Rubio : Dangerously Divisive..


As divi­sive and dan­ger­ous as the Republican field of pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates are, the most vir­u­lent­ly divi­sive , dan­ger­ous and dis­re­spect­ful is the Hispanic Marco Rubio(R‑Fla)>
Just recent­ly Former Florida Jed Bush blast­ed Rubio as hav­ing accom­plished noth­ing except for his per­son­al agen­da. It may be argued that those are com­ments from a rival who is strug­gling for trac­tion. That would be a legit­i­mate state­ment to make but it does­n’t make the state­ment any less true.
Former Pennsylvania Senator and peren­ni­al pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Rick Santorum who on Thursday dropped out of the 2016 race and endorsed Rubio could not name any­thing Rubio had accom­plished leg­isla­tive­ly when pressed by Joe Scarborough.
New Jersey Governor and fel­low can­di­date Chis Christie blast­ed Rubio label­ing him “the boy in the bub­ble’ who is script­ed and says what his han­dlers want him to say with­out respond­ing substantively.

Set aside the obvi­ous dis­dain Rubio’s con­tem­po­raries have for him. Rubio has man­aged to be ultra dis­re­spect­ful to President Barack Obama over and above what is expect­ed from dif­fer­ences over pol­i­cy directions.
His com­ments regard­ing the President has been some of the most caus­tic and deroga­to­ry than many who are opposed to the pres­i­dent on racial grounds.
Marco Rubio who arrived on the National stage with T‑Party sup­port, brings the same ran­cid dem­a­goguery Sarah Palin T‑Party dar­ling and oth­er right-wink kooks bring.
Nothing seem to be out of the realm of what Rubio won’t say about the president.
It was how­ev­er a huge sur­prise when Marco Rubio stat­ed that “President Obama has no class”.
President Obama now on the last quar­ter of his sec­ond term has had a scan­dal-free Presidency, some­thing no President in recent his­to­ry except Jimmy Carter can lay claim to.
President Obama and his fam­i­ly have been a mod­el of” class, dig­ni­ty and deco­rum” . No President in American his­to­ry have upheld the dig­ni­ty of the Presidency to a greater extent than Barack Hussein Obama has.
Those are crit­i­cal val­ues the inso­lent lit­tle boy in the bub­ble would be well advised to learn.

Rubio who gen­er­al­ly sport a ridicu­lous grin can eas­i­ly fool a crowd regard­ing his dis­re­spect­ful and arro­gant nature.
In a vis­it to the Islamic Society of Baltimore, his first to a mosque in the United States as pres­i­dent, Mr. Obama recit­ed phras­es from the Quran and praised American Muslims as a cru­cial part of America’s his­to­ry and vital to the nation’s future. The President’s vis­it was viewed as a push-back against recent anti-Muslim rhetoric large­ly com­ing from the polit­i­cal right.
Ever the oppor­tunist Marco Rubio was quick to assail the President while speak­ing to FOX mis­in­for­ma­tion quote”

It’s not about clos­ing down mosques. It’s about clos­ing down any place — whether it’s a café, a din­er, an inter­net site — any place where rad­i­cals are being inspired. The big­ger prob­lem we have is our inabil­i­ty to find out where these places are, because we’ve crip­pled our intel­li­gence pro­grams, both through unau­tho­rized dis­clo­sures by a trai­tor in Edward Snowden, or by some of the things this pres­i­dent has put in place with the sup­port even of some from my own par­ty to dimin­ish our intel­li­gence capa­bil­i­ties;So what­ev­er facil­i­ty is being used — it’s not just a mosque — any facil­i­ty that’s being used to rad­i­cal­ize and inspire attacks against the United States should be a place that we look at.”

I nev­er had any use for this guy, I always had a dim view of both he and Ted Cruz, two Hispanics who seem to suf­fer from a lack of racial identity.
It is rather strange that Rubio and Cruz the two Hispanics in the Republican race, seem to be vying to see who can be the most anti-immi­grant, par­tic­u­lar­ly when Hispanics make up the largest group of un-doc­u­ment­ed peo­ple liv­ing in the coun­try or try­ing to get into the coun­try for that matter..
What if the peo­ple who gov­erned before took the stance of Rubio and Cruz, where would these two be?
If fact their stat­ed Hero Ronald Reagan who grant­ed Amnesty to many would not be eli­gi­ble for today’s Republican party.
This is what makes Rubio and Cruz too mon­u­men­tal frauds.
Thursday’s Huffington Post called out Rubio for lying that President Obama is divisive.
In a blar­ing head­line titled :” DANGEROUSLY DIVISIVE”, the pub­li­ca­tion peeled back the fake lay­er of fraud dis­guised with a smile and laid bare Rubio’s fraud­u­lent bravado.
“Marco Rubio, who often advo­cates for reli­gious lib­er­ty and speaks of his faith on the cam­paign trail, is the one engag­ing in divi­sive rhetoric”.
Finally some light is being shone on this fraud and a phony.
