Where Does The JLP Go If It Loses On Feb 25th.….….….….



I shud­der to think through this ques­tion but it’s a ques­tion that needs ask­ing and even though many of my friends may be mad at me I have decid­ed to ask it anyway.
What hap­pens on February 25th if the Simpson Miller PNP is returned to power?
How would the JLP present itself going forward?
Would it con­clude that the Jamaican peo­ple are unwill­ing to make the nec­es­sary adjust­ments from a depen­dent elec­torate to one which embraces the excit­ing chal­lenges of a free peo­ple teth­ered to the con­cept of the free market?
Does it low­er it’s col­lec­tive head in defeat , giv­ing in to the nar­ra­tive that Jamaica is PNP Country?
Does a defeat­ed JLP con­clude that the Jamaican elec­torate is too far gone to be re-rout­ed in its’ thinking?
Does the JLP look at itself and try to fig­ure out how come it has failed to com­mu­ni­cate it’s mes­sage of pros­per­i­ty to a Generation weaned on the belief that Government is it’s benefactor?

All of these are crit­i­cal ques­tions to con­sid­er in under­stand­ing why a failed Administration would have been seen as a bet­ter alter­na­tive to the par­ty of pros­per­i­ty and growth?
What would the JLP do in it’s role as Constitutional oppo­si­tion, after all 5 years is a very long time?
Does the Party give up on the people ?
Does the par­ty con­clude that the elec­torate is sim­ply not sophis­ti­cat­ed enough to under­stand what’s best for it ?
Or does it throw out the play-book and dive in as the PNP has done, to hell with a growth agen­da, lets win elections?
It’s impor­tant that these issue are giv­en sound con­sid­er­a­tion by the par­ty after all in a Democracy par­ties may be pow­er­ful but come elec­tion day the peo­ple hold the power.
Let’s chew on these pos­si­bil­i­ties and pon­der the con­se­quences when we talk about the two par­ties are the same or I’m not voting.
If you think Jamaica is trans­formed now allow the PNP to have anoth­er 5 years and you can kiss the coun­try we all know and love goodbye.


Nothing hap­pens in a vac­u­um in American pol­i­tics there is always an under­ly­ing sto­ry , some motive under­neath what meets the eyes.
That cer­tain­ly per­tain to the Political Primaries of both polit­i­cal Parties.
Search as I might I have not found a plau­si­ble rea­son behind Iowa a deep rur­al farm state of 3,107,126 and New Hampshire a New England state with a pop­u­la­tion of 1,326,813 get­ting to go first in select­ing American Presidents.
Additionally it’s then on to Nevada , South Carolina and Alabama ?
I won­dered why large pop­u­lous States like California, New York, Ohio, New Jersey, and even Florida which has large mixed pop­u­la­tions does­n’t get first dibs.
Just won­der­ing whether, even as we cham­pi­on the genius of the American polit­i­cal sys­tem, we real­ize the sys­tem was rigged from the start to ensure that states with large­ly homo­ge­neous white pop­u­la­tions gets to sieve through or weed out whom they don’t want , in many cas­es decid­ing the nom­i­nee through resources or the lack there­of and per­cep­tions before the large pop­u­lous states with “those oth­er peo­ple” get to have a say. ?

Just ask­ing ?
