Govt. Mum On Questionable Appointment Of Civilian Driver To Ass/​Supt.

Two days ago we report­ed on the shock­ing news that a for­mer staff sergeant of the Jamaica Defense Force(JDF), and dri­ver to the then head of the army and present Commissioner of police Antony Anderson, has been pro­mot­ed to Assistant Superintendent in the Jamaica Constabulary Force.
We ful­ly expect­ed that under the ratio­nale which exists in the secu­ri­ty ser­vices in Jamaica mem­bers of the Military are all know­ing and thus capa­ble of fill­ing every void to be filled in every dis­ci­pline.
We have seen for­mer mil­i­tary peo­ple moved to head the Football Federation. Moved to head the Primary Law Enforcement Agency even though they have zero Law-enforce­ment expe­ri­ence. Moved to head oth­er areas of civ­il soci­ety as well.
There is real­ly noth­ing wrong with hav­ing a pool of reservists from which to draw tal­ent when need­ed, par­tic­u­lar­ly when they real­ly do not have much to do.
After all, I don’t think Trinidad and Tobago are about to invade any­time soon.
I for one have writ­ten sev­er­al arti­cles encour­ag­ing com­pul­so­ry mil­i­tary ser­vice as one way to try to bring some sem­blance of dis­ci­pline to the nation’s youth.
Others have argued that doing so would only be giv­ing orga­nized train­ing to a bunch of peo­ple who are pre­des­tined to be crim­i­nals.
I respect­ful­ly dis­agree.
The State of Israel, though not one of my favorite places has done that with­out any of the con­se­quences peo­ple fear.

I have not heard a response from the Administration in Kingston and the Opposition PNP is no friend of the Police either, so I do not expect to hear them jump on this issue. Defending the Police is not among the things the PNP would want to use in it’s Opposition to the Government’s poli­cies. Even though that memo has­n’t yet reached some mem­bers of the police force who still give alle­giance to these two crim­i­nal gangs.
This sto­ry should not be a 3‑day won­der after which the coun­try sim­ply move on and all is for­got­ten.
That is what they are hop­ing will hap­pen. I have noticed that indi­vid­ual blog­gers and pod­cast­ers have picked up this sto­ry and are bring­ing it to the streets as only they can.
The truth is we can­not trust the estab­lished Media to tell the truth to the peo­ple.
They are ful­ly immersed in the morass of local polit­i­cal con­sid­er­a­tions to ful­ly and pro­fes­sion­al­ly tell the peo­ple what’s real­ly hap­pen­ing. In addi­tion to that, the media made itself an ene­my of the police so we do not expect any truth-telling from local media.
Recent report­ing bears out, that the Jamaican peo­ple do not trust the Media and clear­ly with good rea­son and about time.

There are many ver­sions of events which led to this mon­u­men­tal appoint­ment, not the least of which is that this per­son, Joel Hamilton, has skills not avail­able in the 10’000 strong[JCF].
To those mouth­pieces who want to make the argu­ment that this per­son brings skills that the force should be glad to have him, I say why not make Mister Hamilton a con­sul­tant, if that is so?
If it is borne out that he has use­ful skills, make him a con­sul­tant, why give him Rank which sti­fles peo­ple who have served and are wait­ing their turn?
The Rank of Assistant Superintendent was removed from the JCF over recent times along with the Rank of Acting Corporal.
Nevertheless, Mister Hamilton was appoint­ed to the Rank and had it back­dat­ed to ensure that he receives back pay at that rank.
That is cor­rup­tion!
As a friend point­ed out to me, the rank of Assistant Superintendent was cre­at­ed as a “Supernumerary.“Meaning they can use that Rank to ele­vate some­one whom they believe can be of ser­vice to the JCF.
I dis­agree with the idea of a Supernumerary posi­tion on the face of it, because the very mean­ing of the term denotes [ Exceeding the required or desired num­ber or amount; super­flu­ous:]
On that basis alone there should not be a Rank for that rea­son.
As I point­ed out in a pre­vi­ous Article police depart­ments hire con­sul­tants all the time with­out giv­ing them rank. There is absolute­ly no jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for giv­ing this or any civil­ian who has not under­gone police train­ing a police Rank, much less a senior gazetted Rank.
The JCF is an agency which is set up in the shape of a pyra­mid. Young con­sta­bles aspire to mak­ing it to the top spot through [edu­ca­tion], good con­duct, hard work, and what­ev­er oth­er cri­te­ria the agency sees fit to put in place.
When they bring peo­ple in and place them over the hard-work­ing peo­ple who have paid their dues, it destroys morale, reduces unit cohe­sion, and breeds resent­ment, among a whole list of oth­er neg­a­tives some seen, some unseen.

The JCF belongs to the Jamaican peo­ple, they must decide whether they want to see the con­tin­u­ous slide of this agency despite the huge sums of their tax dol­lars they put into this agency each year for their pro­tec­tion.
As such, the peo­ple them­selves will have to take a more active role in deter­min­ing whether they want the JCF ruined and replaced with anar­chy.
The rur­al folks who offer up their sons and now increas­ing­ly their daugh­ters as well, have a stake in main­tain­ing their police force.
The two polit­i­cal par­ties have tak­en steps which are anti­thet­i­cal to the well­be­ing of the JCF while blam­ing the Department for its own actions.
The high attri­tion rate from the JCF is a very good indi­ca­tor that the young peo­ple who join are dis­sat­is­fied and those already in are not doing much, out of dis­en­chant­ment with the way they are treat­ed.
In response, the Government and its lack­eys in the so-called high com­mand, insti­tut­ed mea­sures which lit­er­al­ly makes ita crime pun­ish­able with a prison term, for mem­bers to leave with­out giv­ing a six-month advanced notice to them.

