By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them:Black Pastors Sell-out To Donald Trump, All Part Of New Prosperity Gospel…


It’s elec­tion cam­paign sea­son in the United States and the talk about immi­gra­tion as a cam­paign issue seem to only be on the polit­i­cal right.
The Democratic nom­i­nee for President Hillary Clinton has thus far remained quite on the issue and cor­rect­ly so in my estimation.

Apostates in support of Trump... Rev. Darrell Scott, senior pastor of the New Spirit Revival Center in Cleveland Heights
Apostates in sup­port of Trump…
Rev. Darrell Scott, senior pas­tor of the New Spirit Revival Center in Cleveland Heights, one of the lead­ers of the group of sell-out coons who would march blacks back into slav­ery for a chance to rub shoul­ders with “mas­sa”

On Wednesday the Republican nom­i­nee for pres­i­dent Donald Trump head­ed to Mexico to gain cred­i­bil­i­ty with white sub­ur­ban vot­ers who are not sup­port­ing his candidacy.
This is part of a des­per­ate strat­e­gy of flail­ing away at cer­tain groups in ways which are con­de­scend­ing and dis­re­spect­ful even as he claim to want their vote.
( You’re liv­ing in pover­ty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 per­cent of your youth is unem­ployed. What the hell do you have to lose?”)
Just the type of con­de­scend­ing shit one needs when con­sid­er­ing who to vote for. Well let me not be hasty, many blacks have actu­al­ly swal­lowed these over­tures at the same time they swal­lowed their dig­ni­ty, pride and self-worth.
It’s impor­tant to note that the fish whom have most dis­cernibly swal­lowed Trump vile words, drip­ping with perdition,are the impos­tors who fleece the gullible and the vul­ner­a­ble in the Black church­es on Sunday mornings.
Isn’t it remark­able how game rec­og­nizes game?
One con-man rec­og­niz­ing the con-game of the black apos­tates who pros­ti­tute and pimp the word of God on the altar of finan­cial gain and world­ly prosperity.

James Davis pastor in Ohio,  Another of the coons who would sell the black community back into slavery all for a chance to sit at a table with Donald Trump.
James Davis pas­tor in Ohio,
Another of the coons who would sell the black com­mu­ni­ty back into slav­ery, all for a chance to sit at a table with Donald Trump.

Lets get some­thing straight which the main stream media will not tell you, Donald Trump has not gone to Mexico because he cares about Mexicans.

(“When Mexico sends its peo­ple, they’re not send­ing their best. They’re not send­ing you. They’re not send­ing you. They’re send­ing peo­ple that have lots of prob­lems, and they’re bring­ing those prob­lems with us. They’re bring­ing drugs. They’re bring­ing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good peo­ple.”)..

Trump sees peo­ple of col­or the same way his white une­d­u­cat­ed, so-called mid­dle class blue col­lar peo­ple does.
His response to police vio­lence against peo­ple of col­or is the same as theirs .

South Carolina pastor Rev. Mark Burns. The top coon Trump tapped to pull the wool over the unsuspecting eyes of gullible black congregants..
South Carolina pas­tor Rev. Mark Burns.
The top coon Trump tapped to pull the wool over the unsus­pect­ing eyes of gullible black congregants..

Much of his sup­port comes from the nether reach­es of the most Nativist realm.
His record deal­ing with black and brown peo­ple is unequiv­o­cal in it’s disdain .
He can­not hide from it , that is why it’s impor­tant to under­stand that his sup­port­ers and black and brown peo­ple could nev­er exist in the same space.

The pri­ma­ry argu­ment of the black-bird-brained sell­outs is that Donald Trump told them at his Trump tow­er meet­ing that he intends to empow­er the black com­mu­ni­ty by rebuild­ing inner cities.
Okay, so there is so much we can talk about when some­one makes such a vague statement .
In the first instance the vast major­i­ty of suc­cess­ful black peo­ple do not live in inner city ghet­tos . The mas­sive hous­ing projects which house so many poor inner city res­i­dents are reser­va­tions of a dif­fer­ent name.

