Gunslinging Karens Now Leaders In Republican Attack On Democracy…

Republicans rail against what they call the can­cel culture.…..of course, their oppo­si­tion to (what the rest of us call account­abil­i­ty), is all about not being able to abuse and use deroga­to­ry lan­guage against peo­ple they believe to be less than.
Interestingly, Republicans don’t have a lick of a prob­lem when Democrats get can­celed. Ooops, I meant to say when peo­ple are held accountable.
It was­n’t too long ago that they were glee­ful that the very effec­tive Comedian turned US Senator Al Franken was run out of Washington because there was a list of sex­u­al­ly inap­pro­pri­ate behav­ior with mul­ti­ple women.
I’m not here to defend Al Franken, and I don’t know whether or not he was guilty as accused; what we know is that he was nev­er arrest­ed, charged, or con­vict­ed of any­thing. And so that begs the idea of inno­cent until proven guilty.

Former Senator Al Franken.

Al Franken was thrown to the wolves by his own col­leagues, led by New York’s junior US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who want­ed to run for pres­i­dent on a plat­form of stand­ing up for women.
In all, there were com­plaints from eight dif­fer­ent women against mis­ter Franken; Democrats raised against him because they want­ed to have clean hands. I guess they expect­ed that there would be reci­procity from Republicans.
I’m not sure what form that would have tak­en; Republicans do as they please, just like their white sup­port­ers act with impuni­ty, large­ly with­out consequence.
Can you imag­ine the FBI con­tem­plat­ing not pro­ceed­ing with crim­i­nal charges against sedi­tion­ists who invad­ed the nation’s Legislative citadel using the pre­text that pro­ceed­ing against them will clog up the courts?
When has the FBI or any oth­er police agency in America decid­ed not to go after black peo­ple who may have run afoul of the laws? Okay, I’m off-top­ic; let me get back to my thoughts.

This is Republican Q anon con­gress­woman Lauren Boebert from Colorado; anoth­er abide by no rules gun­slinger, who wants to car­ry a gun on the house floor. Boebert’s rap sheet is a long as a cold win­ter night.

Pushing Al Franken out did not make any sense, at least not to me. Al Franken was forced out in December of 2017. Donald Trump, who was accused of grop­ing and oth­er­wise vio­lat­ing expo­nen­tial­ly more women, was elect­ed pres­i­dent despite those alle­ga­tions and was sworn in as America’s 45th pres­i­dent just under a year ear­li­er. But this is hard­ly about the despi­ca­ble pres­i­den­cy most ratio­nal and con­sci­en­tious peo­ple would soon­er forget.
It is about the stu­pid­i­ty of Democrats of purg­ing peo­ple from the par­ty who have not been con­vict­ed of any crimes. Simultaneously, the Republicans refuse to agree to impeach and bar Donald Trump from ever hold­ing Federal office ever again.
Trump com­mit­ted sedi­tion against the United States of America, yet only five Republican Senators would even hon­or their oaths to allow the case to be heard against that crim­i­nal. And just three weeks ear­li­er, they were all cow­er­ing in fear at the nean­derthal horde that tore the doors down look­ing to kill off Democratic lead­ers, and Mike Pence, in the US capi­tol building.

Marjorie Taylor Greene

Then, there is this [karen], Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia 14th dis­trict, a Qanon con­spir­a­cy the­o­rist who was recent­ly elect­ed to the US Congress. She advo­cates vio­lence against her Democratic coun­ter­parts. Suggested that putting a bul­let in the head of Speaker Nancy Pelosi would be a good idea. And a range of oth­er quotes that are not only dan­ger­ous but frightening.
The lying lit­tle twat, respond­ed that mul­ti­ple peo­ple man­aged her social media account. Essentially punt­ing respon­si­bil­i­ty to a face­less non-exis­tent person.
Look, I com­plete­ly get that run­ning a con­struc­tion busi­ness with her hus­band would require a social media team. Oh yeah, she is one impor­tant celebri­ty. But killing the US House speak­er, on your social media page, and you don’t know about it?
This twat want­ed to take a gun onto the US Congress floor, yes, and she walks around the met­al detect­ing devices erect­ed in the Capitol build­ing after the January 6th insur­rec­tion, instead of through them as any law-abid­ing cit­i­zen would.

