If You Are Jamaican Set Politics Aside And Think These Things Through.

I have writ­ten an aver­age of one arti­cle per day for the last five years. For the most part, those Articles are ded­i­cat­ed to speak­ing to the issue of crime and the lev­el of cor­rup­tion endem­ic in the Jamaican society.
In those arti­cles, I con­tin­ue to point to the fact that admin­is­tra­tions of both polit­i­cal par­ties are not doing near­ly enough in the fight against crime.
Administrations of both par­ties cre­ate smoke screens to fool the pop­u­la­tion, while they con­tin­ue with busi­ness as usu­al, stok­ing the embers which sus­tain the cul­ture of mur­der on the Island.

Let’s be clear about the motives of both the Jamaica Labor Party and the People’s National Party.
Both polit­i­cal par­ties are pop­u­lat­ed with and led by peo­ple who have seri­ous vest­ed inter­est in crime.
In fact many have been named in mur­der for hire, dis­trib­ut­ing guns, drug deal­ing, assist­ing mur­der­ers, includ­ing cop killers to flee the coun­try and a long list of crimes which ought to land them in prison with­out the pos­si­bil­i­ty of parole.

Others have been known to com­mit egre­gious embez­zle­ment of pub­lic funds and ser­vices all of which have been used to enrich themselves.
In brief, the aver­age Jamaican politi­cian is as cor­rupt as your aver­age Sub-Saharan crime lord, and are as addict­ed to pow­er as they are.

Justice Cannot Be Achieved Through A Corrupt System Presided Over By Corrupt People.…..

It is with that under­stand­ing that the Island’s crime rate must be viewed.
The coun­try which has been tagged as 84% cor­rupt by Transparency International is rot­ten to the core.
Nevertheless, Administrations of both polit­i­cal par­ties have co-opt­ed a strat­e­gy to scape­goat the police depart­ment for fail­ures which are their own.

As I have point­ed­ly said time and again, shit flows down­stream, the notion that the police depart­ment is the stan­dard of cor­rup­tion and inef­fi­cien­cy is bull­shit and a baloney sand­wich which only the intel­lec­tu­al­ly chal­lenged accepts.

The Police high com­mand has been a mod­el of fail­ure but that incom­pe­tence and cor­rup­tion can­not be laid at the feet of the young men and women who step for­ward to serve.
Those mal­adies must be laid square­ly at the feet of the polit­i­cal class and by exten­sion the police high com­mand which has tra­di­tion­al­ly been and still remains pre­cious lit­tle more than a neutered Mutt.

Vicious Killers Walk Free. Money .A Powerful Crime Lord .And A Complicit Court System…

The PNP as does the JLP has no inten­tion of com­pet­ing on a play­ing field of pro­gres­sive ideas to win sup­port for their agendas.
Instead, they com­pete using coer­cion, lies, vote buy­ing, mis­in­for­ma­tion and a strat­e­gy of gen­er­al­ly dumb­ing down an already low infor­ma­tion electorate.
The process is called gar­ri­son politics.

A for­mer Barbados Prime Minister once said he would not want to be the leader of Jamaica in light of the lev­el of igno­rance and illit­er­a­cy there.
The then Jamaican Prime Minister Edward Seaga was high­ly cha­grined but his anger did not change the fun­da­men­tal facts with­in that statement.
Let it be under­stood that nei­ther of the two polit­i­cal par­ties can point to a sin­gle thing they have done while in Government or Opposition to aid the fight against crime which did not add polit­i­cal ben­e­fit to their party.

On the one hand, the PNP has been gross­ly incom­pe­tent and mali­cious in its han­dling of the rule of law.
Understandably the PNP with its major­i­ty in zones of polit­i­cal exclu­sions( gar­risons) has a vest­ed inter­est in not hav­ing a coun­try in which the rule of law is the guid­ing principle.

This has been so through­out the PNP’s exis­tence, it was ampli­fied under Michael Manley and nei­ther of the lead­ers who came after Manley cared much about the rule of law either.

