Dramatic Images Of Jarret Street Shooting.…

Reports are that a man was mur­dered on Jarret Street In Montego Bay St. James this Morning at about 8 – 10 am.
Early report­ing sug­gests that the slain man was the dri­ver of a Chinese National and that two Hawkeye secu­ri­ty offi­cers who were sit­ting in their vehi­cle near­by were shot and are seri­ous­ly injured.
We are also told that a sub­stan­tial sum of mon­ey was tak­en from the vic­tims. This account of events has been uncon­firmed.
As more infor­ma­tion becomes avail­able we will update this reporting

Images of a vio­lent Robbery alleged­ly com­mit­ted this morn­ing in which the dri­ver of a Chinese res­i­dent was killed and two Hawkeye secu­ri­ty offi­cers seri­ous­ly injuried.
Hawkeye unit with bullet-holes
from the pot-marked bul­let-holes this assailant had one inten­tion and that was to kill.
We are told this is one of the injured secu­ri­ty offi­cer, we pray for his swift recovery.