ians have gone up exponentially.
(3) Those who seek to deceive you into believ­ing that INDECOM is a suc­cess will not tell you that they base their met­ric on the fact that police are killing less mur­der­ers , and that-that is the met­ric INDECOM is using to deceive Jamaicans into believ­ing his agency is reap­ing success.
If that is the mea­sure­ment of suc­cess then it is a Pyrrhic vic­to­ry for the Jamaican peo­ple who are opposed to crime.
(4) What they will not tell you is that police are no longer active­ly engag­ing and killing hard­ened crim­i­nals, but hard­ened crim­i­nals are killing inno­cent people.
(5) That in the five years INDECOM the agency even at it’s most zeal­ous, has man­aged to inves­ti­gate and con­vict less cor­rupt cops than the CCRB or any of the oth­er agen­cies of the past which inves­ti­gat­ed police officers. 
(6) A SOE is not sus­tain­able , a con­tin­ued SOE is an occu­pa­tion. Occupations are fes­ter­ing breed­ing ‑grounds of resent­ment toward those who occupy.
The police com­mis­sion­er can­not be unin­formed about these realities.
(7) Revamping and re doing the Bail Act.
The Act has empow­ered the Island’s left­ist crim­i­nal lov­ing judges , giv­ing them the loop-holes they desired to release crim­i­nals back onto the streets as soon as they are arrest­ed , even for com­mit­ting sev­er­al sep­a­rate case of the most vio­lent and egre­gious murders.
(8) Repealing the INDECOM Act , debate com­pre­hen­sive­ly a replace­ment piece of Legislation which has no dog in the fight when it goes in to investigate.
An Agency which does not man­u­fac­ture and nur­ture ani­mos­i­ty with the Agencies it is empow­ered to investigate.
(9) Rapidly begin the work of train­ing Detectives and under­cov­er police offi­cers who can infil­trate Gangs and crim­i­nal networks.
(10) Stop look­ing at crime fight­ing the way gov­ern­ments have done before , it is a dif­fer­ent ballgame.
In no oth­er nation are killers grant­ed bail after they are arrested .
In Jamaica they are giv­en bail no mat­ter how many peo­ple they kill or the amounts of times they kill.
Between the Judges on the bench the crim­i­nal defense lawyers and the street thugs there exist an unof­fi­cial con­spir­a­cy aid­ed and sup­port­ed by Government .
Criminals sub­vert the process by chang­ing their lawyers when­ev­er their case comes up for tri­al. This forces adjourn­ments yet nei­ther the past admin­is­tra­tion nor this one has done any­thing about it legislatively.
Dragging out cas­es has been a tac­tic of crim­i­nals and their defense lawyers for decades. In Jamaica’s case defense lawyers are poor excus­es as offi­cers of the courts but in many cas­es are them­selves active criminals.
This strat­e­gy allows the most vio­lent crim­i­nals the lux­u­ry of being on the streets with pre­cious lit­tle fear that they will pay for the egre­gious crimes they com­mit. It also gives them the oppor­tu­ni­ties they need to ter­mi­nate wit­ness­es and kill wit­ness­es they do.
Additionally when wit­ness­es are killed the loop-hole per­sists which allows killers to walk free with­out con­se­quence. The most hard­ened and vio­lent killers in the Island lit­er­al­ly under­stand that the sys­tem aides them in their nefar­i­ous activ­i­ties. There is noth­ing which pre­vent­ed the for­mer admin­is­tra­tion nor this one from doing some­thing about it .
What is unde­ni­able is that the past PNP Government was nev­er desirous of doing any­thing about crime , a large swath of their sup­port comes from crim­i­nals and the gen­er­al con­sen­sus among the mass­es that the par­ty allows peo­ple to do as they please.
Their record stays in office and the nation’s crime sit­u­a­tion gives cred­i­bil­i­ty to that consensus..
The PNP spent hun­dreds of mil­lions of dol­lars on the Tivoli witch-hunt as a polit­i­cal strat­e­gy it failed mis­er­ably. They did it with much sup­port from the anti-police antag­o­nists in both polit­i­cal par­ties yet many of these same hyp­ocrites are now clam­or­ing for anoth­er state of emergency.
What exact­ly will it accom­plish in real terms ? Sure there will be a tem­po­rary lull in crime in the areas in which the police and mil­i­tary are giv­en addi­tion­al pow­ers. Conversely there will be mas­sive howls of con­dem­na­tions com­ing from the very same peo­ple any poten­tial SOE is sup­posed to benefit.
Will the killers sit around with their guns wait­ing for the secu­ri­ty forces to come and take them ?
No ‚like air in the plas­tic bag they will sim­ply move to dif­fer­ent spaces.
The killers will have been gone and behind will remain inno­cent young men and boys . Also remain­ing are the duplic­i­tous and con­niv­ing women who pro­vide aid , com­fort, cov­er and sex­u­al favors to the blood-thirsty killers. They will be the ones com­plain­ing the loud­est about abuse .
They always are.