Justice Cannot Be Achieved Through A Corrupt System Presided Over By Corrupt People.…..

I am angry though totally not surprised that coming upon a year since the Jamaica Labor Party (JLP) took over the government it has not figured out a way to deal with crime.
Prime Minister Andrew Holness
Prime Minister Andrew Holness

There is no excuse for the Administration , it has had more than ample time to fig­ure out at least that there will nev­er be pros­per­i­ty of any kind for the Jamaican peo­ple unless they are reori­ent­ed away from the accep­tance of crim­i­nal­i­ty as a way of life onto a path of sus­tain­abil­i­ty through hard work , edu­ca­tion and their entre­pre­neur­ial spirit.
The (JLP) is not a par­ty of total dunces , so there can be no legit­i­mate claim of bring­ing pros­per­i­ty to the peo­ple in this cesspool of mur­der and mayhem.
There are peo­ple with­in the par­ty who fun­da­men­tal­ly under­stand the cumu­la­tive neg­a­tive effect crime has on societies.
According to a study done by (uc​.davis​.edu) ear­ly life expe­ri­ences appear like­ly to have an espe­cial­ly strong influ­ence on the devel­op­ment of crim­i­nal­i­ty because indi­vid­u­als acquire their traits sequentially.
This makes it all the more impor­tant that a way be found toward reori­ent­ing the nation away from this love affair it has with crime and crime figures.
Jamaica has had more than enough warn­ings that this can­cer of crime is not get­ting bet­ter . In fact the Island’s crim­i­nals in 2010 showed what they had pre­vi­ous­ly not demon­strat­ed , that is that they are not afraid to chal­lenge the very legit­i­ma­cy of the state.
That oppor­tu­ni­ty should nev­er have been wast­ed. A deci­sive blow should have been dealt the crim­i­nal under­world . It was not done.
The peo­ple’s nation­al par­ty did not sup­port an exten­sion of the lim­it­ed state of emer­gency the JLP admin­is­tra­tion want­ed. The PNP has dozens of gar­risons and hun­dreds of crim­i­nal thugs under arms.

Hannah Town police station burned.
Hannah Town police sta­tion burned.

The (JLP) admin­is­tra­tion could have gone ahead and got­ten that approval from the Governor General if it want­ed to, let’s remind our­selves of that fact. The admin­is­tra­tion chose not to for pure­ly polit­i­cal purposes..
The larg­er issue how­ev­er was not about who sup­port­ed an exten­sion of a lim­it­ed state of emer­gency as against who did not.
The larg­er issue is about the fail­ure of both par­ties to come togeth­er and face up to the fact that the gar­ri­son sys­tem they both sup­port­ed was indeed an exis­ten­tial threat to the country.
Instead both par­ties went to their respec­tive cor­ners hard­ened in their desire to con­tin­ue with their nar­row par­ti­san ambi­tions to place per­son­al and par­ti­san gain over the wel­fare of the country.
This con­firms what most peo­ple already knew, that both par­ties are part of the prob­lem and are unlike­ly to be a part of the solution.

We sow an act and reap a habit: We sow a habit and reap a char­ac­ter: We sow a char­ac­ter and reap a des­tiny. William Black (1893.
The root caus­es of crime [are] pover­ty, unem­ploy­ment, under­em­ploy­ment, racism, poor health care, bad hous­ing, weak schools, men­tal ill­ness, alco­holism, sin­gle-par­ent fam­i­lies, teenage preg­nan­cy, and a soci­ety of self­ish­ness and greed. Patrick V. Murphy (1985) for­mer NYPD Commissioner.
The chal­lenge for the admin­is­tra­tion has always been and still remain how to craft a way for­ward in light of the exist­ing real­i­ties while deal­ing with the exis­ten­tial threat the nation faces as a result to the wors­en­ing crime situation.
It has had ample time to craft a seri­ous strat­e­gy while in oppo­si­tion (crit­ics go to hell), it clear­ly did not do so.
Selling pros­per­i­ty to peo­ple in a cesspool of crime and inse­cu­ri­ty is like sell­ing bas­kets to peo­ple who are in des­per­ate need of con­tain­ers to hold water.
Crime on the Island is not a thing which can be set to the side. It is an ever increas­ing phe­nom­e­non which will ulti­mate­ly enve­lope the coun­try and all with­in it . Grill for­ti­fi­ca­tions have seri­ous limitations.
There is no solu­tion to the Island’s crime prob­lem which will not result in dirty hands. There is no solu­tion which will not elic­it howls of con­dem­na­tion from mon­day morn­ing quar­ter­backs and grand­stand­ing pontificates.

Robert Montague national security minister.
Robert Montague nation­al secu­ri­ty minister.