No one takes the JCF seri­ous­ly any­more, some would have you believe that the rea­son behind that is that the police are irre­deemably cor­rupt.
Not true, Police Departments in the CARICOM region and even in the United States are hap­py to absorb for­mer mem­bers of the JCF into police depart­ments.
When that hap­pens our mem­bers out­shine their com­pa­tri­ots.
Additionally, Jamaican cops serve with dis­tinc­tion across the Globe as part Of United Nations mis­sions.
The actions of Government dic­tates the way the pop­u­la­tion reacts to the rule of law and law enforce­ment offi­cers.
The attacks on mem­bers of the JCF are a direct result of this Administration’s dis­re­spect for the police.
Members of the PNP need take no com­fort in my state­ments, the PNP is no bet­ter.
Instead of shoring up the rule of law and giv­ing sup­port to the police the JLP for its part installed INDECOM and we have all seen how that has worked out for the aver­age Jamaican.
Criminals have become super embold­ened, they kill at will.
Criminals killed by police have dropped pre­cip­i­tous­ly.
Innocent Jamaicans killed by Criminals have increased expo­nen­tial­ly.

On the oth­er hand, the Police have pulled back from going after the mur­der­ers because shoot­ing a known mur­der­er in a shoot out brings out Terrence Williams, and the British inter­lop­er Hamish Campbell, who framed black men in England before arriv­ing in Jamaica to tell us how to do polic­ing.
Clearly, Jamaicans still have a way to go in shed­ding the belief that whites are their intel­lec­tu­al supe­ri­ors.
Fake wit­ness­es are cre­at­ed and the offi­cers are arrest­ed and dragged before the anti-police (excus­es for courts) like com­mon crim­i­nals. (crim­i­nals judg­ing the inno­cent)
But the Government will not admit that they were wrong. That the mon­ey used in the cre­ation and main­te­nance of INDECOM should have been used to improve the JCF tech­no­log­i­cal­ly. Providing bet­ter equip­ment, more non-lethal weapons, a bet­ter court sys­tem which moves cas­es along in a time­ly fash­ion. New Judges who under­stand that crim­i­nals belong in prison. And new leg­is­la­tion which sends crim­i­nals to prison.
Most impor­tant­ly, pay the police a liv­able wage and beef up the exist­ing over­sight which was work­ing fine, in fact, had pro­duced far greater returns and with far less ran­cor and bad blood than INDECOM can ever imagine.

There is a voice memo float­ing out there on Social Media which many have said is the voice of Joel Hamilton.
We can­not deter­mine its authen­tic­i­ty, addi­tion­al­ly, we have no desire to ele­vate it. Subsequently, we have cho­sen not to post that audio clip to this site.
Nevertheless, if the clip is in fact, the voice of Hamilton, it demon­strates why this sup­posed for­mer sol­dier does not belong in the JCF.
It demon­strates fur­ther that he has zero respect for the force, it’s mem­bers and shows that he con­sid­ers mem­bers of the JCF his ene­mies.
There is no one speak­ing for the Police Department in Jamaica.
As a for­mer serv­ing mem­ber, I rec­og­nized long ago that the gazetted Ranks were a bunch of polit­i­cal hacks, boot-lick­ing cow­ards, and a bunch of news car­ri­ers who would not stand for the offi­cers under their com­mand, instead, they would read­i­ly sac­ri­fice them for a pro­mo­tion and a pat on the back.
In the time since I left the depart­ment in the ear­ly ’90s much has changed but the Gazetted Ranks is still a bunch of pathet­ic cow­ards behold­en to the Island’s dirty politicians.

The Government owes an expla­na­tion to the mem­bers of the JCF below the Rank of Assistant Superintendent and the Jamaican peo­ple why this civil­ian was giv­en a Senior Police Rank with­out the appro­pri­ate and req­ui­site train­ing.
If this is not done, the mem­bers of the JCF must decide whether they will acknowl­edge any orders or direc­tions from this fraud­u­lent Assistant Superintendent.
I have omit­ted to men­tion the Police Federation which rep­re­sents the Rank and file for a good rea­son.
It would be a waste of time to expect that the usurpers who pop­u­late the Federation at this time would actu­al­ly stand up and do their damn job.

Since this arti­cle was first pub­lished, we have received word that the head of the JCF’s com­mu­ni­ca­tion unit, came out with the same tired old lines which makes the Department look more and more stu­pid every day.
Deputy Superintendent Dahlia Garrick, pushed back at the crit­i­cisms, say­ing the for­mer JDF staff sergeant was nev­er pro­mot­ed to the rank of assis­tant super­in­ten­dent.
Instead, she said that Hamilton, who has near­ly two decades of secu­ri­ty expe­ri­ence, resigned as dis­trict con­sta­ble before he was appoint­ed through the nor­mal chan­nels.
In oth­er words, the appoint­ment is not a pro­mo­tion, even though the for­mer body­guard to Anderson is now an Assistant Superintendent of Police.
Not only is this expla­na­tion stu­pid Dahlia Garrick is stu­pid for try­ing to sell that non­sense to the pub­lic.
The guy is a glo­ri­fied secu­ri­ty guard. The Police are secu­ri­ty pro­fes­sion­als.
The fact that Anderson brought his driver/​security to the JCF he heads because he does not trust the police to pro­tect him, says all the nation need to know about this arrangement.

