It’s A Serengeti !!!


Old Jamaican Proverb (Tek time search an yu wi find ants gut). (Translation)Allow peo­ple to talk and they will basi­cal­ly give you a win­dow into their soul, they will tell who they are. I was taught that lit­tle nugget by my great Aunt who raised me. May God rest her soul in peace. I took that proverb to heart and used it as a guid­ing prin­ci­ple in inves­ti­ga­tions. I found it a valu­able tool in inter­views. Simply allow­ing some­one to relate a sto­ry to you un-inter­rupt­ed . Once, he/​she is fin­ished, ask them to relate the same sto­ry again. You will be sur­prised to see the dif­fer­ence between the two ver­sions of the sto­ry which was just relat­ed to you. This was a valu­able tool for me as a young Detective, it helped me sig­nif­i­cant­ly in deter­min­ing whether a sus­pect was involved in a par­tic­u­lar crime, and if so to what extent.

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Today I am no longer in law-enforce­ment ‚hav­ing walked away at the ripe old age of 31. Yet I find that being able to assim­i­late what peo­ple put on social media tells a great deal about who they are. I can’t say I am sur­prised at the fact that Jamaican peo­ple are so sup­port­ive of oth­ers who are accused or even con­vict­ed of the most heinous and depraved crimes, because I’m not. I have had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to see the worst of the Jamaican peo­ple, yes I have also been blessed to see the very best of them as well. I have been to count­less mur­der scenes, I’ve seen the bul­let wounds, I’ve seen the machete wounds , I’ve seen the stab wounds. And when your job dic­tates that you watch corpses being cut open, the bar­barism of these end­less mur­ders changes you forever.

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Yet despite the Thousands of our fel­low-men and women who are slaugh­tered for no appar­ent good rea­son, Jamaicans still have not devel­oped an aver­sion to the car­nage. What will it take to sen­si­tize them to the sanc­ti­ty of life ? How dare any­one take the only life of anoth­er? Who is not angered by that, and why? Are we an emo­tion­less soul­less sub-human peo­ple devoid of feel­ing , devoid of emo­tions, that we treat the killing of our neigh­bors, our broth­ers and sis­ters as par for the course? How can a peo­ple be so unmoved by such car­nage yet con­verse­ly find it with­in them to ratio­nal­ize and make sup­pli­ca­tion for the aggres­sors? It is sick­en­ing, it makes me sick to my stom­ach to read their com­ments, hear them speak about the accused mur­der­ers as vic­tims being set upon by an evil sys­tem, with nev­er a word for the inno­cent vic­tims, most of whom nev­er stood a chance.

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Then I stop think­ing and it dawns on me, there are killers and those who sup­port them. Then there are the rest of us. “It’s a dog eat dog world now ” my friend told me today.….…. it’s true, It’s a Serengeti. The Lionesses and the Tigers and oth­er beast of prey feast at will on the hap­less Wilder-beast, the Zebras and the Gazelles. Maybe it’s divine­ly ordained that the inno­cent and the help­less become prey for the strong and pow­er­ful . Maybe law-abid­ing Jamaicans have resigned them­selves to being slaugh­tered and devoured like prey on the Serengeti. There is only one dis­tinc­tion how­ev­er, Predators on the Serengeti kill in order that they may eat. Killers in Jamaica kill for sport. At this rate it won’t be long before the inno­cent becomes extinct.

4 thoughts on “It’s A Serengeti !!!