The Church Lady Exclusive: Did. Dr. Michael Freeman Orchestrate the Ousting of Pastor Joel Peebles from Jericho City of Praise?

Blacks hard­ly own these pub­lic hous­es, in many cas­es the term urban renew­al com­ing from white peo­ple, par­tic­u­lar­ly some­one with a back­ground in real estate and con like Donald Trump means gentrification.
In which case they will be worse off than when the urban renew­al started.
Ask the black peo­ple who lived in down­town Brooklyn and parts of Harlem how those renewals worked out for them.
Don’t get me wrong it is great when cities are revived, but in the con­text of poor blacks it is cold com­fort when they can­not afford a place to live.

Trumps eco­nom­ic pol­i­cy, if one does exist, is no dif­fer­ent than that of Reagan, Bush, and Bush. It is sim­ply tax cuts for the rich­est peo­ple and a wish that some of their crumbs will fall from their tables to feed the rest of us.
Secondly the con­cept that Trump will be able to bring jobs back into the coun­try is the biggest lie of all.
Trump him­self makes his tacky ties and shirts in Asia and lit­er­al­ly every­thing else in which he has a fidu­cia­ry interest.

If these black-skinned sell­outs want to be tak­en seri­ous­ly they must encour­age Trump not to talk the talk but walk the walk. Lets see Donald Trump return those man­u­fac­tur­ing jobs to the coun­try first.
It is impor­tant to note that even as these sell­outs do their darnedest to sell their gullible con­gre­ga­tions back into slav­ery , one of Donald Trump’s most stri­dent sup­port­er New Jersey’s repub­li­can gov­er­nor Chris Christie just vetoed a bill which would have seen the min­i­mum wage in that state increased from $8 to $15 by 2021.
That increase would have been over a five year peri­od.… and he vetoed it !!!!

trumps coons

Those peo­ple who con­tin­ue to believe that Trump or any­one else for that mat­ter will return jobs which have gone over­seas are more stu­pid that we thought, they prob­a­bly deserve a pres­i­dent Trump.
Producing goods at American min­i­mum wage would see prices go up expo­nen­tial­ly for those prod­ucts. It would men small­er prof­its for com­pa­nies which man­u­fac­ture their goods over­seas and that is not about to happen.
American con­sumers could not afford to pur­chase these goods which would mean mas­sive con­trac­tion of the American econ­o­my and mas­sive job loss in the end.
And thats just the begin­ning of the down­side of such a move in the glob­al space in which we now operate.

Every American President since Ronald Reagan except Barack Obasma has tried to fur­ther enrich the rich­est among us, it would be a major depar­ture for a self-styled bil­lion­aire to betray his finan­cial class by get­ting them to cut their prof­its and return pro­duc­tion to America on the one hand while his own pol­i­cy wants to give them more tax-cuts and breaks to keep more of their money.
Donald J Trump is no Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

As the web­site thinkprogress​.com sees it .
In its sim­plest form, the pros­per­i­ty gospel is an American Christian move­ment that teach­es fol­low­ers they can become rich though the art of pos­i­tive think­ing — and, more impor­tant­ly, cut­ting large checks to their church and pas­tor. The con­tro­ver­sial the­ol­o­gy has long been crit­i­cized by pro­gres­sive and con­ser­v­a­tive Christian lead­ers alike, espe­cial­ly the spend­ing habits it encour­ages among min­is­ters who uphold it, such as when Creflo Dollar (his actu­al name) of College Park, Georgia, asked his con­stituents to help him buy a pri­vate jet.

The Bible did say each and every chris­t­ian will have to work out their own sal­va­tion. Left to these mon­ey grub­bing apos­tates we will be back into slav­ery in no time.
