RULE OF LAW , The Real “Don”.


Having done real time in Law-enforce­ment and hav­ing done research in crim­i­nol­o­gy over the years, I have con­clud­ed long ago crim­i­nals are com­mon cow­ards. They are preda­tors who prey on those they believe weak­er than them­selves. Research data shows most crimes are crimes of oppor­tu­ni­ty. People do things because oppor­tu­ni­ty presents itself. (1 A woman who leaves her pock­et-book on the seat of her car in plain sight, presents an oppor­tu­ni­ty to some­one. Not just to steal her pock­et-book , but to cause sig­nif­i­cant dam­age to her car.( 2 Premeditated crimes. Crimes which are planned . Crimes orches­trat­ed by preda­tors who plot ways to destroy their prey . (3 Crimes of pas­sion , gen­er­al­ly cow­ard­ly acts per­pet­u­at­ed by so-called loved ones. In all these cat­e­gories there is a uni­ver­sal thread of cowardice.

  • One Jamaican News Paper cov­er­ing the mur­der tri­al of Vybez Kartel naïve­ly post­ed the head­line .Kartel close to tears. Tears and entreaties , ha , as a for­mer Detective I have seen much of this. After leav­ing law enforce­ment I have seen this kind of behav­ior play out in court-room after court-room across America. When it comes time to pay the piper accused break down in tears. As I have stat­ed time and again, the great­est deter­rent to crime is the assur­ance that crim­i­nals will be brought to jus­tice. In Jamaica that sen­ti­ment is par­tic­u­lar­ly impor­tant, because of the high mur­der rate. Experts, prog­nos­ti­ca­tors and pun­dits all opine about what needs to be done to arrest the bur­geon­ing mur­der rate. I have stat­ed repeat­ed­ly, make sure they are brought to jus­tice. Justice means a time­ly and fair tri­al, if found guilty the penal­ty must be severe. This dis­play by this accused Kartel, is proof pos­i­tive what most front line cops knew, they are not brave, they are not bad, the real bad-man is the rule of law.
