Why Isn’t The Birther Issue Resonating This Time Around.….


During the Presidential Elections of 2008 and 2012 Hawaii born Barack Obama was exco­ri­at­ed by the Tea-Party Patriots and Republicans that he was dis­qual­i­fied from being President of the United States because accord­ing to them he was born in Kenya.
Only it was a lie !!!

Orly Taitz, a California lawyer led the “birther” move­ment against Obama the Nation’s first black President on no evi­dence which indi­cat­ed that Obama was born any­where but Hawaii.
The birther move­ment was a mod­ern day ver­sion of the slav­ery era “show me your papers” to which Obama even­tu­al­ly capitulated.
The Birther move­ment failed to gain enough trac­tion to make a dent in the impres­sion the broad­er American elec­torate had of Obama.
The move­ment sput­tered and petered out after President Obama was re-elect­ed in 2012 ‚which to some degree speaks to the motives behind the movement .

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

At the helm of the birther move­ment was the for­mer Alaska Governor and one time Republican Vice-Presidential can­di­date Sarah Palin and present Presidential Candidate Donald Trump who rev­eled in the birther con­tro­ver­sy until President Obama made a com­ic spec­ta­cle of him at a White House Correspondence Dinner. Previous to that event the President had labeled the Republican blow-hard a “Carnival-Barker”.

Ironically hard­ly any of the so-called front-line Republican elect­ed offi­cials spoke out about the inap­pro­pri­ate­ness of the Birther movement.
Those who did­n’t remain silent on racial grounds remained silent because in their minds it was good politics.
For Republicans pol­i­tics trumps every­thing, that includes Country, it includes decen­cy as well.

Republicans prob­a­bly nev­er con­tem­plat­ed this game being played on them and not by a Democrat but one of their own.
This cycle under­stand­ably, there is no slith­ery slimy Orly Taitz lead­ing the cav­al­ry into bat­tle to pro­tect the American Presidency from a Manchurian Obama, whom they all knew was a legit­i­mate American cit­i­zen. This time around it’s Trump the Republican front-run­ner lead­ing the Birther move­ment against can­di­date Ted Cruz who was born in Canada to a Welsh-American moth­er and a Cuban father.

Trump may be a Racist turd who want­ed to de-legit­imize Barack Obama using race as a dis-qual­i­fi­er but unfor­tu­nate­ly for Cruz and the Republican estab­lish­ment Trump is also an ego-mani­a­cal self pro­mot­er who is uncon­strained by par­ty labels.

Donald Trump remained Donald Trump noth­ing changed about the Trump Republicans embraced when he made those scur­rilous attacks on the President’s right to his nationality.
So when the very same Donald Trump lashed out at a surg­ing Ted Cruz in Iowa they were shocked. Many Republicans who were silent or cheer­ing Trump when he attacked Obama’s cit­i­zen­ship were up in arms against Trump while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly down­play­ing the ques­tions he raised about Ted Cruz’s Canadian birth and citizenship.

Ted Cruz did not renounce his Canadian cit­i­zen­ship until it was expe­di­ent for him to do so.
Every Republican inter­viewed on the issue hur­ries to brush the issue aside claim­ing there is noth­ing there despite the fact that Ted Cruz was born in Canada.
How is it a non-issue when he was born in a for­eign coun­try but the guy who was born on American soil was ques­tioned until he self verified?

Ted Cruz
Ted Cruz

No Republican believes the birther issue has mer­it after Trump stepped up his attacks on Cruz after his Iowa defeat.
What a dif­fer­ence Party and col­or makes in America?
Despite attempts to brush the birther issue under the car­pet it is by no means a set­tled issue because the courts have not ruled on it .

Cruz’s own for­mer Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe calls Cruz a “fair weath­er orig­i­nal­ist” and accused him of “con­sti­tu­tion­al hypocrisy,”.
Speaking of Cruz to CNN Laurence Tribe said “Ironically, the kind of jus­tices he says he wants are the ones that say he’s not eli­gi­ble to run for pres­i­dent,” Tribe argued. “This is impor­tant because the way this guy plays fast and loose with the Constitution, he’s a fair weath­er orig­i­nal­ist.”
Professor Tribe a con­sti­tu­tion­al law pro­fes­sor at Harvard stu­dents include President Barack Obama, Supreme Court Chief Justices John Roberts and Associate Justice Elena Kagan.

The com­ments were so riv­et­ing and illu­mi­nat­ing of Cruz’s hypocrisy that his cam­paign refused to respond, hop­ing it would blow over..
These are seri­ous issues the so-called main-stream media should be address­ing, yet they just left it there in true CNN fash­ion and allowed the issue to go away.

Even though the Supreme Court has­n’t ruled on Cruz’s eli­gi­bil­i­ty to be pres­i­dent of the United States Republicans who nev­er miss an oppor­tu­ni­ty to wrap them­selves in the Flag and pro­claim their love for the con­sti­tu­tion has no prob­lem with Cruz.
Conversely Barack Obama an American born Black man was harangued and exco­ri­at­ed until he had to pro­duce his papers.….
America has a very long way to go despite the rhetoric.….….….