Hugh Lawson Shearer

On the oth­er hand, the JLP has flirt­ed with embrac­ing the rule of law, large­ly under Hugh Lawson Shearer, the Island’s most suc­cess­ful Prime Minister on the economy.
Shearer embraced a con­cept of law and order, it comes as no sur­prise, there­fore, that the Island had its great­est peri­od of eco­nom­ic suc­cess under his capa­ble and informed stewardship.
Hugh Lawson Shearer was a man of prin­ci­ple and impec­ca­ble character.
The same can­not be said about those who came after him.

Edward Seaga.

Edward Seaga was hailed as a finan­cial wiz­ard of sorts, I beg to dif­fer. Sure Seaga was far bet­ter on the econ­o­my that Michael Manley every could be or ever knew how to be but Seaga main­tained Tivoli gar­dens and he gets no cred­it from me for that.

Prime Minister Andrew Holness promised peo­ple would be able to sleep with open doors.

This Labor Party Government of Andrew Holness has demon­strat­ed that it will be a Government in the vein of Bruce Golding’s Government.
An admin­is­tra­tion in which gang­sters are pro­tect­ed and police are vilified.
Through his Justice Ministry and Delroy Chuck, through the Office of Public Defender and Arlene Harrison Henry, through INDECOM and Terrence Williams, through the Attorney General’s Department and Marlene Malahoo Forte and through sur­ro­gates like Nation Wide Radio and Cliff Hughes, Holness have been wag­ing a vis­cer­al and poi­so­nous cam­paign against the rule of law and the police.
All while wash­ing his hands and pre­tend­ing that he is try­ing to stem the blood­shed and cor­rup­tion on the Island.

It’s hard and darn near impos­si­ble for any­one to con­vince me oth­er­wise when the gov­ern­ment has infor­ma­tion like this and has not act­ed to end the prac­tice of grant­i­ng bail to dan­ger­ous felons.

Up to March of this year, some 143 per­sons who were on bail were also charged with mur­der while being on bail. We’re going to enter into some dis­cus­sions with the Ministry of Justice that, for some cat­e­gories of crimes, the per­sons on bail should wear an elec­tron­ic bracelet as a con­di­tion of their bail,”.

I can just hear some of you ask­ing what does the Government have to do with the courts grant­i­ng bail to criminals?
The answer is that it is the Government’s respon­si­bil­i­ty to change the Bail Act so that the lib­er­al judges can­not return accused mur­der­ers to the streets after they are arrested.
There are hard­ly any nations on earth which grant bail to accused murderers.
With the inor­di­nate­ly high mur­der rate in the coun­try, there is no log­i­cal argu­ment to be made for releas­ing accused mur­der­ers so that they can elim­i­nate wit­ness­es against them and kill others.

The Minister of National Security Robert Montague made those dis­clo­sures as he demon­strat­ed an app at the UWI at the sign­ing of an MOU between the University and the JCF to train offi­cers on the University campus.
If I under­stand the Minister cor­rect­ly that is a shock­ing num­ber of peo­ple to be out on bail who have been charged with cap­i­tal murder.
Or who have com­mit­ted seri­ous crimes giv­en bail only to grad­u­ate to com­mit­ting more seri­ous crimes to include murder?
How do you con­trol the killings when killers are returned to the streets imme­di­ate­ly they after they are arrest­ed only to kill again?
Not only are they like­ly to kill again but fam­i­ly mem­bers and friends of those they kill are much more like­ly to take revenge against them.
This per­pet­u­ates the cycle of blood­shed aid­ed and abet­ted by the Government and the courts.

Delroy Chuck

Just imag­ine for a moment 143 peo­ple which they know of, who have killed while on bail in a three month period.
The Minister of National Security’s response is that he will have a dis­cus­sion with Delroy Chuck, a man who advo­cates for the purg­ing of mur­der­ers from court dock­ets if their case has been in the sys­tem over five years.
That sug­ges­tion would increase mur­der and expo­nen­tial­ly cre­ate more log­jam in the court sys­tem all designed to wait out the five-year red line for the dis­pos­al of cases.
This ladies and gen­tle­men is what a coun­try of men looks like as opposed to a coun­try of laws.