  1. Jamaicans on a whole through­out the years have become a soci­ety of most­ly peo­ple with “heart­less, soul­less, uncon­scionable soul, lack­ing con­science, morals and ethics.”
    The mantra in Jamaica, and it have been for years “prop­a­gat­ed, repro­duce, mul­ti­ply” is that “all informer (vic­tims of crime) must be killed” once they report to the police that their rights are infringed on. Thus, giv­ing rise to crim­i­nals to act and com­mit crimes at will! Whatever, you sow that’s what you’ll reap and Jamaica and Jamaicans are reap­ing this “mad­ness, stu­pid­i­ty, indoc­tri­na­tion, brain­wash­ing” on them by the enter­tain­ers who are from the same communities.
    In the ghet­tos, every­one is poor and we all know that. Yet, in the same ghet­tos, where every­one is poor, once your home has the lat­est “recre­ation gad­get” the same peo­ple with­in the com­mu­ni­ty, will come into your home with masks and robbed the fam­i­ly of this gadget.
    These peo­ple want to gov­ern them­selves, they are a mini-gov­ern­ment to them­selves, they are not elect­ed, they appoint­ed them­selves as a mem­ber of a “monarch or suc­ces­sor” of the com­mu­ni­ties they lived. The peo­ple who lived in these com­mu­ni­ties, are slaves and don’t even know it; in the ghet­tos igno­rance is bliss­ful and the illit­er­ate ones, can­not dif­fer­en­ti­ate between wrong and right. Wrong is right and right is dou­ble right. They are nev­er wrong!
    In these com­mu­ni­ties and it is a major­i­ty of Jamaicans who shared this view, they are loy­al to the man who is pro­vid­ing “eco­nom­ic incen­tives” to them! They don’t care about “morals, ethics, con­science, blessed­ness or the sanc­ti­ty” of life. The mur­der­ers are “wor­shipped, revered, adore, ven­er­ate, deify” by mem­bers of these com­mu­ni­ties because of being bar­bar­ic. Whenever these men are killed, they spoke of them as if they went to war to free the peo­ple of their com­mu­ni­ty and lost their lives in doing so. If you live amongst them, you’ll hear them talk of these men as if they are the best thing since “sky juice!”
    Jamaica and the world are in seri­ous debt of “moral­i­ty, truth­ful­ness, hon­esty” the peo­ple have been fed the lies every day from the lit­tle man on the street to those who are elect­ed to lead. We’re liv­ing in a world where “lies are the truth, and the truth is a lie!” Speaking the truth, is a seri­ous offense, in which they are those who are in media “Te-LIE-vision” who are “wait­ing, will­ing and prepar­ing” to destroy the “Merchant of Truth” life by using “Economic Terrorism.”
    Slavery doesn’t nec­es­sary hav­ing a “chain or shack­le” on someone’s feet or hands. The oppres­sors comes in var­i­ous col­or and stripes and they’re enslaved the same peo­ple in a dif­fer­ent way and it is con­trol­ling their brain and think­ing. The great­est weapon in the hands of the oppres­sors, is the mind of the oppressed, because once you can­not think for your­self, then you’re “doomed for damnation!”
    As a peo­ple we must thank our “Boasie Slaves” because they’re ones, who start­ed to plant this mon­ster, and now the mon­ster is on the loose and they can’t domes­ti­cate it. The only way to bring back the nation, is through “edu­ca­tion, social­iza­tion” and I don’t see any future in bring­ing back “moral­i­ty, hon­esty, truth­ful­ness” to Jamaica or the world. It is the best liars, who win, and they always played the vic­tims and they’ve “pub­li­cists” who know to spin the lies in the media and smear oth­ers. This world is a messed up place, only a Moses can save the world. The last per­son all of us thought would save the world is destroy­ing the world, by telling lies and the peo­ple are suck­ing the lies, because they’re afraid of the “Economic ter­ror­ism” that will reach them for stand­ing up for what’s right! It is slav­ery all over, in a dif­fer­ent way and era! Criminals learn from what gov­ern­ment do, and they “mim­ic, ape, car­i­ca­ture, par­o­dy” the lies.
    Whether, or not we want to believe it, “mon­ey” is pow­er and to some peo­ple at this point in life “it’s God!” Nothing else mat­ters to them, it doesn’t take any­thing for a per­son to know­ing­ly sell their soul for mon­ey. It is in the media, every day we keep see where peo­ple we thought were good, moral and decent peo­ple are “first class liars and cor­rup­tors.” It takes noth­ing for them to turn away from the truth, by embrac­ing what’s wrong and con­demn the truth. The rare species of decent peo­ple in the world are “afraid, reluc­tant, hes­is­tant, fear­ful and ter­ri­fied” of speak­ing the truth, because they hate to be in the “minor­i­ty” that’s what it is all about, messaging!

  2. Mike , the sta­tus quo is indeed wor­ri­some . The trou­bling fac­tors that fuels vio­lence which facil­i­tates the heinous crimes being per­pe­trat­ed, have caused many Jamaicans to be liv­ing in shel­tered envi­ron­ments , thus the evo­lu­tion of the the gat­ed com­mu­ni­ty . It sure can­not be equat­ed to the “Serengeti” sce­nario, as you have point­ed out , the ani­mals kills for sur­vival our ani­mals kills for …hold that thought ..per­haps no reason…how else can a man kill a woman walk­ing with her two infant chil­dren .…here is where my rad­i­cal views finds rel­e­vance . If the Police finds them take them out …peri­od.

    • Quote : It sure can­not be equat­ed to the “Serengeti” sce­nario, as you have point­ed out , the ani­mals kills for sur­vival our ani­mals kills for …hold that thought ..
      You are say­ing then that Jamaica is worse than the Serengeti !!!

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