Congressional Black Caucus To Endorse Hillary Clinton

The Congressional Black Caucus in the US Congress is set to endorse Hillary Clinton as the Democratic Choice for President of the United States.
The Congressional Black Caucus polit­i­cal arm is geared at elect­ing Democrats to office accord­ing to Congressman Gregory Meeks of Queens New York.
This medi­um is unsure about this endorse­ment, and the tim­ing of it time in light of the fact that Democrats have not earned Black votes nor own it.
With all of the killings of unarmed peo­ple by police and oth­er mal­adies plagu­ing the Black com­mu­ni­ty the Democratic par­ty has been silent.
We will have much more to say after the endorsement.

General Election Date In Jamaica Is.….….

At a huge PNP Rally held in Half Way Tree St Andrew Sunday January 31 Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller announced that Nomination day will be on February 9th and Elections will be held on February 25th.

Simpson Miller PM..
Simpson Miller PM..

For the ben­e­fit of Jamaica vot­ers will now go to the polls and decide what direc­tion they want for their coun­try. The PNP has held pow­er over 28 of the last 40 years , Jamaica has pre­cious lit­tle pos­i­tives to show for it.
The Island’s econ­o­my is in shambles .
The pro­duc­tive sec­tor has been dec­i­mat­ed. Serious crimes are at an all time high. The Infrastructure is crum­bling and there are real­ly no new infra­struc­ture being put in place out­side the high­ways being put in place by the Chinese which Jamaicans can­not afford to dri­ve on. Hotels are all owned by Foreigners. Most of the Island’s assets have been sold by the Administration and the monies siphoned off .
The Island’s cur­ren­cy has lit­er­al­ly no value .
Yes the PNP talks about pass­ing IMF tests , that is the Administration’s high water mark. Unfortunately for the peo­ple when a coun­try is pleas­ing the IMF it is pain­ing the people.
The peo­ple now have a deci­sion to make . On February 25th Jamaicans will once again go into the vot­ing booths and decide the course of the Island for the next 5 years .
May God help them.……