The People Aren’t Angry ‚Republicans Mad At Obama’s Accomplishments.…


As part of the large group of ana­lysts on CNN Tuesday night dis­sect­ing the results of the New Hampshire pri­maries , Philadelphia Democratic Mayor Micheal Nutter repeat­ed the lie “peo­ple are angry” , over and over again.
It was some­what shock­ing to see an elect­ed Democratic offi­cial sit­ting in a tele­vi­sion stu­dio regur­gi­tat­ing the garbage fed him and the rest of us by the very same net­work and oth­ers like it.

People are angry , peo­ple are angry, that’s the media nar­ra­tive of course that goes down pret­ty well with Donald Trumps cam­paign slo­gan of “Let’s make America great again”
Let’s make America great again is an exten­sion of “Let’s take back our Country”.
It’s unclear whether Americans are aware just how the media to which they look for infor­ma­tion is deceiv­ing them? As we pon­der this ques­tion it’s impor­tant to under­stand the fact that what we call the main-stream-media is actu­al­ly a well put togeth­er net­work of pro­pa­gan­da organs owned and oper­at­ed by the rich­est peo­ple in the world.

It’s no won­der that for the most part sub­stan­tive issues are cast to the side while fluff and incon­se­quen­tial issues are front and cen­ter . That’s what the cor­po­rate shills want you to con­sume while they move their agenda.
How do you explain the rise of social media as the enti­ty to which more and more peo­ple, par­tic­u­lar­ly younger peo­ple are look­ing to for their information?
Does any­one believe Donald Trump was a seri­ous can­di­date for President of the United States before the media recy­cled and cir­cu­lat­ed him over and over , foist­ing him onto the con­scious­ness of gullible voters?

Mayor Nutter
Mayor Nutter

It is said if you spin a lie enough times it even­tu­al­ly becomes truth. Republicans run­ning for office over the last sev­er­al cycles have mas­tered the art of lying over and again until the lies become truth. What is astound­ing is when those who posi­tion them­selves as lead­ers with­in the Democratic par­ty actu­al­ly accept the lies and end up repeat­ing them. The notion that peo­ple are angry is a Republican lie cir­cu­lat­ed by a com­plic­it media to gin up anger and rat­ings for the media and pas­sion for the repub­li­cans, which they hope will nul­li­fy Obama’s accomplishments.

So lets quick­ly see whether there is any legit­i­ma­cy to this narrative.
Under Barack Obama over 9 mil­lion jobs cre­at­ed, as against 800 thou­sand jobs being lost each month under Bush.
Vice President Biden in 2008 said ‚“In the last six months of the Bush admin­is­tra­tion, we lost 3.5 mil­lion jobs,” . “As a mat­ter of fact, on that mag­nif­i­cent day … when we were sworn in, before I low­ered my hand that day after tak­ing the oath … we’d already lost over 760,000 jobs that month.”
A politi­co fact check bore out the Vice President’s claims.

Gas was $5 per gal­lon, today gas is less than $2 per gallon.
President Obama did not only save the Auto indus­try he made it stronger than ever.
He restored America’s image abroad.
There were two active wars with no end in sight, today the world con­tin­ue to be a chal­leng­ing place but Obama did not start any new wars.
The econ­o­my implod­ed by the time Obama took office, today the American econ­o­my cre­ates hun­dreds of thou­sands of jobs every month since he took office.
The Housing mar­ket has regained sig­nif­i­cant por­tions of what it lost after the melt-down.
The afford­able Care Act brought health care to mil­lions some­thing sev­er­al pres­i­dents who pre­ced­ed Obama was unable to do.
Wall street has come roar­ing back , with both the Nasdaq and the stock exchange reg­is­ter­ing phe­nom­e­nal gains.

I could go on and on but you get the picture.
So to Mayor Nutter and oth­ers, before you par­rot Republican/​media talk­ing points step back and eval­u­ate your state­ments before you become a mouth­piece of deception.
Barack Obama accom­plished every­thing he did against the great­est intran­si­gence and obstruc­tion any pres­i­dent has every had to con­tend with.
People are not angry, Republicans are mad that Barack Obama is a suc­cess­ful two-term President despite their best efforts at obstruc­tion, pro­pa­gan­da and smear.
