Gaza Is An Open Air Prison Where Israel Decides If The Palestinian People Eat Or Have Access To Drinking Water…


A lit­tle dys­func­tion­al math for you. Let’s say you some­how decide to say that three times two is ten, then use the tens you arrived at to say ten times ten is one hun­dred; though ten times ten is indeed one hun­dred, the path you took to arrive there makes the final answer flawed, incor­rect, decep­tive, or worse. Bear with me; I apologize.……what sounds to you like total illog­i­cal gib­ber­ish is an attempt to walk you through the irra­tional­i­ty of Israel’s claim to the land of Palestine.
If you took land that does not belong to you by force and built beau­ti­ful teem­ing cities, it does not make your cause any more just. The land still does not belong to you.
The fact that you have pow­er­ful spon­sors that sup­ports your tyran­ny and geno­cide does not give you legit­i­ma­cy; they sup­port you because they built their pow­er the same way you did on theft, enslave­ment, rape, sodomy, bru­tal­i­ty, mur­der, and every con­ceiv­able vice.

Harry Truman

So let us rea­son: you are helped by your friends to land that nev­er belonged to you, and you take it by force,.….oh wait… you were ush­ered onto the land by your pow­er­ful spon­sors who mur­dered and stole entire con­ti­nents and claimed it as their own cen­turies before. So they already had the blue­print. In 1947 Harry Truman ush­ered 100,000 of you into Palestine and was the first leader of a nation to rec­og­nize you as a Jewish State in 1948. Remember now; the very same Harry Truman autho­rized the anni­hi­la­tion of mil­lions of Japanese through the use of the atom­ic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Yes, that same Harry Truman who knew that there was no need to use those dev­as­tat­ing weapons because the war was all but over.
Why did Harry Truman order that the atom­ic bombs be used on Japan when the Caucasian nation of Germany start­ed the two world wars? 

Palestinian youths with cat­a­pults are labeled ter­ror­ists against the pow­er­ful con­quer­ing war machine of the Zionists…

You built cities, erect­ed mon­u­ments and edi­fices; you cre­at­ed won­ders that oth­ers look at in awe and sur­round­ed your­self with walls and armies to defend what you know is not yours. You use your mon­ey and pow­er to pur­chase and run pow­er­ful media enti­ties to spread dis­in­for­ma­tion and to can­cel any­one who dares ques­tion you. You use being adja­cent to even more pow­er to usurp rules and to appro­pri­ate unto your­self what­ev­er else you choose to annex.

Your pow­er­ful spon­sors make you immune and exempt from the rules of inter­na­tion­al law that most oth­er nations are bound to abide by. The so-called International Court Of [Justice] has no author­i­ty over you. The United States, Britain, and France, the pow­er­ful Western Powers, sit as Judge, Jury, and Executioner over the rest of the world while ensur­ing that the world knows that they are not sub­ject to that court’s juris­dic­tion, and nei­ther are you.
The War crimes you com­mit against men, women, and chil­dren are scoffed at as nec­es­sary for estab­lish­ing and fur­ther­ing the Zionist State. The Nuclear weapons and oth­er sophis­ti­cat­ed weapons of war you pos­sess and uti­lize against peo­ple throw­ing rocks become right while you bru­tal­ly mur­der the innocent.
Young men and chil­dren throw­ing rocks to defend their land and dig­ni­ty are labeled ter­ror­ists by your pow­er­ful media and sponsors.
Even those who do not under­stand the his­to­ry and false­hoods of your claims to legit­i­ma­cy igno­rant­ly praise you, pray for you, and ask that oth­ers pray for you the oppressor.

This is the pow­er dynam­ic, yet, David with the stone is char­ac­ter­ized as a terrorist.

The United Nations turns its back on these atroc­i­ties because the United Nations is what The United States and England say it is. The idea of the United Nations was not bad on its face. The First World War start­ed in 1914 and end­ed in 1918.….…well, sort of. The proud Germans were not sat­is­fied with the terms foist­ed upon them, so by 1939, a mere 21 years lat­er, the world was thrust into anoth­er world­wide con­fla­gra­tion; World War 2.
After 1945 when the war end­ed, the UN was cre­at­ed. It may rea­son­ably be argued that the Agency has kept the world out of anoth­er world­wide war to date, 78 years later.
However, because the peo­ple who cre­at­ed the agency left carve-outs for them­selves and their friends to flout International laws, as the United States has done, where it can trans­gress inter­na­tion­al bor­ders with­out con­se­quences, where it is not sub­ject to the world court, and where the ille­gal state of Israel is shield­ed from penal­ty for vio­lat­ing inter­na­tion­al laws time and again, the UN has zero cred­i­bil­i­ty left.
Many Nations across Africa have with­drawn from the World Court as a con­se­quence, and in the fore­see­able future, many coun­tries will step back from the United Nations. People are not opposed to fol­low­ing rules. They are opposed to rules that are not enforced fairly.

Inter­na­tion­al human­i­tar­i­an law requires par­ties to take all fea­si­ble pre­cau­tions to pre­vent harm to civil­ians that can result from mil­i­tary operations.

Israel repeat­ed­ly com­mits war crimes and thumbs its nose at the world while the afore­men­tioned pow­ers shield it from con­se­quence in the so-called International Court Of Justice.
According to the Washington Post, Israel repeat­ed­ly used white phos­pho­rus dur­ing its 22-day long cam­paign in Gaza that spanned the end of 2008 to ear­ly 2009, includ­ing over­pop­u­lat­ed areas, killing and injur­ing civil­ians, and vio­lat­ing International Humanitarian Law, a 2009 report from Human Rights Watch found.
A pho­to­graph tak­en near the south­ern Israeli city of Sderot on Monday shows Israeli forces in pos­ses­sion of at least sev­en pro­jec­tiles that have mark­ings con­sis­tent with those used to deliv­er white phos­pho­rus, accord­ing to a muni­tions data­base main­tained by CAT-UXO.
Having flout­ed International law as it does reg­u­lar­ly with­out con­se­quence, The Washington Post report­ed that the zion­ist state again used the dead­ly muni­tions on Wednesday in an attack on the open-air prison Gaza..





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
