Loose Cannon/​Judge Shockingly Said She Is Not Sure Docs DOJ Claims Are Classified Actually Are…

Donald Trump left the White House hav­ing appoint­ed more than 200 judges to the fed­er­al bench, includ­ing near­ly as many pow­er­ful fed­er­al appeals court judges in four years as President Barack Obama appoint­ed in eight.
Trump, the nation’s 45th pres­i­dent, worked close­ly with Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and oth­er Senate Republicans to reshape the fed­er­al judi­cia­ry – par­tic­u­lar­ly the appeals courts – for decades to come. Federal judges have life­time tenure and typ­i­cal­ly remain on the bench long after the pres­i­dents who nom­i­nat­ed them have left office. (Pewresearch)

Trump appoint­ed fed­er­al judge Aileen Cannon, pre­pared to help him get away with treason…

Experts con­tend that to the extent strong­men have tried to take over gov­ern­ments as Donald Trump tried to do in his sin­gle term is to stack the judi­cia­ry with inex­pe­ri­enced lackeys.
Aileen Cannon, run­ning pro­tec­tion for Trump in Florida, is one of those inex­pe­ri­enced lack­eys that lit­er­al­ly owe being on the fed­er­al bench to Donald Trump and is work­ing assid­u­ous­ly to pro­tect him with the office she holds.
Not only is she inex­pe­ri­enced, she is unqual­i­fied but for Trump’s stan­dard, which is slav­ish loyalty.
This Hispanic 41-year-old was born in Colombia to a Cuban refugee mother.
With her feal­ty to the Republican par­ty and bla­tant dis­re­gard for the United States Constitution, Cannon align with oth­er Cuban-Americans who have wormed their way into American pol­i­tics. See Raphael Cruz, Marco Rubio et. al.

Federal Judge Aileen Cannon also appoint­ed Senior District Judge Raymond Dearie as a third par­ty (spe­cial mas­ter) to review records seized by the FBI for mate­ri­als that could be priv­i­leged and kept from fed­er­al investigators.
In one of the most shock­ing things a judge could say, Eileen Cannon said she is giv­ing Donald Trump spe­cial con­sid­er­a­tion because he is the for­mer pres­i­dent. It runs against every grain of the United States Constitution.…no per­son, regard­less of who they are, has spe­cial privileges.
The court does not find it appro­pri­ate to accept the government’s con­clu­sions on these impor­tant and dis­put­ed issues with­out fur­ther review by a neu­tral third par­ty in an expe­dit­ed and order­ly fash­ion,” Cannon wrote Thursday.
What the Trump-appoint­ed judge did was smear the Department of Justice as untruth­ful and untrust­wor­thy, so much so that it makes ratio­nal sense to have an inde­pen­dent third party(special mas­ter) act­ing as referee.
That is some­thing one would expect to hear from Donald Trump or one of his lawyers, not from a fed­er­al judge.
The DOJ can appeal the rul­ing, but there are no guar­an­tees that the out­come will be bet­ter. 6 of the 11 judges in the 11th cir­cuit were placed in posi­tion by Donald Trump.

John Roberts

The Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court recent­ly chas­tised peo­ple who crit­i­cized the Recent Dobbs deci­sion that unrav­eled Roe Versus Wade, the 49-year deci­sion that gave a woman the right to an abortion.
John Roberts famous­ly said that judges call balls and strikes on the supreme court. He argued that judges are not repub­li­cans or democ­rats, a state­ment that, to this writer, strains his cred­i­bil­i­ty. Either Roberts believes mak­ing those state­ments pro­tects the court’s integri­ty, or he believes fun­da­men­tal­ly that mem­bers of the court’s fra­ter­ni­ty are supe­ri­or to the rest of us.
Roberts said he’s con­cerned crit­i­cism of the Supreme Court over con­tro­ver­sial deci­sions has veered into attacks on its legit­i­ma­cy as an institution.
But why would he be sur­prised that peo­ple would gen­uine­ly and appro­pri­ate­ly ques­tion the rel­e­vance and legit­i­ma­cy of a gov­ern­ment agency that has removed rights two gen­er­a­tions of Americans have tak­en for granted?
How can the Supreme Court claim legit­i­ma­cy when it is in the busi­ness of tak­ing away the rights of American citizens?
People can say what they want, but “sim­ply because peo­ple dis­agree with an opin­ion is not a basis for ques­tion­ing the legit­i­ma­cy of the court.”

Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Amey Coney Barrett.….

I call [cap] lie. People can ques­tion the court’s legit­i­ma­cy when three judges on the court lied to the Senate pan­el that they would not inter­fere with Roe and set­tled precedent.
The three liars, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amey Coney-Barrett were all placed on the court by a crim­i­nal pres­i­dent Donald Trump.
What does John Roberts tru­ly feel about the three char­la­tans on his court, and what are his thoughts regard­ing Eileen Cannon’s bla­tant­ly polit­i­cal decision?







Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
