FBI To Probe Black Church Burnings.…(Yawn)

In the space of ten(10) days, three African-American places of wor­ship were reduced to smol­der­ing ruins in the State of Louisiana, and now we are told that the FBI has got­ten involved in the Investigations.
Before you break out the cham­pagne, how­ev­er, ask your­selves how many African-American Churches have been tar­get­ed by white domes­tic ter­ror­ists, using arson as a weapon over the years?
Then ask your­selves, how many of these cow­ard­ly punks have been held account­able by local, state or Federal law-enforce­ment author­i­ties?
Here are a few facts from 2015.

  • June 30: Mount Zion AME Church in Greeleyville, South Carolina. The his­toric black church burned down on June 30. A fed­er­al law enforce­ment offi­cial told the AP that the fire was­n’t inten­tion­al­ly set, and the FBI cur­rent­ly thinks it was prob­a­bly caused by a light­ning strike.
  • June 26: Glover Grove Baptist Church in Warrenville, South Carolina. The most­ly black church burned down on June 26. Investigators don’t know if it was inten­tion­al or an acci­dent, but they “observed no ele­ment of crim­i­nal intent.” The fire has offi­cial­ly been clas­si­fied as “unde­ter­mined” because inves­ti­ga­tors could­n’t rule out the pos­si­bil­i­ty of an accident.
  • June 26: Greater Miracle Apostolic Holiness Church in Tallahassee, Florida. The most­ly black church was destroyed by a fire on June 26. It was like­ly set off by an elec­tri­cal short, so it’s not believed to be arson or a hate crime.
  • June 24: Briar Creek Baptist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. The pre­dom­i­nant­ly black church was burned down on June 24. Investigators are treat­ing the case as arson, but there’s no evi­dence it was a hate crime.
  • June 23: God’s Power Church of Christ in Macon, Georgia. The most­ly black church burned down on June 23. The fire is being inves­ti­gat­ed as an arson, but local and fed­er­al law enforce­ment agents have said there’s no evi­dence yet of a hate crime.
  • June 23: Fruitland Presbyterian Church in Gibson County, Tennessee. This is a most­ly white church, and it was struck by light­ning on June 23. But it’s been wide­ly includ­ed in reports of church fires.
  • June 21: College Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. Officials said that some­one on June 21 inten­tion­al­ly set fire to a church-owned van and straw near the most­ly black church, but the church itself was­n’t burned. Investigators have con­firmed that the fire was a case of arson. A spokesman for the Knoxville Police Department toldlocal news sta­tion WATE that it was being inves­ti­gat­ed as an act of van­dal­ism rather than a hate crime, because the sus­pect did­n’t leave any mes­sage or indi­ca­tion of the rea­son for the crime.

  • According to the National Fire Protection Association (via the Los Angeles Times’s Matt Pearce), fire­fight­ers respond­ed to an aver­age of 1,600 fires at church­es a year from 2007 to 2011. That comes out to an aver­age of 31 fires a week. 

The fore­gone was in just 2015. accord­ing to [Vox​.com.]

Let us under­stand some­thing here, these are acts of ter­ror being car­ried out by the descen­dants of igno­rant white ter­ror­ists who were doing the same thing in the ’50s and ’60s.
As for the rea­son that no one is ever held account­able? In many cas­es, the ones doing the burn­ing are wear­ing police uni­forms, or they are part of the same white suprema­cists’ groups that the cops belong to.
By the FBI’s own account over a decade ago, law enforce­ment has been infil­trat­ed by white Supremacists, Skinheads, and Neo-Nazis and have become a prob­lem.
In this medi­um, I have writ­ten sev­er­al Articles on this phe­nom­e­non and there have been inde­pen­dent report­ing on the sub­ject.
Yet in America, the def­i­n­i­tion of “Terror” has been reduced to acts com­mit­ted by Muslims.
The almost dai­ly acts of “Terror” being com­mit­ted by white mas-mur­der­ers upon American cit­i­zens of all col­ors are reduced to back and forth argu­ments about gun rights and men­tal illness.

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The nar­ra­tive com­ing from Law-enforce­ment in this lat­est string of arson church fires, as have the nar­ra­tive through time, is that they are prob­ing to see if there are any links between the dif­fer­ent fires!
A link to what?
What does it mat­ter whether or not there is a link between per­pe­tra­tors who set two or all three of the church­es ablaze? If there is no nexus does it mean that the church­es are any less burned?
If there is no estab­lished nexus, does it mean that the one or more indi­vid­u­als who burned those church­es are not domes­tic ter­ror­ists?
And if they act­ed sep­a­rate­ly, inde­pen­dent­ly and in no coör­di­na­tion with each oth­er does that mean that the acts are any less terroristic?

Investigation underway after three ‘suspicious’ fires at black Louisiana churches

The dan­ger­ous real­i­ty is that there is hard­ly any atten­tion being paid to the rapid growth of white suprema­cists, Neo-nazis and skin­head groups which sprung up dur­ing Barack Obama’s eight years in office, and are embold­ened to act with­out fet­ter under Donald Trump.
What the FBI is con­cerned with infil­trat­ing, are inno­cent Black activists who demon­strate and speak out against White Neo-nazis oper­at­ing as police offi­cers and killing unarmed Black peo­ple.
To add insult to injury, accord­ing to [Salon​.com] (in the face of Rising Extremism, Donald Trump’s Department of Homeland Security dis­band­ed its Domestic Terror Unit).
The unmit­i­gat­ed truth is that Domestic Terrorism has been on the rise in America and now the peo­ple in those groups feel empow­ered to act because Donald Trump referred to them as “fine peo­ple.”

The full con­text and con­se­quences of the rise and spread of white nation­al­ism across America, is yet to be under­stood, as there is a refusal by author­i­ties to accept that it is even a prob­lem.
As more and more infor­ma­tion sur­faces of police offi­cers being mem­bers of neo-nazi groups, munic­i­pal­i­ties and police depart­ments have hun­kered down and refused to see the prob­lem of unwar­rant­ed lethal police-civil­ian encoun­ters for what they tru­ly are.
With that men­tal­i­ty, it is impos­si­ble to source accu­rate data on the loss of life, loss of lib­er­ty and destruc­tion of prop­er­ty this is caus­ing, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the Black Community.
Having the FBI inves­ti­gate should offer no com­fort to the Black com­mu­ni­ty. The FBI is no greater friend to the Black com­mu­ni­ty than the local hicks who dou­ble as clans-men and cops.
The FBI is inter­est­ed only in infil­trat­ing and dis­rupt­ing black protest groups which are sim­ply demand­ing jus­tice for the atroc­i­ties com­mit­ted by white nation­al­ist cops who mur­der with­out accountability. 