Jamaica is not a devel­oped country.
Applying beau­ti­ful wall­pa­per to brit­tle old walls does not a house make. It cre­ates a safe­ty haz­ard for prospec­tive occu­pants of that house. Crumbling walls cre­ates a seri­ous haz­ard for peo­ple liv­ing with­in those walls.
People liv­ing in a coun­try with a faux sense of secu­ri­ty are prone to hav­ing seri­ous wake­up calls , or prob­a­bly not wak­ing up at all.
The Country has been mis­led for decades., Jamaica has been led by a few peo­ple most of whom attend­ed the same University which is by and large a caul­dron of left wing ideology.
They make the rules, they con­trol all of the power.
Defense Attorneys dou­ble as Legislators, who head Garrisons, the Garrisons are kept in place by hood­lums who kill, extort and ter­ror­ize cit­i­zens into submission.
The lawyer/​politician/​member of par­lia­ment all in the body of one per­son is friend to the judge who is hear­ing the case which he is defend­ing the mur­der­ing thug from the garrison.

The attor­ney and the tri­al judge drink at the same spot. They are part of the same lit­tle pen­ny-mil­lion­aire club. They coex­ist with­in the same small space.
What made you think you were about to receive jus­tice when your kid is gunned down by some­one with a lit­tle mon­ey to spread around?
What made you believe you mattered?
The aver­age per­son has­n’t mat­tered since the Island sup­pos­ed­ly gained its inde­pen­dence. They do not mat­ter now.

Criminal defense lawyers and peo­ple who head gar­risons are not going to all of a sud­den become ratio­nal law and order legislators.
The likes of KD Knight, Delroy Chuck, AJ Nicholson, Mark Golding, etal were nev­er going to be stal­warts fight­ing for the demise of criminality.
Granted that there are many more with­in both polit­i­cal par­ties who sure­ly will not sup­port strong leg­is­la­tion to reduce crime we also under­stand that as a rule the People’s National Party has zero inten­tion of root­ing out crime from the country.

Opposition Leader Portia Simpson Miller and Dr Peter Phillips, opposition spokesman on finance, address members of the media during a press conference hosted by the People’s National Party at its Old Hope Road, St Andrew headquarters yesterday.
Opposition Leader Portia Simpson Miller and Dr Peter Phillips.File photo.

The small city-state of Singapore is held up by many in Jamaica as a place mod­eled after the Jamaican sys­tem of gov­ern­ment. Singapore accord­ing to wikipedia is not­ed for its effec­tive, prag­mat­ic and incor­rupt gov­er­nance and civ­il ser­vice, which togeth­er with its rapid devel­op­ment poli­cies, is wide­ly cit­ed as the “Singapore model”.
While Jamaicans are quick to talk about the eco­nom­ic gains made by Singapore with­in a short span of time what they neglect to talk about is the strict laws which gov­ern the small city state nation. There is a manda­to­ry death penal­ty for mur­der, as well as for cer­tain aggra­vat­ed drug-traf­fick­ing and firearms offences.
Amnesty International always quick to point out per­ceived faults of small devel­op­ing nations, argues that Singapore’s sys­tem con­flicts with the pre­sump­tion of innocence.
What is impor­tant is that accord­ing to Transparency International Singapore has been rat­ed one of the least cor­rupt coun­tries in the world.
Additionally the World Justice Project’s Rule of Law Index ranked Singapore among the top coun­tries sur­veyed with regard to “order and secu­ri­ty”, “absence of cor­rup­tion”, and “effec­tive crim­i­nal justice.wikipedia.

There is much hand-wring­ing in cer­tain quar­ters regard­ing the actions being under­tak­en by Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. Nicknamed “the pun­ish­er” for his hard-line approach to tack­ling crime while he was may­or of Davao city in the country’s south, Duterte had made fight­ing drug crime one of the main plat­forms of his elec­tion campaign.
Call Duarte what­ev­er you want, but there is no deny­ing that he rec­og­nizes the ram­pant crim­i­nal­i­ty which is utter­ly destroy­ing the very fab­ric of his country.
Duarte assured the police he would defend them if they were faced with charges of vio­lat­ing human rights while car­ry­ing out his anti-drug campaign.

Rodrigo Duterte.
Rodrigo Duterte.

No one has this kind of balls in our crim­i­nal­ly com­plic­it country.
Whether one endors­es Duarte’s meth­ods is not the issue . The issue is that President Rodrigo Duarte under­stands the exis­ten­tial threat crime and cor­rup­tion pos­es to the Philippines and he is tak­ing a stand.
Whether one agreed with the meth­ods of Los Pepe in Colombia in that nation’s strug­gles against becom­ing a nar­co state does not mat­ter. What mat­tered is that the actions of los pepes saved Colombia from the chok­ing ten­ta­cles of nar­co ter­ror­ism which seri­ous­ly threat­ened the exis­tence of that country.
Allowing a few grandiose unex­posed pen­ny mil­lion­aires who all attend­ed a small third world col­lege to cause the death of an entire coun­try much larg­er than Singapore should nev­er be tolerated.
President Duarte told the Judiciary in his coun­try “I will impose “mar­tial law” if you infringe upon my plan to erad­i­cate drugs and cor­rup­tion our country —
Jamaican judges, legal schol­ars, and it’s elites should nev­er be allowed to stop con­crete mea­sures to seri­ous­ly send a clear mes­sage that crime will not be tolerated.
Unfortunately this gov­ern­ment does not have the balls to do it.
So the peo­ple will even­tu­al­ly have to do it on their own sadly.……
