The Jamaica Human Rights Gravy Train.……

Remarkably ‚as the killings continue in Jamaica the very same old hustlers move around like deck chairs on the sinking Titanic to “eat a food”.
Our country has always been a nation of hustlers God bless us . ‘I guess the safest thing to do with the criminals in Jamaica is to join them if you can’t beat them.
Frankly if I had my way of really fixing this Jamaican crime situation my approach would land me in the Hague.

How many groups are there now that have sprung up over the years sup­pos­ed­ly ded­i­cat­ed to the cause of human rights? Seriously this is big busi­ness almost as big as the funer­al par­lor busi­ness, extor­tion and the legal crim­i­nal defense industry.
I seri­ous­ly can­not name them ‚Amnesty International is there, Jamaicans for jus­tice, fam­i­lies against state ter­ror­ism, the inter American coun­cil on human rights, the peace man­age­ment unit and on and on .….
I seri­ous­ly haven’t begun to scratch the sur­face, it’s a major busi­ness crime defense is, fun­ni­ly they bitch and com­plain when their sor­ry crim­i­nal lov­ing behinds get turned around when they try to vis­it oth­er islands.

Horace Levy
Horace Levy

If these cheap hus­tlers spent a frac­tion of the ener­gy they expend in defend­ing crim­i­nals into edu­cat­ing them to obey the laws and help­ing law enforce­ment what a real par­adise the Island would be.
Carolyn Gomes had her fling at it, in the end she walked away with incred­i­ble fame and a National hon­or to boot.
In 2008, Gomes received the pres­ti­gious United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights…
Not want­i­ng to miss an oppor­tu­ni­ty to hon­or those who active­ly enhances the cause of crim­i­nals on the Island the Government bestowed on her the Order of Jamaica.
Carolyn Gomes would lat­er resign in dis­grace after the crim­i­nal sup­port­ing Agency JFJ she head­ed inap­pro­pri­ate­ly dis­trib­uted homo­sex­u­al and oth­er sex­u­al­ly explic­it mate­ri­als to a num­ber of pri­vate chil­dren’s homes.

Carolyn Gomes
Carolyn Gomes

So much for those awards , they were nev­er worth crap anyway.
As for the Order of Jamaica those are hand­ed out to polit­i­cal hacks, friends and par­ty loyalists.

It’s true you can’t make this stuff up, most of these black run nations all oper­ate much the same way, under­neath the thin lay­er of veneer, (like that which exist in Jamaica) they are no bet­ter than the despots in sub-Saharan Africa.

Before her Flo O’Connor made a name for her­self all at help­ing out the lit­tle folks and ah yes, keep­ing a watch­ful eye on the evil Babylon”.
It’s a fool who does the same thing while expect­ing a dif­fer­ent result. If demo­niz­ing police and cozy­ing-up to crim­i­nals has­n’t brought an end to the blood-shed since the 70’s why would they still believe that approach will work today.

It’s remark­able how they all start off demo­niz­ing the police, nev­er speak­ing out against the vile crea­tures who cal­lous­ly take life with unre­strained barbarism.
Horace Levy weaseled his way to the feed­ing trough pre­tend­ing to be a peace-mak­er as head of the so-called Peace-man­age­ment unit.
Such irony , what would they do if the idiots who kill each oth­er over pol­i­tics or turf or what­ev­er rea­sons they kill each oth­er for , sim­ply stop ?
What would these par­a­sit­i­cal vul­tures do ?

Earl Witter
Earl Witter

Am I say­ing that Human Rights advo­ca­cy is a nui­sance or not a noble endeav­or? I believe most peo­ple who know me will read­i­ly say of course not !
What I believe how­ev­er is this.
There are no greater human rights than the right to life , lib­er­ty and the abil­i­ty to be secure in one’s per­son. I also believe one of the great­est imped­i­ment to those aspi­ra­tions of any peo­ple is the con­stant threat of vio­lent death by maraud­ing killers who have absolute­ly no regard for the sanc­ti­ty of life much less any­thing else.
On that basis soci­ety must cor­ral those sav­ages using all avail­able means.

Getting caught up in the fin­ery of advanced soci­eties which years pre­vi­ous did the hard work of lay­ing the ground-work for their sta­ble soci­eties is stu­pid­i­ty and” fal­la fashin”, (good old Jamaican vernacular).
The val­ue sys­tem which rules Jamaica has brought immense hard­ships to the Island, its time to dis­card the ide­ol­o­gy which comes out of that place up in Mona , the ide­ol­o­gy which gets con­sum­mat­ed in the lit­tle Kiwanis and Rotary clubs where they get to act out their fan­tasies as they com­mu­ni­cate in alien accents.
Most Jamaicans do not live that way, and do not even have access to these lit­tle enclaves of the pen­ny mil­lion­aire elit­ist class.
Yet they are the ones dying in num­bers while the self appoint­ed elites act as lord supe­ri­or over the peasantry .
It’s time for this to come to an end.…..

One thought on “The Jamaica Human Rights Gravy Train.……

  1. Well writ­ten about the real­i­ty of liv­ing in a soci­ety that crim­i­nal­i­ty pros­pers, matures, flour­ish­es, and pro­vide an eco­nom­ic hub for the elites and mis­ery for the lit­tle peo­ple. Most of these peo­ple who claimed to be “Human Rights Activists,” are noth­ing but self-pro­mot­ers of their elit­ists friends who are involved in crimes in the Jamaican soci­ety and if the Jamaican peo­ple think that these peo­ple have their inter­est at heart, it is like telling the rob­ber, not to rob today because I have no mon­ey, but to come tomor­row when I have loads of mon­ey from the week’s sale.

    In Jamaica, as you have ele­gant­ly not­ed, we are peo­ple who have always find a way how to sur­vived off noth­ing and cre­ate an econ­o­my that will work for us; but this doesn’t apply to the poor who are the ones at the bot­tom of the social, polit­i­cal, and eco­nom­i­cal lad­der. It is always the elit­ists, politi­cians, and those who pre­tends as if they care about them, always mak­ing mon­ey off their suf­fer­ings by pre­tend­ing to empathized and sym­pa­thized with them; in essence they do not care whether or not if they are mur­dered in droves or they are com­mit­ting mass killings against each oth­er, once the police do not get involved and act accord­ing­ly to the laws of Jamaica. 

    Only the strong sur­vive in a soci­ety where equi­ty of jus­tice and the law is non-exis­tent and only the peo­ple of a cer­tain eco­nom­ic stra­tus, back­ground, and con­nec­tion can, and will received any jus­tice from the sys­tem because they are connected.

    These par­a­sites have not live in the com­mu­ni­ties where fam­i­ly after fam­i­lies lost their loved ones, to these mur­der­ous par­a­sites but they are ben­e­fit­ting from these people’s mis­ery every day by set­ting up their shell human rights enti­ty pre­tend­ing to be look­ing out for the peo­ple. When they are in fact look­ing out for the crim­i­nals amongst the peo­ple because it is ben­e­fi­cial to them finan­cial­ly. What a nice way to make mon­ey? Off human suf­fer­ings! These are the most uncon­scionable, uneth­i­cal, dis­hon­est peo­ple in the Jamaican soci­ety and it is a mat­ter of time before the chick­en come to roost and vis­it their homes and fam­i­lies alike.

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