GOP candidate posts image of herself with gun next to Tlaib, Dems

Here she is lit­er­al­ly threat­en­ing the Democratic cau­cus mem­bers while pre­tend­ing that she meant defeat­ing them at the bal­lot box. But she is not alone; the entire Republican cau­cus in the House is a fas­cist-white suprema­cist cau­cus, the Senate cau­cus is no better.
(Politico report­ed today that Rep. Jimmy Gomez wants Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene boot­ed from Congress. On Wednesday, the California Democrat announced that he planned to intro­duce a res­o­lu­tion to oust the con­spir­a­cy-the­o­ry-ped­dling Republican from Georgia after recent news reports revealed that Greene had pre­vi­ous­ly called for vio­lence against Democrats on social media. A two-thirds major­i­ty is required to expel a mem­ber from the House, mean­ing Gomez’s res­o­lu­tion is almost cer­tain to fail in a cham­ber where Democrats hold a razor-thin major­i­ty CNN on Tuesday unveiled exam­ples of Greene’s past social media activ­i­ty from as recent­ly as 2019 that appeared to endorse exe­cut­ing Democrats and fed­er­al law enforce­ment offi­cers. She was report­ed to have liked one com­ment that said “a bul­let to the head would be quick­er” to elim­i­nate House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Taylor Greene has antag­o­nized her peers by flout­ing coro­n­avirus guide­lines and has gar­nered nation­al atten­tion for engag­ing in the QAnon con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry. She has also denied the Parkland school shoot­ing, and was filmed spread­ing racist, Islamophobic and anti-Semitic com­ments, prompt­ing con­dem­na­tion from her own party.)
The Republican minor­i­ty leader in the House, Kevin McCarthy, reward­ed Marjorie Taylor Greene with a seat on the edu­ca­tion committee.

Republican Lauren Boebert, 33, Colorado, a Trump show­boat, wants to car­ry her Glock in the house chambers.

There is more than just Marjorie Taylor Greene; there are more [Karens], these are the best of what is now the Republican par­ty. Lauren Boebert, was just elect­ed to the US Congress from Colorado, with a rap sheet as long as a cold win­ter night. Yup, it’s real­ly easy to guess at the qual­i­ty of the con­stituents who sent her to rep­re­sent them.
According to the very Conservative Rupert Murdoch New York Post, in June 2015, Boebert was cuffed for dis­or­der­ly con­duct at a coun­try music fes­ti­val near Grand Junction, Colo., after police said she attempt­ed to inter­fere in the arrest of minors bust­ed for under­age drink­ing and encour­aged the accused to run off. Boebert said the rev­el­ers had not been read their Miranda rights and that the arrest was ille­gal. Bowebertcontinued yelling and caus­ing the under­age drinkers to become unruly,” an arrest­ing offi­cer said in a state­ment at the time. “Lauren said mul­ti­ple times that she had friends at Fox News and that the ille­gal arrest would be nation­al news.” At the time, Boebert was run­ning Shooters Grill in Rifle, Colo. Colorado Newsline first report­ed the story.

Boebert sub­se­quent­ly missed two court appear­ances and was arrest­ed again in December 2015. The charge was dismissed.
A year lat­er, in September 2016, Boebert was charged with care­less dri­ving and oper­at­ing an unsafe vehi­cle after rolling her truck into a ditch, police said. A war­rant was issued for her arrest when she failed to show up for court a month lat­er. She was booked on Feb. 13, 2017. She ulti­mate­ly plead­ed guilty to the unsafe vehi­cle charge and paid $123.50 in fines and court costs. The care­less dri­ving charge was dis­missed. The inci­dent was first report­ed by the Colorado Times Recorder. In September 2010, Boebert was arrest­ed after a neigh­bor, Michele Soet, accused Boebert’s two pit bulls of attack­ing Soet’s dog. Soet’s dog nar­row­ly escaped injury after jump­ing into a van. The future leg­is­la­tor plead­ed guilty to a sin­gle count of “dog at large,” pay­ing a $75 fine.

Remember when the racist right derid­ed Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, for hav­ing wait­ressed?
This is Lauren Boebert, serv­ing drinks, no prob­lem here.

Boebert’s future hus­band, Jayson, also had brush­es with law enforce­ment. In January 2004, he was arrest­ed after alleged­ly expos­ing his penis to two women at a bowl­ing alley, accord­ing to an arrest affi­davit. Lauren Boebert (then age 17 and known as Lauren Opal Roberts) was also there. Jayson Boebert plead­ed guilty to pub­lic inde­cen­cy and lewd expo­sure, earn­ing him­self four days in jail and two years’ pro­ba­tion. In February 2004, he was booked on a domes­tic vio­lence charge, against Lauren Boebert. He “did unlaw­ful­ly strike, shove or kick … and sub­ject­ed her to phys­i­cal con­tact,” a spokesman for the Garfield asso­ciate coun­ty court clerk told The Post. They had been dat­ing at the time. Jayson Boebert ulti­mate­ly served sev­en days in jail. Colorado blog­ger Anne Landman first unearthed the busts. According to a police report, Lauren Boebert took her revenge in May 2004 dur­ing an alter­ca­tion with Jayson at his home in which she scratched his face and chest and trashed his residence.
Well, there you have it, folks, a who’s who of white Christian virtue. A reg­u­lar rogue’s gallery of low-class trail­er trash is now dou­bling as Federal legislators.
