Loyola University Student Created ‘The Safety Pouch’ To Fight Against Police Brutality During Traffic Stops

A junior at Loyola University in New Orleans is off to a tremen­dous start of the school year as he nation­al­ly launch­es his lat­est inven­tion, the Safety Pouch. The bril­liant prod­uct was devel­oped in one of the university’s entre­pre­neur­ship classes.

The Safety Pouch was found­ed and cre­at­ed by its CEO, David Price. During traf­fic stops, this safe­ty tool was designed to fight against police bru­tal­i­ty. In the mid­dle of the pan­dem­ic, while The Black Lives Matter move­ment was going strong and sur­round­ing protests, Price cre­at­ed his busi­ness while draw­ing inspi­ra­tion from a car­ing edu­ca­tor. This sum­mer, Price offi­cial­ly launched The Safety Pouch into more than 400 Walmart stores.
The Safety Pouch is an essen­tial dri­ving tool for civil­ians and law enforce­ment, designed to elim­i­nate active reach­ing dur­ing traf­fic stops. It min­i­mizes move­ment with­in the vehi­cle and allows for com­plete vis­i­bil­i­ty and stor­age of all dri­ving cre­den­tials in one place. The Safety Pouch also pro­vides a sense of relief and facil­i­tates quick­er and more effi­cient traf­fic stops for both civil­ians and law enforce­ment. During his fresh­man year at Loyola University, Price cre­at­ed The Safety Pouch as part of an assign­ment to devel­op a prod­uct that could bring change to soci­ety. As com­mu­ni­ties urgent­ly demand­ed calls for racial jus­tice and trans­paren­cy in polic­ing, Price recalled his idea, which he thought of at the age of 16, as he and his par­ents sat and had “The Talk.”

With his professor’s assis­tance, he devel­oped a busi­ness plan, as law pro­fes­sors do offer some pro bono advice. Price launched the Safety Pouch as an e‑commerce brand online after sourc­ing man­u­fac­tur­ers. He brought it to mar­ket in June of 2020, and with­in two years, The Safety Pounch saw astound­ing growth exceed­ing six figures.

Although it may sound like a dream, the jour­ney has been far from easy. With the love and sup­port of his fam­i­ly, he start­ed his small bed­room oper­a­tion busi­ness. Price fueled his con­cept dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, slow­ly mak­ing progress by hand-sell­ing pouch­es at car wash­es, pro­duc­ing slow online sales and the sup­port of local Black-owned businesses.

With the assis­tance of high-pro­file appear­ances and endorse­ments from celebri­ties, Price’s prod­uct went viral on social media, earn­ing a media grant offered by the Meredith Corporation val­ued at $100,000.

Gaining the oppor­tu­ni­ty to expand into 400 nation­al brick and mor­tar loca­tions is tru­ly life-chang­ing,” David Price, CEO And Founder of The Safety Pouch shared. “With this expan­sion, I hope to get The Safety Pouch in the hands of peo­ple who need it the most and con­tribute to restor­ing trust and secu­ri­ty between civil­ians and law enforcement.”

To learn more about The Safety Pouch, be sure to vis­it the​safe​ty​pouch​.com, and look for it in a local Walmart near you. Also, you can fol­low the brand on Instagram/​Twitter (@thesafetypouch) and Facebook (The Safety Pouch). About The Safety Pouch.

(This sto­ry orig­i­nat­ed at Yahoo)
