How The People Got Conned Into Being Dead/​right…

Horace Chang

It is a tragedy that Jamaica’s lead­ers stick their noses into places where they ought not to, yet are total­ly clue­less about how to fix the exis­ten­tial crises the Island faces at home.
The Prime Minister trav­elled all the way to apartheid Israel to hob­nob with the racist, mega­lo­ma­ni­ac Benjamin Netanyahu last year. And of course the pathet­ic oppo­si­tion (PNP) is dead set on it’s sup­port for the Venezuelan wannabe strong­man Nicolas Maduro.

While Jamaica sticks it’s nose into inter­na­tion­al affairs which it has no busi­ness doing, the unchecked killings con­tin­ue unabat­ed across the coun­try as a result of poli­cies enact­ed by both the gov­ern­ing (JLP) and the oppo­si­tion(PNP).
Front and cen­ter of the debate is how to con­trol the spate of killings across the Island, the vast major­i­ty of which nev­er gets solved.

The thugs who take life when they feel like it, has long demon­strat­ed that they are no longer afraid or con­cerned about the police.
Additionally, the sup­posed awe that they once har­bored at the sight of the mil­i­tary in the streets has long fad­ed.
On that score, the old adage ” familir­i­ty breeds con­tempt” is appro­pri­ate. Soldiers have been doing some polic­ing duties for years. The shock and awe at the sight of the mil­i­tary on the streets are replaced with shrugs and yawns. 

The nation’s laws are made by imper­fect peo­ple, many of whom are heav­i­ly invest­ed in the per­son­al out­comes, coun­try be damned.
Trial lawyers with no alle­giance to the coun­try dou­ble as leg­is­la­tors. They pass laws which fur­ther ham­strung the police and empow­er those who would be their future clients.
But it’s not just as sim­ple as tri­al lawyers being leg­is­la­tors, it is as seri­ous as actu­al leg­is­la­tors being active crim­i­nals.
The pathet­ic excuse for a nation­al secu­ri­ty min­is­ter (Horace Chang) stands before a crowd in St James and tells the police not to infringe on the rights of any of the peo­ple in the parish (
sur­round­ed by his police detail).
Not that he need­ed the police detail, the real secu­ri­ty are the goons in the gar­risons whom their poli­cies pro­tect.
He had not one syl­la­ble of [charge] to the peo­ple to obey the laws, to be respect­ful of the police and to help the police in their fight against crime.

Of course, this should come as no sur­prise, Horace Chang is in charge of one of the tough­est gar­risons in the parish of St James if not the entire Island.
The peo­ple who head the nation­al secu­ri­ty appa­ra­tus are also in charge of the [fave­las] in which the crim­i­nals have safe-haven with dan­ger­ous high pow­ered weapons.
No, this is not about par­ty pol­i­tics, the Opposition leader also over­sees a gar­ri­son in which the num­ber of votes cast always exceed the num­ber of elec­tors liv­ing in the constituency.

It has nev­er been that the police were inca­pable of deal­ing with the killings. What has tran­spired over the years is that the two polit­i­cal par­ties have embarked on a process which under­mines the rule of law in the coun­try while they pil­fer from the scarce resources which ought to go toward run­ning the coun­try.
They rel­ish in tak­ing away choice from the pop­u­la­tion, which is large­ly illit­er­ate and total­ly behold­en to the polit­i­cal dog­ma they are fed.
In order to pull that scam on the mass­es they need­ed a scape­goat and so the police found itself caught between the two gangs which run the coun­try and those which enforces the code on the streets.

Because we can­not afford to vio­late their human and civ­il rights.
By the 22nd of Janauary last year 100 homi­cides were report­ed to the police.
That num­ber meant that just under 5 Jamaicans were killed each day.
This year has start­ed off on a gal­lop as well but nev­er mind peo­ple are dying every­where right?
I won­der how those peo­ple feel about their human rights, or bet­ter yet, I won­der how they feel about los­ing the most pre­cious gift ever giv­en, the gift of life?
I guess we will nev­er know.

2 thoughts on “How The People Got Conned Into Being Dead/​right…

  1. You should do more research on Andrew Holness con­stituen­cy, re the vot­ing pattern

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