JCF’s Official Response On Former D/​C’s Promotion Absolutely Laughable.…

There is a set of facts which is not being debat­ed as it relates to the con­tro­ver­sial issue of Joel Hamilton’s sojourn to becom­ing an Assistant Superintendent of Police.
From JDF staff Sergeant to District Constable in the JCF, then to civil­ian and now an Assitant Superintendent of Police.
Before we get to the hard facts of this mat­ter we need to briefly take a look at the con­se­quences of what occurred.
It is hav­ing a neg­a­tive effect on the JCF, peri­od.
Regardless of what the JCF spokesper­son says, it is not just about the facts of the mat­ter, the per­cep­tion is far more con­se­quen­tial than they would have you believe.
Sufficing to say, that the expla­na­tion out­lined by Dahlia Garrick, the head of the com­mu­ni­ca­tion arm of the JCF, is as jum­bled and inco­her­ent, as it is nonsensical. 

Before we get to the facts how­ev­er, we need to remem­ber that mem­bers of the JCF Rank and file are basi­cal­ly hostages in the job they under­take to pro­tect and serve.
They are not allowed an opin­ion on Social Media crit­i­cal of their boss­es or their polit­i­cal over­lords.
They are under penal­ty of seri­ous prison time, just for dar­ing to leave with­out first advis­ing their mas­ters, 6‑months in advance of their intend­ed depar­ture.
After a shoot­ing in which they are injured or oth­er­wise trau­ma­tized, they are forced to give affi­davits which could decide whether the actions they took in ser­vice to oth­ers could land them in prison for life.
No oth­er Jamaican has that bur­den placed on them, in fact, no oth­er Jamaican can be forced to give a state­ment account­ing for their action.
No oth­er Police Department does this to its offi­cers.
Though not a Military force, the JCF is the only Agency of Government which has these stip­u­la­tions forced on them.
Not to men­tion that those stip­u­la­tions have been added after the vast major­i­ty of the peo­ple serv­ing today had already start­ed serv­ing.
These poli­cies are intend­ed to snuff out dis­sent.
Essentially they should die in ser­vice to their coun­try but should not have an opinion.

Dahlia Garrick

Deputy Superintendent Dahlia Garrick, pushed back at the crit­i­cisms, say­ing the for­mer JDF staff sergeant was nev­er
pro­mot­ed to the rank of assis­tant super­in­ten­dent.
Instead, she said that Hamilton, who has near­ly two decades of secu­ri­ty expe­ri­ence, resigned as dis­trict con­sta­ble before he was appoint­ed through the nor­mal chan­nels.
Okay, wait just a f*****g minute there.
So an [appoint­ment] is not the same as a pro­mo­tion? You know if this state­ment was­n’t so inher­ent­ly retard­ed it would actu­al­ly be fun­ny.
What nor­mal chan­nel?
Did he go to the Police College to be trained, grad­u­at­ed and eval­u­at­ed before being giv­en such a senior Rank?
The answer is a resound­ing “No”. So how is the process of his ele­va­tion assumed to be through the nor­mal chan­nels?
This is exact­ly what Comedians mean when they say some­one is (brain-fuck­ing you).[sic]
Whoever sent her out to say that, has no respect for her, nei­ther do they have respect for the Jamaican peo­ple.
Notice I did not say any­thing about respect for the serv­ing mem­bers who are dis­tressed by this?
That is a fore­gone con­clu­sion!
The idea that an appoint­ment of that kind is rou­tine is in a word, “Bullshit.“
The idea that the Assistant Superintendent Rank was left open for exact­ly that pur­pose is false in this case, Joel Hamilton brings(a) absolute­ly noth­ing to the JCF which is not already there and (b) even if he did, he should have been sent to the Academy to do basic train­ing as a police offi­cer before ele­vat­ed to that Rank.
His ele­va­tion is a [ fuck-you ]to the hard-work­ing men and women of the JCF.
As I said before, they know it but they do not give a shit, who cares about these low-lev­el cops any­way?
The Jamaican econ­o­my is not near­ly large enough to absorb all the degrees being hand­ed out by the col­leges.
Somehow polit­i­cal favors have to be repaid, friends have to be posi­tioned, peo­ple have to eat- a‑food, what bet­ter place to put them than in the JCF.
A place where the poor­est peo­ple in the coun­try could, through ser­vice and risk-tak­ing, acquire some degree of pow­er.
They can­not have that any­more, and so they demo­nized the force as inher­ent­ly cor­rupt, inca­pable of reform.
They starved it of resources and refused to pay cops a liv­able wage.
Through high attri­tion, they man­aged to put their friends and cronies in place, all the time dis­re­spect­ing the Agency and mak­ing the case for replac­ing the peo­ple in it with bet­ter peo­ple more qual­i­fied peo­ple.
Only they are not.
These peo­ple from Utopia will ride in on gold­en Unicorns of Education, or in this case supe­ri­or expe­ri­ence in security.[sic]
What total and unadul­ter­at­ed bull­shit?
A sol­dier who was basi­cal­ly a body­guard has supe­ri­or train­ing and expe­ri­ence in secu­ri­ty which the JCF, the Nation’s pre-emi­nent secu­ri­ty Agency does not have?
While you con­tem­plate that bla­tant (brain-fuck ), or if you want to be polit­i­cal­ly cor­rect, while you con­tem­plate that affront to your intel­lect, imag­ine that the JCF has nev­er had an instance in which a (VIP) in its charge has ever been lost. (
With the excep­tion of Roy McGann and his spe­cial cor­po­ral body­guard, Errol Whyte). Since they believe in the supe­ri­or­i­ty and trust­wor­thi­ness of the JDF every­one from the Prime Minister on down, and across both polit­i­cal par­ties should have their secu­ri­ty detail come from the JDF. I say this with the great­est degree of sar­casm but I also say it with the great­est degree of hope.

What the men and women in the trench­es are com­plain­ing about is not to be brushed aside.
They con­tend that Antony Anderson was brought in under the pre­text that cor­rup­tion was rife in the JCF.
So much so, that they had to bring in some­one from the out­side to be police com­mis­sion­er.
Antony Anderson played into that nar­ra­tive, promis­ing that he would not engage in the Owen Ellington style of lead­er­ship in which friends and fam­i­ly were pro­mot­ed to senior posi­tions they were not pre­pared for.
As far as the rank and file are con­cerned, this appoint­ment is exact­ly what Anderson promised he would not do.


One thought on “JCF’s Official Response On Former D/​C’s Promotion Absolutely Laughable.…

  1. DSP. Garrick is one of the boasie slaves whose con­science does not work and will lie to be in the excel­lent “book, ” of the elit­ists, politi­cians, and the cor­rup­tors in Jamaica. What hap­pens with these usurpers com­ing from the Jamaican Defense Force to the Jamaican Constabulary Force is an insult to the police force, its cul­ture, Espirit De Corp, and Jamaican people.

    They’re so many police offi­cers in the Jamaican Constabulary Force who are high­ly edu­cat­ed than both usurpers but, they’re giv­en ranks they nev­er earned or worked for; they hand­ed them because of nepo­tism, spies, and the most cor­rupt anti-choice gov­ern­ment in Jamaica.

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